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Honest Lawyer Picture Page 2

Okay, you've all been waiting patiently for these. And I know half the stuff on my website probably makes no sense to most of you. But hopefully these pictures will, except for Gillian who probably won't remember taking half these pictures. hahaha. Check em out.

Christina in action. She was surprised after this shot! haha

Christina and Eileen

Ha ha, the crew. Most of us not ready (like Kelvin)

A better pose

Everyone looks drunk except for me! And it was probably true

What are you looking at Megan?

Drew's friend, Drew, Megan, Gillian and Eileen

The sister's reunited!! Eileen and Michelle

Marcus and Kelvin - Kelvin hard at work. (Note to NDC: look in back)

Brandon and Eileen's tonsils

Marcus and the look of Blue Steel or is it Magnum?

Some of the originals

Gillian and Danny - See! He was there that night!


Kelvin in the males bathroom, and Matt trying to get the girls to go in.

Eileen and Noah :)

Eileen, Noah and Michelle - close up!

Eileen, Tom and Michelle

Matt drinking his five Malibu Pineapples with a million straws

Marshall and Meghan, haha.

The Twins

Drew trying to seduce some random girl with a rose.

And she laughs at him! oh my.

Matt was pretty out of it

Tom and Kelvin cleaning hard

Tom and his "Sexy pose"

Pure ass shot

Christina doing the mopping

Meghan looking all cute

Marshall...looking all...cute

Matt...looking all drunk

Brandon practicing his bottle opening skills

Johnny gives the thumbs up to his amount of cash on the table

If you guys have msn or just want to email me, contact me at
Finnito, until next time.