About Me!
Hmm, 'About Me'~where do I start?! Well, I have loved horses all my life. I think the first time I became horsey hooked was in 1993. It was right after our house had burned two weeks before Christmas. It was devestating-everything was destroyed, we literally had nothing but the clothes we had on. That Christmas my grandmother gave me a big square box, yes you can see where this is leading(!), it was my first Breyer and really my only possesion after the fire. This beautiful breyer was the 1993 LE Figur Cacador-still have him today!
Anyhow, to make a long story short, things just blossomed from there. I began to get serious in the wide world of Model Horses when I was able to purchase my first Custom(with the help of my grandmother-she is so special to me!). It took months and months of searching for that 'perfect model', since the horses were so expensive, I took my time to choose that special 'one'. I found her on DeeAnn's site in the summer of 1998-she was absolutely gorgeous, I had never seen a model with such expression! It took a lot of coaxing to let DeeAnn sell her to me as she was apart of DeeAnn's showstring-but she did and so began my 'addiction'. Since then I have owned over a hundred CMs and Resins, have won many Photo and Live Show Championships and attained NAN cards in Halter and Performance classes.:-) So, after four years of collecting I needed something a little different and new, I quickly decided to try my hand at painting! Wow, boy did I get myself into something even more addicting(lol). I have found that Micro Minis fit my painting skills better than anything else and they are most definately the funnest to do! I look forward to the years to come improving and promoting the Micro Mini scaled model horse.
I want to Thank so many people who have helped me out over the years, there are so many I cannot name everyone.:-) I do want to thank God for all he has done in my life and will continue to do, I love the Lord and he has blessed my family so much! I also want to mention how much support my younger sister has given me, she is as much into the hobby as I am and if it wasn't for her I'm sure I wouldn't have ever stayed in the hobby~Love You Lauren!
May God Bless!
~Lindsey King~
Silver Starr Farms