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01EVERYBODY!!!! I just found out that another shooting has been blamed on 'the music'. I'm discusted. If someone blamed one of my songs for something like this i would be outraged. "Excuse me but your song "Suicidal" made my son commit suicide". Bullshit! I ain't tellin no one to do nothin. Hoe can people let music get blamed. In this instance Linkin Park has been blamed. Last time it was Marilyn Manson. If a Mariah Carey fan went ballistic and shot some people would she get blamed? NO! How about we treat each with kindness instead of hurting eachother. How about parents spend time with their kids. How about we prevent kids from getting access to guns and other weapons. How about we listen to the signs of depression etc. and not ignore them or pretend they'll go away.................... If someone is hurting...tell someone, talk to them don't just tell them it doesn't matter or worse do not just push them into the nearest wall and tell them they are a wuss. Everybody hurts, it is not the music its is society. It is the people who don't listen, it is the people that torment each other in the school yard. These are the peoplke who need to be blamed. For all humanity don't blame the music. For once look at yourselves. - meg March 21/01