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New Years 2004!!

New Years 2004 was spent at The Honest Lawyer. It wasn't very busy and I made no money but it was still fun. I always love dressing up and it was worth it! Here are the crazy photos.

Eileen getting ready at home - Where are my boobs?

Eileen and Renee - first ho picture of the night - check out the makeup styles

Eileen and Renee posing

Renee all dressed up in her 20's gear

Tanya not ready for this shot - it's all about the action shots

Eileen and Renee - Pretty in PINK!

Drew and Eileen - HOT photo

Brandon and Renee - cutest pretzels out there!

Gill, Eileen and Sarah - damn we look good!

Neal the 20's bartender

Gillian looking all cute

Jolene - also cute

Renee doing her "running with funny legs"

She caved and gave into the boots - for comfort!

Nicole laughing it up - probably at one of my hilarious jokes

Megan seems to think I'm funny as well - haha

Erin, Brenda and Kristy


I gave into the runners as well!

The gang

Ryan - hee hee

Gill and Eileen

Tanya popping balloons

Tanya posing for her boyfriend


Tanya and Kristy

OMG! Eily and Denee (ha!)

Eileen busts out the hat

Jolene and Eileen - it rhymes!

Brandon's hat is broken - it's INSANE!

Eileen and Neal

Eileen and Renee

Christina and Eileen

Renee is so hot right now!!!

Christina and Nicole

Pretty in Pink times three

hahaha - KAH-RAZY!

New years was pure jokes and I had a blast, thanks to everyone who made it special, especially all you Honest Lawyer peeps! YOU ROCK! Now let's get drunk! Cheers.
~ Eileen ~