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Cottage Trip with Honest Lawyer

The Honest Lawyer crew went up to Christina's Cottage in Orillia on August 7th
and then some of us went to Wasaga on the 8th which is where I got burnt to a crisp. Yarr.
Good times to be had by all. Click to check out the photos.

Steph in the car ride there. We almost died like 3 times with Matt's driving skills. haha

Kelvin was not ready for this shot

Matt driving

Eileen with some screwed up hair

At Christina's Cottage, Matt and Greg

Drew took off with the seadoo and didn't return for a while. There he is!

Craig and Kelvin playing football

Christina mowing the law, she looks so cute! hahaha

Playing football

Matt, Craig, Greg and Kelvin on the dock

Finally I get a turn on the seadoo with Drew.

Drew and I after falling off into the water.

Kelvin and Drew

With Kelvin standing on the back, the balance wasn't all that great.

Haha. Falling again, got in action.

A blurry Craig

A blurry Kelvin

Blurry Drew, Eileen, Kelvin and Steph

Hands in plan view, Greg and Eileen.

Drew, Chris and Matt

Steph looking all hot and bronzed

Kelvin ready to go tubing

Kelvin hanging on for dear life

Eileen tubing

Eileen screaming

When you sit like this, it's a piece of cake.

Drew showing Kelvin and Steph how to work the seadoo.

Matt tubing

The girls get a turn and we flew!

Christina showing us her great tubing skills

She did eventually fall off

Kelvin and Michelle, how cute!

The next morning, taking a bath in the lake

Doing some side duties, haha oh man!

Mike, Michelle's brother.

hahaha, Mike again.

We went to Wasaga Beach, here's Kelvin throwing a football.

Close up

Eileen and Steph

Mike on the Beach

Michelle and Steph sunbathing, what's so funny Michelle?


Kelvin and Eileen

Matt and Kelvin

The Beach Crew

My Pool

These pics aren't from this trip. They are earlier in my pool. Kelvin, Eileen and Matt

Eating, haha

The Pool