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Descendants of John BRUSH of England (B: Abt. 1600 - D: Unknown)


61. Israel BRUSH

2  DATE MAR 1779
2  PLAC Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey
2  SOUR S07120
1  _MILT
2  DATE BET 23 AND 31 OCT 1777
2  PLAC Cpt. William Tucker's Hopewell Com.
1  _MILT
2  PLAC of the 1st Hunterdon County militia
1  _MILT
2  DATE 28 MAY 1778
2  PLAC Enlisted - 9 mths - Private, Continental Line
1  _MILT
2  DATE 28 FEB 1779
2  PLAC Discharged at Hopewell (he was ill)

Estate Inventory1  _MDCL Fair complextion and grey eyes.

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Selected and Introduced by Henry B. Hoff; Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987; Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Pages 197 & 217-218; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.
Page 197
"Parentage established by town records."
Pages 217-218
"91.    Israel Brush (Timothy, Thomas, Thomas) born at Huntington, L. I. 10 Aug. 1730 (town recs.), baptised there 13 Sept. 1730, evidently did not accompany his brother Timothy to Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., N.J. for he was of Huntington on 17 Nov. 1752 when he sold his negro boy Jack Coper to Tredwell Brush.  huntinton town laid out sever parces of land to him at various dates, the last on 15 Apr. 1754.  He had removed to hopewell by 18 Sept. 1757 when his wife Taphath Brush joined the church there.  She was Taphath Sexton* of Hopewell baptized 12 Dec. 1736 at Huntington daughter of Charles Sexton and Sarah (Whitman) Brush.  When Charles Sexton, Esq. of Hopewell made his will 24 Jan. 1750/51 he named six married daughters among his children and daughter Taphath Sexton to whom he gave "on feather bed and bedding whereon she used to lye."
          Israel Brush had removed to Crum Elbow Precinct Dutchess Co. N.Y. by 1760 when he appears on the precinct tax list for the first time.  Thereafter until 1774 he appears consistently on tax lists for Charlotte, Amenia and North East Precincts; the changes probably were not due to removals on his part but to shipfts in civil boundaries.  pioneers of Old Hopewell by Ralph Ege places him in Dutchess County after the Revolution but as he died in Hopewell in 1779 the error is obvious.  He was an inn-keeper in Dutchess County.  Israel Brush returned to Hopewell early in the Revolution.  His name appears on a Company roll of militia exempts for Newburgh, Ulster Co. dated 23 Apr. 1779 but as he was dead on that date it is probable that this service should be credited to Israel Bush.  Stoutenburgh's History of Oysier Bay also lists Israel Brush in an Oyster Bay militia company (British service) which drew arms 22 Jan. 1777, but it is indicated elsewhere that Isaac Brush was the tory militiaman.  Records of the Adjutant-General's office, N.J. show that Israel Brush served from 23 Oct. 59 31 Oct. 1777 in Capt. William Tucker's Hopewell company of the First Hunterdon County militia, being mustered as "a substitute on duty".  On 28 May 1778 he enlisted for nine months, from the first Hunterdon militia, in Capt. John Polhemus' company of the First Regt. of the N. J. Line, Col. Matthias Ogden.  He was described as 51 years old, born on Long Island, five feet eleven inches, fair complexion, grey eyes.  He was ill at Elizabethtown, N.J. on 14 July 1778 and continued ill in hospital until 2 Feb. 1779 when he was reported ill at Hopewell and was discharged there 28 Feb. 1779 (Adj.-Gen. office, Washington).
       Taphath Brush on 5 Apr. 1779 was named by Surrogate Jared Sexton (her brother) administratrix of the estate of Israel Brush, deceased of Hopewell.  Nehemiah Sexton on the bond.  Witnesses:  Jared Sexton and Jerusha Smith.  Inventory by Aaron Runyand and Minne Gulick taken 2 Apr. 1779 shows and estate of Pounds 441:12:6 including cattle and household furnishings but no real estate.  Among assets was an order on the Treasurer of N.J. for Pounds 100 with interest at 6% dated 26 May 1778, evidently a bounty or a cash loan to the state.  Among other items were carpenter tools and two guns with bayonets.
          The widow Taphath Brush married 2nd, as his second wife, Capt. Timothy Titus of Hopewell, whose will dated 13 Jan. 1807, probated 4 Oct. 1808 mentions wife Tabbitha to whom he left considerable personal property and also Anna Brush (relationship unstated) to whom he gave a cow, a bed and $54.  Nehemiah Brush a witness."

Tapthath (Taphath Saxton) SEXTON

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Selected and Introduced by Henry B. Hoff; Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987; Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Pages 197 & 217-218; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.
          Taphath Brush joined the Church in Hopewell by 18 Sept. 1757.  "She was TAPHATH* SEXTON of Hopewell baptized 12 Dec. 1736 at Huntington - daughter of Charles Sexton and Sarah (Whitman) Brush.  When Charles Sexton, Esq. of Hopewell made his will 24 Jan. 1750/51 he named six married daughters among his children and daughter Taphath Sexton to whom he gave "on feather bed and bedding whereon she used to lye.
          Taphath Brush on 5 Apr. 1779 was named by Surrogate Jared Sexton (her brother) administratrix of the estate of Israel Brush, deceased of Hopewell.  Nehemiah Sexton on the bond.  Witnesses:  Jared Sexton and Jerusha Smith.  Inventory by Aaron Runyand and Minne Gulick taken 2 Apr. 1779 shows and estate of Pounds 441:12:6 including cattle and household furnishings but no real estate.  Among assets was an order on the Treasurer of N.J. for Pounds 100 with interest at 6% dated 26 May 1778, evidently a bounty or a cash loan to the state.  Among other items were carpenter tools and two guns with bayonets.
          The widow Taphath Brush married 2nd, as his second wife, Capt. Timothy Titus of Hopewell, whose will dated 13 Jan. 1807, probated 4 Oct. 1808 mentions wife Tabbitha to whom he left considerable personal property and also Anna Brush (relationship unstated) to whom he gave a cow, a bed and $54.  Nehemiah Brush a witness.
          *The name Taphath is a form of Tabitha.  A most unusual series of errors appear in print in connection with Taphath (Sexton) Brush.  New Jersey Wills (N.J. Archives) calls her Japhath in its abstract of Charles Sexton's will and lists her with Judge Sexton's sons.  The same authority in presenting the administration of Israel Brush's estate in 1779 states that Japheth Brush was named administrator.  The published copy of Records of Old Hopewell prints the name Japhath Brush in connection with the church membership mentioned above.  Japheth or Jephath is a Biblical male name.  A reading of the original records mentioned here shows that in each instance the name is Taphath and her own signature which appears twice in the probate records is a clear and well written Taphath.  Moreover the probate records contain so many supporting "hers" and the language so clearly indicates the name is that of a woman it is difficult to understand how the errors got into print.  It is frequently stated in print that Bathsheba Sexton married Israel Brush (Supplement to the Higgins Gen., and elsewhere) thought Charles Sexton's will shows his daughter Bathseba as wife of _______ Hill."

MY NOTE:  DAR Records spell her name Tapthath Saxton.  vlww

99. Isaac BRUSH

2  DATE 1759
2  PLAC Hopewell, Hunterton, N. J.
1  _MILT
2  PLAC Revolutionary War (Weissenfell's & Pawling's levies)

Possibly made a prisoner by British

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Selected and Introduced by Henry B. Hoff; Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987; Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Pages 218 & 266; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.

"247.  ISAAC BRUSH (Israel 4, Timothy 3, Thomas 1&2), born say 1759, probably in Dutchess Co. N.Y., is listed as a soldier in both Weissenfell's and Pawling's levies, which were organized late in the Revolution.  An undated roll lists Isaac Brush as a deserter from Major Elias Benachoten's batallion of Col. Willect's two and three year men.  This must have been a date after April 1781, when Benschoten joined Willett's new levies.  It seems probable that Brush had been made a prisoner by the British, for on a receipt roll for Weisenfell's levies dated 6 Mar. 1787 credit of L21:13:8 given to Isaac Brush had been assigned to Consider Sturdivant.  On 20 Dec. 1792 Isaac Brush of Maiden Head (Lawrenceville) Hunterdon Co., N. J., gave a mortgage for his house and five acre lot to Joseph Story of Windosr, Middlesex Co., N. J.  No further record found.  He may have removed to Irville, Muskingum Co., Ohio.  Records there have not been searched.
         Authorities:  21, 52, 53.
Page 193
21.  N. Y. in Rev.

Page 216
52.  Hunterdon County, N. J. Land Records (unpublished)
53.  Unpublished Records in Sec'y of State's office, Trenton, N. J."

Source Information:  found 29 January 2003 by vlww
Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - Births [database online] Provo, UT:, 2001.
Brush, Isaac   
  Father: Brush, Israel       Mother: None listed
  Birth Date: 1759       City: Hopewell
  County: Hunterdon      State: NJ
  Country: USA

1820 US Census of Clermont, Franklin County, Ohio; Page 18:  ISAAC BRUSH  (possibly 'our' Isaac or maybe his son]
1 Male under 10 years
2 Males of sixteen and under twenty-six
1 Male of twenty-six and under forty-five
1 Male of forty-five and upwards
2 Females of sixteen and under twenty-six
1 female of forty-five and upwards
3 People engaged in Agriculture
1 Person engaged in Manufactures

Source Information:
Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - Deaths [database online] Provo, UT:, 2001.
Brush, Isaac   
  Death Date:  1818      City: Muskingum
  County:           State: OH
  Country: USA

Source Information:
Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - Individual Records. [database online] Provo, UT:, 2000.
Isaac   Brush  
  Birth:     1759 -- Hunterdon, Hopewell, NJ
  Death:         --   
  Parents: Israel Brush, Taphath Sexton

100. Jerusha BRUSH

Migrated w/husband to Ohio

Jerusha married Jonathan Smith or Ephraim Smith.  They left the New Jersey/New York area for Ohio.

Ephraim (Jonathan) SMITH

Migrated w/wife to Ohio

101. Sarah BRUSH

Church records mentioned as adult

Sarah was mentioned in the church records of Hopewell as an adult on 14 May 1785.

102. Anna BRUSH

Mentioned in Timothy Titus' will

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Selected and Introduced by Henry B. Hoff; Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987; Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Pages 197 & 217-218; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.

Anna was mentioned in the will (dated 1807)  of Timothy Titus (2nd husband of Taphath Sexton Brush).  She might be the same person as Hannah.

103. Hannah BRUSH

Mentioned in church records (Hopewell) as adult

1]  SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Selected and Introduced by Henry B. Hoff; Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987; Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Pages 197 & 217-218; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.
MY NOTES:  Anna was mentioned in the will (dated 1807)  of Timothy Titus (2nd husband of Taphath Sexton Brush).  She might be the same person as Hannah.  Hannah was mentioned in the church records of Hopewell as an adult on 17 Sept 1795.

104. Jared BRUSH

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, From The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Selected and Introduced by Henry B. Hoff; Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1987; Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Pages 218 & 266; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.
"252.  JARED BRUSH (Israel 4, Timothy 3, Thomas 2,1) will appear in a later issue of the Record."

62. Timothy BRUSH

2  DATE MAY 1802
2  SOUR S07120

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Page 197 & 215-216; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.

SOURCE:  Owen & Related Familes by Calvin Owen (; Ancestry World Tree Project; 29 Jan 2003 vlww.
1.  Timothy Brush & father-in-law (Charles Sexton, Esquire) moved to Hopewell, Hunterdon Co., NJ abt. 1747.
2.  Will of Timothy Brush of Hopewell, New Jersey
Signed 10 Sep 1797
Probated 3 March 1803
Son:  Timothy
Daughters:  Elizabeth Gulick, Keziah Stout
Granddaughters:  Zubia Brush, Azubia Brush, Elizabeth Brush & Sarah Brush.
3.  Birth:  12 Oct 1719 Huntington, Suffolk Co., NY
4.  Parents:  Timothy Brush b. Abt. 1694 Huntington, Suffolk Co., NY & Elizabeth Lewis b: 1699 NY
5.  Marriage:  Keziah Sexton died Aft. 3 March 1784
         Married:  20 Dec 1739 Huntington, Long Island, NY
         Elizabeth b:  Bef 8 Mar 1740/41 Huntington, Suffolk Co., NY
         Keziah b:  Bef 3 Apr 1743 Huntington, Suffolk Co., NY
         Timothy b:  Abt. 1745


SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Page 197 & 215-216; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.
MY NOTES:  Daughter of Charles Sexton Esquire & Sarah Whitman.

SOURCE:  Pioneers of Old Hopewell Record of the settlers of Hopewell Valley written by Ralph Ege in 1908; HOPEWELL MUSEUM Hopewell, N. J. Originally printed 1908 by Race & Savidge; Reprinted 1963 by HOPEWELL MUSEUM Hopewell, N. J.; Printed in U.S.A. by NOBLE OFFSET PRINTERS, INC. NEW YORK 3, N. Y.    Page 240-242
          "In his will dated January 24, 1751, proved April 13, 1752, he mentions his six sons and eight daughters in the following order: (1) Charles, (2) George, (3) Joseph, (4) Nathaniel, (5) Nehemiah, (6) Jared, (7) Japath, (8) Hannah Platt, (9) Sarah Hallock, (10) Esther Rogers, (11) Elizabeth Adams, (12) Kesiah Brush, (13) Bathsheba Hill, (14) Mabel Stout. He also leaves 60 acres to the two sons of his son Charles, viz.: Charles and Nathaniel, and leaves his other sons the balance of the 219 acres.  ........  Charles, the first named in the will, married first probably on Long Island or soon after coming to Hopewell, as in a deed given to his brother-in-law Timothy Brush, and Henry Wollsey in 1765, he mentions two sons Charles and Nathaniel."


Son of James Stout & Grace (Parke) Park.

65. Azuba BRUSH

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Page 197; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.

Major Jesse CONKLIN

SOURCE:  Genealogies of Long Island Families, Volume I, Thomas and Richard Brush of Huntington, Long Island, Page 197; Contributed by Connlin Mann, Member of the Publication Committee; Copy Right, October 21, 2002.
MY NOTES:  Son of Jacob Conklin & Hannah Platt.