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Early Childhood Edu

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     I believe that as we grow older, wiser, and become more acknowledgeable of are environment, we lose and forget the most important part of ourselves.  We lose are inner child.  I believe that are inner child keeps us alive longer as well as more entertained.  If one thinks about it, as a kid you could fly to the moon, dive to the ocean, and one imagination you could not believe.  My mom has not lost her child and she has shown me ways that I have my lost mine.  So I think that everyone who is reading this should reconnect their selves with their inner child.  Your life will be so much better and you may also be happier.




Sites for ECE information:


bulletStages of 3 year olds

bulletStages of 4 year olds



bulletPreschool 2







When you look to the past for life's long hidden meaning
When you look to the past for the dreams and the plans made in your youth Does the thrill to achieve match the warm hidden feeling
That lies so still and lives in you
In the eyes of a child there is joy, there is laughter
There is hope, there is trust, a chance to shape the future
For the lessons of life there is no better teacher
Than the look in the eyes of a child
You've found the place to walk the path you've chosen
You'll never miss the world you left behind
When life gives life, it's happiness unbroken
When you give love, it's love you'll find..."



What All Children want their Parents to Know

Teach me to love and care for myself
Through your positive example.
I will learn much more from what you do
Than from anything you could say.

Notice me often,
And take joy in my very existence,
So that I grow up to feel special
And know that I am loved.

Listen to me
With and open ear and a loving heart,
So that I learn to understand my feelings
and trust that my needs will be heard.

Play with me often.
Let down your guard and be more carefree.
The memories will last long,
And our connection ever longer.

Focus on what I'm doing right,
And tell me when you appreciate me,
So that I learn to feel worthy
And motivated to do even more.

Tell me more about your life,
Your hopes, dreams, and successes,
So that I come to know you as a person
And can call you a friend
as well as my parent.

