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Chapter Sixteen

Face had already had a bit to drink before he even left the base to follow Cruiser and Murdock into Saigon. He needed to cool his head, and he knew it. It had taken very little prodding to get him to come along. Even Hannibal had been more than amenable to the excursion. He'd given them three days. It would be more than enough time.

He didn't know, nor did he care, which bar they would end up in tonight. It was enough for him that his mood had improved – drastically – since he'd started drinking. Part of that probably had to do with the fact that there were two happy people with him. Failed mission or not, they had three days of freedom.

They headed for the French district. Face kept his attention on his feet, one in front of the other, careful not to let anyone know he was drunk. He smiled at the sheer amount of effort it took. This was going to be one hell of a night, and it had barely even started.

"Any ideas, guys?" Cruiser asked, clapping them both on the back.

Face glanced up, carefully, so as not to lose his balance. He was pleased to find that it wasn't excruciatingly difficult. "We can go find Pam and Kim," he suggested. "I'm sure they've got a friend or two who can keep us all very busy."

Cruiser leered openly at that idea. "Fuck that."

Murdock grinned. "Those aren't the same two girls who almost got you arrested last time, are they?"

Face chuckled, but it was Cruiser who answered. "You're gonna have to be more specific, Murdock."

Murdock's eyes widened. "Exactly how many times…"

He trailed off, shaking his head, and Cruiser let out a wicked laugh. "That would be telling."

"Never mind. I don't think I really want to know."

"We should go to Bangkok." Face wasn't aware that he was speaking until the words were out. He reflected on them with amusement. "I haven't been there in forever." Actually, it had only been a few months. But a few months was an eternity out here.

"Let's do it," Cruiser agreed. No hesitation there.

"Got a chopper up yer sleeve, Face?" Murdock asked with a grin. "Or a plane?"

What had been a thoughtless musing turned more interesting as Face considered that question.

"He's talented, but…" Cruiser was watching him with a challenging glint in his eye. "That might be pushing it."

"I could get a chopper," Face said confidently. He raised a brow at Murdock. "You sober enough to fly? I do not need to be explaining to Hannibal how we crashed on the way to Bangkok when our passes were for Saigon."

"Sober enough to fly and just buzzed enough to do it."

Cruiser laughed gleefully. "Perfect!" He threw back the bottle, then held it out for Face and Murdock if either of them wanted it.

Face ignored it, but Murdock eyed it warily. "I'd better wait until I see what Face can get," he said. "Gotta be a little more sober with a chopper. All that extra coordination."

Cruiser smirked. "If Face can get anything."

The gears were already turning in Face's mind. He smiled wickedly. "Give me," he considered the magnitude of the challenge, "fifteen minutes in the GHQ building."


It took Face a little longer than fifteen minutes. It was closer to thirty when he re-emerged with orders for a transport to Bangkok and handed them to Murdock. "Here ya go."

Cruiser raised the bottle to Face. "Never had a doubt, Lieutenant."

"Gentlemen," Murdock announced, "your ride to Bangkok awaits."

Face smirked. He was thoroughly pleased with himself. "The tricky part is getting them to not call to verify the orders."

Cruiser laughed. "You offer to take her out for a night on the town?"

Face only smiled and shrugged. Then he grabbed the bottle from Cruiser and took a drink - a little longer than he probably should've. He almost choked.

"What'd she look like?" Murdock joined in.

"Brunette, about 5'6, D cup. Not bad on the eyes, by any stretch of the imagination."

Cruiser laughed. "I think he should get points deducted if he gets a date out of the deal."

"Yeah, for technical merit." Murdock smiled as he located the chopper listed on the orders. "But you have to give him extra for style."

"So call this an even seven on the ten scale?" Cruiser suggested.

"Hey, I got us a ride, didn't I?" Face was still grinning. "And a clean trail behind us too. As long as we don't get arrested, Hannibal never even has to know."

Cruiser snickered. "Always a catch."

"Hey, I'm a con artist, not a magician. You get arrested, you get to work your own damn way out of the handcuffs."

"Yeah, 'cause I'll be the only one with that problem," Cruiser retorted, dripping sarcasm.

"Out of curiosity," Murdock paused to verify the numbers on the chopper, then began his external pre-flight, "how often do you guys manage to go out and not get arrested?"

Cruiser and Face exchanged glances, and simply laughed.


It wasn't a particularly long ride from Saigon to Bangkok, and made much more enjoyable by the liquor that was flowing. Another twenty minutes of post-flight check and figuring out where to find the guys who were waiting for whatever the hell it was in the back of that chopper, and the three runaways slipped off the base as quickly and quietly as possible so as not to attract any unnecessary attention to themselves.

"Ah, Bangkok..." Face breathed deep and smiled. "This place just smells like sex. And various other... forms of fun and amusement."

"I'm real tired of being sober," Murdock announced. "Anything left in that bottle?"

Cruiser handed the bottle over to Murdock in a very uncoordinated fashion. It was probably better that he give it a rest for a bit. "Ah, the possibilities."

Face was grinning from ear to ear as he looked around the street with a contented sigh. "I forgot how much I love this place."

"Best place on earth," Cruiser said. "If you ever don't know where to find me, look for me right here."

Face grinned. "I'll keep it in mind."

Past the women who congregated outside the doors of the buildings with different colored shades - each color specifically hung to designate what kind of sex could be bought in each building. It wasn't a question that sex could be bought in any one of the buildings. Just a matter of with whom.

"Greatest shopping mall in the world," Cruiser mused.

"Hey, Cruiser, where's that bar with the balcony, overhanging second story thing?" The description was suffering from the effects of the alcohol about as much as his articulation. "That's around here, ain't it?"

Cruiser thought for a moment, tried to orient himself. He knew exactly which bar Face was talking about. It was his favorite. He and a number of other rowdy green berets had turned it into more or less a tourist trap with their antics, years before. As soldiers came and left, they still joined in – to this day.

"It's three or four blocks that-a-way," Cruiser gestured.


Cruiser lit a cigarette as the three of them headed in a "that-a-way" direction, down the street and past a few GIs and at least another two dozen whores until they reached the doorway of the bar. He could feel the smile on his face as he stepped in through the door. The place was packed. American soldiers on R&R, working girls, most all of them drunk. There was music - loud music. There was sex in the booths. There was dim lighting and a dance floor crammed full of drunks. Damn, it was good to be back.

Cruiser pushed his way past a bunch of people, his balance and coordination not helping. At the bar, he flagged down the tender and requested a bottle of tequila and three glasses. Tequila shots sounded like a hell of a way to start off this night.

Murdock paid for the bottle when it arrived. Cruiser grabbed it and shoved the glasses in the direction and Face and Murdock. Then he opened the bottle up and poured them all shots, taking an extra swig off the bottle for good measure before setting it down on the table.

Face smiled as he took the glass and raised it. "To escape. Even if it's only for a night."

"To escape."


All three of them threw back, and Murdock made a face that only cheap tequila could produce. With a hacking cough, he sputtered, "Good stuff."

Cruiser laughed. "I think that means you need more."

Murdock paused briefly, eyeing the bottle. "When we're done, we can use what's left as paint remover."

Cruiser shook his head at that. "There won't be any left."

"Oh, it's gonna be one of those nights." Murdock laughed. "Better pour me another, then."

Cruiser grabbed the bottle again, refilling the glasses. He spilled more onto the table than into the shots. He shook his head at the mess, and glanced up at Face. The lieutenant was scanning for exits. Had they been on the other side of the border, Cruiser would've been doing the same thing. But there weren't too many people around here who wanted to blow up American establishments. The soldiers had brought business to this place. The community wanted them here.

Cruiser smacked his hand against Face's shoulder, bringing his focus back to the alcohol. "Ease up, man."

Face drank, and shoved the glass back towards Cruiser with a smile. "I'm eased."

Cruiser laughed. He left the bottle on the table, sure that either of the other two could make a more successful effort at pouring, and looked around the room, eyeing the working girls who were making their rounds. It didn't take them long to descend on the three soldiers sitting around the table. Potential clients were simply not ignored.

"Aww… you GI? You look lonely."

Cruiser spotted a petite girl dressed in a short skirt and a low cut top, walking towards him. He put a hand out, catching the upper part of her inner thigh, and turned in his chair. As she stopped, he looked up, trying to focus his eyes a bit more. It wasn't working so well. "Hey, honey."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Murdock stand with the girl who was hanging on his neck and lead her to the dance floor. Cruiser lost track of him immediately. Right now, he couldn't care less what Murdock found to keep himself busy. He had other things on his mind.

He pulled the girl so hard she almost stumbled, guiding her to stand between his knees. His fingers slid up the inside of her thigh until he touched fine hairs. No panties. He smirked. Nice. "You're too cute to let walk by, sweetie."

Face cleared his throat noticeably, and Cruiser threw a glance at him. It took him a moment to figure out what Face was indicating with his nod – a gorilla of a man who did not look happy with him, and had only another two or three steps to go before he reached him. Cruiser licked his lips, subconsciously. Oh good. He needed to blow off a little steam.

The man - who had a good fifty pounds and two inches on Cruiser - stopped just a few feet away and grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her out of Cruiser's reach. "Hey man, back off."

It wasn't friendly, but it wasn't much of a threat, either. He was testing the waters to see if Cruiser would step up. Cruiser smiled inwardly, immediately rising to his feet. Hell yes, he would step up. He leered at the man, and held up the fingers that had just been inside the girl. "You should thank me, bro. I just cleared her."

The man shoved the girl behind him, closing the gap between the two of them. "I wasn't looking for help, you fucking pogue."

Cruisers grin turned wicked as the man intruded on his space, and he wiped his fingers over the man's shirt. "You can have her back."

The instant he made contact, he was stumbling back, shoved by two hands on his shoulders. He made it a few steps, then crashed through the table that Face was still sitting at. The lieutenant didn't even look up from where he was kissing his girl's neck. "Lemme know if you need a hand, Cruiser…"

Cruiser shook his head at the change in altitude and fumbled his way back up to his feet. "Don't worry your pretty little head, LT."

"Mmm hmm…"

The man was standing still, watching to see if the challenge would be answered. Cruiser found his balance and ran at him, his shoulder catching the guy in the gut. He pushed him back, his hands finding the guys knees, and he lifted up. It took way more effort than it should have any other time. But he was drunk. Dizzy. Disoriented.

The adrenaline helped to alleviate some of that as they landed hard on the floor. Cruiser tried to base out, give himself a moment to get his bearings again. Perhaps tequila shots weren't such a good idea. At least not so many of them.

Fuck. He lost his position and suddenly he was on his back with the larger man pinning him down. "I'm gonna kick your sorry, worthless, no good –"

Cruiser growled, reaching up to grab the man's neck. "Shut up and fight, you fucking pussy!"

The man needed no further encouragement. As he brought his fist down onto Cruiser's face, the brief thought crossed his mind – that antagonizing him might not have been the smartest thing he could've done under the circumstances. A low expletive, and Cruiser wrapped his arms around the gorilla's biceps. He pulled himself up – hard – head-butting the guy square in the nose. In the moment of surprise, Cruiser swept the guys leg and put all of his weight into shoving the guy onto his back again. This time, he straddled him, high on the guy's chest so he couldn't buck him off.

Fist tightly clenched, he returned the punch to the face. "That'll be a twenty dollar service fee, you fucking jar head."

Cruiser blocked a returning blow aimed at his head, only to take a sharp hook to the ribs. He rolled off of the guy back – towards Face, just in case he needed the help. The alcohol was in full effect, and he wasn't doing too great here. He braced his ribs with his elbows for a moment and got up just in time to have the larger man grab the front of his shirt.

"Hey, uh, Cruiser?"

Face's voice – casual and disinterested in the fight that was going on right beside him – was lost in the angry growl from the man who suddenly had Cruiser pinned to the wall. "You got a mouth that needs shutting, boy!"

"Are you going to be much longer?" Face asked calmly. Out of the corner of his eye, Cruiser saw him stroke the side of the girl's face. "I think I'm about ready to get out of here."

Cruiser grabbed the guy's shirt, more for balance than anything. He grinned at Face's question, never taking his eyes off of the threat directly in front of him. "You wanna try reasoning with this meathead?"

Cruiser saw Face smile at the woman on his lap, leaning in to kiss just below her ear. "'Scuse me for a minute. I have to go 'reason'."

The gorilla strong-armed Cruiser, and pulled his other fist back. Cruiser gave one last vain attempt to jab at his ribs, then grabbed the hand that was buried in his shirt with both of his. As Face calmly set the girl aside, stood to his feet, and reached under his shirt, Cruiser braced his back against the wall, picked up his foot and planted it in the guy's knee. That man didn't even stumble.

When Face withdrew his hand again, he was wearing brass knuckles. He tapped the man's shoulder, and raised his other fist, making sure the guy saw very clearly that it was not a bare fist. He didn't strike, just took a step back and hung there for a moment, just out of range.

"Look," Face said, exceedingly calm, patronizing, and patient. "We can keep going with this. But frankly, I've got other things on my mind at the moment and I really don't want to get blood all over my clothes. So why don't you just grab your girlfriend," Face gestured to the girl they were fighting over in the first place, "and take her somewhere nice." His other hand went to his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill - American money. "There's a room right across the street. It's on me, man."

Cruiser waited. The man seemed to debate a minute before letting Cruiser go with a hard shove and grabbing the cash from Face. He turned back to glare at Cruiser, and Cruiser returned a smile. "Next time, your friend here isn't going to be so convincing."

Without another word, he was gone. Cruiser relaxed against the wall, and smiled at Face. "I think I could have handled that on my own, if you hadn't been so impatient."

Face chuckled. "Of course you could've."

It wasn't clear if that was sarcasm or not. Butone way or another, it was patronizing. Cruiser chuckled, and bent down to sift through the rubble that was once a table. He came back up smiling, with the tequila bottle in hand. He took the top off again and took another swig off of the bottle.

Face had returned to his girl. "You strong GI. Good fighter. I love you too much."

Face chuckled. "Uh huh."

Without another word, Cruiser grabbed the arm of the nearest girl and pulled her in. "You available?"

She looked back at him and smiled.

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