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Holidays at the Honest Lawyer

It's holiday season and of course Honest Lawyer is festive as always. Meagan, I'm stealing your quote: "Whatever happened to 'home for the holidays'? More like 'Honest Lawyer for the holidays!'" I'm going to be posting some pictures throughout the break so keep coming back!
*hugs and kisses*

More Christmas photos of HL - Christmas Eve

More Christmas photos of HL - Christmas Day

Boxing Day

Kelvin's home!

Christina, Kelvin and Eileen

This a cute pic of our bud girls

Ghetto bootay!

Noah! I had no idea! haha

Trying to take a nice picture, Craig ruined it!

Attempt number 2 - Nicole and Drew

My camera sucks and didn't take the whole photo

Noah close up, AKA "Mouldy head" -said by T-

Noah licking - my fav.

That's all I got for now but no worries, there will be more. I apologise for any crappy ass photos or the blurriness because my camera is broken. :( Hopefully Santa will be nice to me this year! Cheers.