By Vicky L
Williams Winfield
Great Grand Daughter of Cyrus & Harriet Day
Saturday, October 19, 2002
If anyone has Census readings I dont have for the
below family members - would love it - if you would share :o)
Alfred (Alford) Day do not have one for him (w/o Cyrus/Harriet Cyrus) as he died in 1837
Mary Ellen Day do not have one for her (w/o Cyrus/Harriet) as she married in 1864 and died before the 1870 census.
1840 US Census, Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana, Page 238, Line 23, CYRUS DAY:
Males - 2 males under five, 1 male five to ten, 1 male thirty to forty;
Females - 1 female five to ten, 1 female twenty to thirty.
MY NOTE: Believe these to be
Males - Alford 3 yrs & Alexander 1 yr (2 males under five), James 7 yrs (1 male five to ten), Cyrus DAY 30 yrs (1 male thirty to forty);
Females - Cordelia 5 yrs (1 female five to ten), Harriet KASHOW DAY 27 (1 female twenty to thirty).
1850 US Census, Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana, September 13, 1850, Dwelling #891, Family #891, Page 393
DAY, Cyrus: 40 yrs, Male, Farmer, $500, Born New York; Harriet: 36 yrs, Female, Born New York; James B.: 17 yrs, Male, Farmer, Born Indiana, School; Cordelia: 14 yrs, Female, Born Indiana, School; Alfred: 13 yrs, Male, Born Indiana, School; Alexander: 11 yrs, Male, Born Indiana, School; Phebe A.: 8 yrs, Female, Born Indiana, School; Eliza Jane: 6 yrs, Female, Born Indiana; Mary E: 4 yrs, Female, Born Indiana.
1860 US Census, Lagrange, Wayne Township, Monroe County, Iowa, August 04, 1860, Dwelling 1464, Family 1381, Page 429.
DAY, Cyrus: 50 yrs, Male, Farmer, $1250 Real Estate, $1135 Personal, Born New York; Harriet: 46 yrs, Female, Domestic Work, Born New York; Alexander: 21 yrs, Male, Farming, Born Indiana, Cannot Read/write; Phebe A.: 18 yrs, Female, Domestic Work, Born Indiana, School; Eliza J.: 16 yrs, Female, Born Indiana; Mary E.: 14 yrs, Female, Born Indiana; Silas: 7 yrs, Male, Born Indiana.
1870 US Census, Albia, Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa, August 19, 1870, Dwelling 130, Family 130, Page 323,
DAY, Cyrus, 62 yrs, Male, Farmer, $13,200 Real Estate, $350 Personal, Born New Jersey; Harriet, 58 yrs, Female, Keep House, Born New Jersey; Silas, 17 yrs, Farm Hand, Born Indiana, Idiot/Deaf & Dumb*; GIBSON, Mary**, 9 yrs, Female, Born Iowa.
MY NOTES: *Idiot
- deaf & dumb, blind, insane, pauper, convict, idiotic? So what exactly was wrong with Silas - he
married, had children, grand children and seems to have been prosperous. **A daughter of
Cordelia Day & Milo Harvey Gibson living with grandparents AFTER Milo
Harvey Gibson has died.
1880 US Cenus, 1880, Union Township, Monroe Co., Iowa - Supervisor's Dist. # 3; Ennumeration Dist. # 135, Soloman Williams, Ennumerator, 23 June 1880, Page 11, Household # 90, Family # 99, Lines 32 - 40:
Day, Alexander, W, M, 41, Married, Farmer, Indiana, N.J.,
N.J.; Eliza A., W, F, 32, Wife, Married, HouseKeeper, Indiana, Tenn., Unknown;
Sherman, W, M, 14, son, Single, at School, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; James A., W,
M, 14, son, Single, at School, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; Lewis F., W, M, 8, son,
Single, at School, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; John W., W, M, 6, son, Single, at
School, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; Estella, W, F, 4, daughter, Single, Iowa,
Indiana, Indiana; Charlie, W, M, 1, son, Single, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; Harriet, W, F,
66, Mother, Widowed, N.J., N.Y., N.J.
MY NOTE: Cyrus Day died 7 April 1875. Harriet died in 1886.
1840 US Census of Jennings County, Indiana and 1850 US Census of Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana refer above to Cyrus Day as James was still at home with his parents.
1860 - NEED CENSUS can not find him in Jennings Co., Indiana although he married Nancy Jane Morgan there in August.
1870 US Census of P.O. Damascus, Rock Creek Precinct, Clackama County, Oregon, Ass't Marshal - S. D. Moon, Enumeration Date 17 June 1870, Page 160, Lines 23-26, Dwelling 351, Family 354;
JAMES DAY, 36 years, Male, White, Laborer, Born Indiana, Male Citizen of US; SARAH, 20 years, Female, White, Keeping House, Born Indiana; FRANK, 8 years, Male, White, Born Oregon; MINNIE, 5 years, Female, White, Born Oregon.
MY NOTE: Next door to them on lines 17-22, Dwelling 350, Family 353 is: WILLIAM & JANE PARSONS parents of Sarah - wife of James Day??? vlww
ALSO - since neither William nor Herbert Day are on the 1870 Census am wondering if they died before 1870??? or were simply born after 1870??? vlww
1880 US Census: NEED
****NEED 1895 State Census
for Oregon, Marion County
Number: Vol 1 pg 260
Year: 1895
Name: Day, J B
Type: Census
County: Marion
MY NOTE: Need someone who has access to transcribe this Census for me.
1900 US Census: NEED James Black Day died in 1909 this is an important Census
1840 US Census of Jennings County, Indiana and 1850 US
Census of Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana refer above to Cyrus Day
as Cordelia was still at home with her parents.
1860 US Census of Post Office Marysville, Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa, June 21, 1860, Dwelling 522, Family 469, Page 295;
GIBSON, Milo, 24 years, Male, Farmer, $500. Born IN, cannot read or write; CORDELIA, 24 years, Female, Domestic, Born Indiana; HARRIET, 5 years, Female, Born Iowa; EMMA T., 4 years, Female, Born Iowa; LUCINDA, 2 years, Female, Born Iowa.
1870 US Census of Post Office Albia, Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa, August 19, 1870, Dwelling 146, Page 324;
MORFORD, Marion; 22 yrs, Male, Farmer, $400, Born Indiana: Cordelia, 34 yrs, Female, Keep House, Born Indiana; Orlando, 14 yrs, Male, Born Iowa; Columbus, 1 yr, Male, Born Iowa; GIBSON, Harriet, 15 yrs, Female, Born Iowa; Emma, 14 yrs, Female, Born Iowa; Emma, 14 yrs, Female, Born Iowa; Jane, 12 yrs, Female, Born Iowa, Ann, 8 yrs, Female, Born Iowa; Ellen, 6 yrs, Female, Born Iowa.
1880 US Census: NEED Can not find them anywhere where were they ???
1895 Iowa State Census, Malvern Township, Malvern, Mills Co., Iowa, Page 426, Lines 6-12:
Frank MORFORD, Age 48, Male, Married, Born Indiana, Parents native to America, Farmer, Methodist, Entitled to vote at general elections: Cordelia, Age 59, Female, Married, Born Indiana, Parents native to America, House Keeper, Methodist: Silas J., Age 23, Male, Single, Born Mills Co., IA, Parents native to America, Farmer, Methodist, Subject to military duty & entitled to vote: Charles, Age 20, Male, Single, Born Mills Co., IA., Parents native to America, Harness Maker, Methodist, Subject to military duty: Flora, Age 18, Female, Single, Born Mills Co., IA., Parents native to America, House Keeper, Methodist: Mertle, Age 17, Female, Single, Born Mills Co., IA., Parents native to America, House Keeper, Methodist: Mary DAY, Age 68, Female, Widowed, Born Pennsylvania, Parents native to America, House Keeper, Christian.
1900 US Census for Melvern Township, Mills County, Iowa, Dwelling # 38, Household # 39, Lines 77-83;
MORFORD, F. M.; Head; White; Male; May 1847; 59; M; 46; Indiania; Penn; Ohio; Farmer/Teamster; 0; yes; yes; yes; OFH ---- Line 77/; CORDELIA; Wife; W; F; Sept 1835; 64; M; 46; 13; 12; Indiania; Penn; New York; Yes; Yes; Yes ---- Line 78/; MINA F; Daughter; W; F; March 1876; 24; S; Iowa; Indianna; Indianna; Servant; 0;Yes; Yes; Yes ---- Line 79/; MYRTLE G; Daughter; W; F; Jan 1878; 22; S; Iowa; Indiana; Indiana; House Keeper; 0; Yes; Yes; Yes ---- Line 80/; JONES, ALFRED F.; Grand-Son; W; M; Feb 1885; 15; S; Iowa; Illinois; Iowa; At School; 9; Yes; Yes; Yes ---- Line 81; GLADYS M.; Grand-Daugt; W; F; May 1896; 4; S; Iowa; Illinois; Iowa; At School; ; ; Yes ---- Line 82/; DAY, POLLY-ANN; Sister; W; F; Nov 1821; 73; Wd; 7; 3; 0; Penn; Penn; Ohio; Yes; Yes; Yes ---- Line 83.
1910 US Census: NEED - Cordelia died 12 Sept 1912 but have been unable to find a 1910 Census.
1840 & 1850 US Census of Jennings
County, Indiana, 1860 US Census of Marion Township, Jennings
County, Indiana refer above to Cyrus Day as Alexander was still at home with his parents.
1870 US Census of Post Office Albia, Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa, August 19, 1870, Dwelling 128, Family 128, Page 323;
DAY, Alexander, 30 yrs, Male, White, Farmer, $400, $600, Born Indiana; Eliza, 22 yrs, Female, White, Keep House, Born Indiana; Sherman, 4 yrs, Male, White, Born Iowa; James, 1 yr, Male, White, Born Iowa.
1880 US Census Union Township, Monroe Co., Iowa - Supervisor's Dist. # 3; Ennumeration Dist. # 135, Soloman Williams, Ennumerator, 23 June 1880, Page 11, Household # 90, Family # 99, Lines 32 - 40:
Day, Alexander, White, Male, 41 yrs, Married, Farmer, Born Indiana, Father Born N.J., Mother Born N.J.; Eliza A., White, Female, 32 yrs, Wife, Married, HouseKeeper, Born Indiana, Father Born Tenn., Mother Born Unknown; Sherman, White, Male, 14yrs, Son, Single, at School, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana; James A., White, Male, 14 yrs, Son, Single, at School, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana; Lewis F., White, Male, 8yrs, Son, Single, at School, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana; John W., White, Male, 6 yrs, Son, Single, at School, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana; Estella, White, Female, 4 yrs, Daughter, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana; Charlie, White, Male, 1 yr, Son, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana; Harriet, White, Female, 66 yrs, Mother, Widowed, Born N.J., Father Born N.Y., Mother Born N.J.
1885 Iowa State Census, Union Twp., Monroe County, Iowa; Twp. #13, Range #18, Section #19, Lines 72 80;
DAY, Alexander, 45 yrs, Male, White, Married, Farmer, Born Indiana, Entitled to vote: Eliza A., 36 yrs, Female, White, Married, Housewife, Born Indiana: Sherman, 18 yrs, Male, White, Single, Farmer, Born Monroe, Subject to military: James A., 16 yrs, Male, White, Single, Born Monroe: Lewis F., 13 yrs, Male, White, Single, Born Monroe: John W., 10 yrs, Male, White, Single, Born Monroe: Etta, 8 yrs, Female, White, Single, Born Monore: Mary, 3 yrs, Female, White, Single, Born Monroe: Bertha, 1 yr, Female, Single, Born Monroe.
1900 US Census of Russell Precint, Chase County, Nebraska; District 20, Enumerator A. G. Hoffman, 7 - 11 June 1900, Sheets 2a & 2b, Lines 50-54, Dwelling 37, Family 37;
ALEXANDER DAY, Head, White, Male, May 1839, 61 years, Married for 36 years, Born Indiana, Father Born in Ohio, Mother Born in Long Island, Farmer, Can read/write & speak English, Own, Farm, Free of Mortgage, Farm Schedule 56; ELIZA A., Wife, White, Female, April 1848, 52 years, Married 36 years, 10 children born, 9 children living, Born in Indiana, Father Born in Unknown, Mother Born in Unknown, Can read/write & speak English; BERTHA, Daughter, White, Female, Born Dec 1885, 16 years, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana, Attended School 3 months, Can read/write & speak English; WALTER S., Son, White, Male, Born Sept 1886, 15 years, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana, Attended School 3 months, Can read/write & speak English; EARNEST G., Son, White, Male, Born Feb 1890, 10 years, Single, Born Nebraska, Father Born Indiana, Mother Born Indiana, Attended School 3 months, Can read/write & speak English.
1910 US Census - Alexander died May 05, 1917 where was he in 1910?
1850 US Census of Jennings County, Indiana, 1860 US Census of Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana refer above to Cyrus Day as Phebe Ann was still at home with her parents.
1870 US Census of Post Office Confidence, Wayne County, Independence Township, Appanoose County, Iowa; Enumerater A. S. Udell, 29 June 1870, Page 24/442b, Lines 34-38, Dwelling 159, Family 159;
William Hicks, 48 years, Male, White, Farmer, Real Estate Value $800., Personel Value $978., Born Ohio, Male US Citizen; ANNIE, 28 years, Female, White, Keeping House, Born Indiana; WILLIAM C., 8 years, Male, White, Born Iowa, Attended School; CORABELL, 4 years, Female, White, Born Iowa; FRED, 7/12 years, Male, White, Born Iowa, Born November.
1880 US Census of Independence Township, Appanoose County, Iowa; Enumerater D. A. Crawford, District 17, 20 July 1880, Lines 24-30, Dwelling 198, Family 198;
Wm Hicks, White, Male, 50 years, Farmer, Born O*, Father Born O*, Mother Born O*; PHEBE A., White, Female, 48 years, Wife, Born Pen, Father Born Pen, Mother Born Pen; Wm C., White, Male, 18 years, Son, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Pen; CORA, White, Female, 13 years, Daughter, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Pen; FRED, White, Male, 11 years, Son, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Pen; CELIA, White, Female, Daughter, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Pen; IDA, White, Female, 0 years, Daughter, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Pen.
MY NOTE: *O must mean Ohio - enumerator was lazy - listed O all the way through for birth of father - have no idea how he figured Phebe was born in Pen - maybe he did not really speak to members of the family - also did not list Wm. C. & Cora with proper surnames. vlww
1900 US Census of Independence Township, Appanoose County, Iowa; Enumerater Henry L. Waters, 14 June 1900, Sheet #7b/38b, Lines 68-70;
Phebe A. Hicks, Head, White, Female, Born Nov 1841, 58 years, Widow, Mother of 1 child, 1 child living, Born Indiana, Father Born New Jersey, Mother Born New Jersey, Farmer, Own, Can read/write & speak English, Own, Mortgaged, Farm, Farm Schedule 144; MAUDE, Daughter, White, Female, Born March 1885, 18 years, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Indiana, At School, Attended School 9 mths, Can read/write & speak English; HENRY L. WATERS, Adopted Son, Born June 1868, 35 years, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born Ireland, Mother Born Ohio, Teacher, Can read/write & speak English.
MY NOTE: Phebe Ann is listed on the 1910 Cenus in two places: Her home in Centerville and her farm in Independence Township.
1910 US Census of Independence Township, Appanoose County, Iowa; District 17, 12 May 1910, Lines 57 - 60, Dwelling 257, Family 254;
Phebe D. Hicks, Head, Female, White, 68 years, Widow, Children born 7, Number children Living 4, Born Indiana, Father Born New Jersey, Mother Born New Jersey, Speaks English, Farm Manager, General Farm, Working on Own Account, Can read & write, Own, Mortgaged, Farm, Farm Schedule 210; HENRY L. WATERS, Boarder, Male, White, 45 years, Single, Born Iowa, Father Born ?*, Mother Born ? Irish, Speaks English, Traveling School, Book ??, Worker, Can read & write; EARL H. TUTHILL, Grandson, Male, White, 19 years, Single, Born Washington, Father Born Illinois ?, Mother Born Iowa, Speaks English, Farm Laborer, Working Out, Worker, Can read & Write, Attended School; LEWIS BRZESKI, Boarder, Male, White, 11 years, Single, Born Austrian/Polish, Father Born Austrian/Polish, Mother Born Austrian/Polish, Speaks English, No Occupation, Can read & write, Attended School.
1910 US Census of Centerville City, Custer Township, Appanoose County, Iowa, District 14; Enumerater H. A. Russell, 3 May 1910, Sheet #23b, Lines 83-86, East Van Buren, Home number 208, Dwelling 533, Family 543;
Phoebe A. Hicks, Head, Female, White 68 years, Widow, Born Indiana, Father Born Massachusetts, Mother Born Rhode Island, Speaks English, Own Income, Can read & write, Own, Free of Mortgage, Home; HENRY L. WATERS, Son , Male, White, 49 years, Single, could not read where he & parents were born; Speaks English, Training School, Blank ?? Books, Worker, Can read & write; CHARLES L. **RICKSSIAES (or HICKSSIAES), Son-in-law, Male, White, 26 years, Married 2 years, Born Iowa, Father Born Penn, Mother Born Iowa, Speaks English, Practicing Physision,, Worker, Can read & write; MAUD, Daughter, Female, White, 28 years, Married 2 years, Born Iowa, Father Born Ohio, Mother Born Indiana, Speaks English, No Occupation, Can read & write.
MY NOTE: With Phebe on the 1910 Census of Independence Twp., Appanoose Co., Iowa was a Lewis Brzeski, a boarder, male, white, 11 years, single, born Austrian Polish, parents Austrian Polish also, speaks English, can read & write and attended school. vlww
MY NOTE: Henry L. is shown as an adopted son of Phebe in the 1900 Census. The 1910 Census taken in Centerville says he is her son and the 1910 Census taken in Independence Twp. states he is a boarder? Vlww
MY NOTE: Phebe Ann Day Willis Hicks died March 25, 1914.
1850 US Census of Jennings County, Indiana, 1860 US Census of Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana refer above to Cyrus Day as Eliza Jane was still at home with her parents.
1870 US Census: NEED Eliza Jane & Hiram were married May 21, 1865, Monroe Co., Iowa at home of Cyrus Day this would be their first Census together ???Where are they???
1880 US Census of Malvern, Mills County, Iowa, District 131, Ennumeration Date 9 July 1880, Page 362 A (41), Lines 36-43, Dwelling 354, Family 362;
HIRAM LEMONDS, White, Male, 36 years, Married, Laborer, Born Ind, Father Born NC, Mother Born VA; _____ **(unreadable), White, Female, 36 years, Wife, Married, Keeping House, Born Ind, Father Born NJ, Mother Born NJ; ELMER, White, Male, 14 years, Son, Single, Attended School, Born IA, Father Born Ind, Mother Born Ind; IDA, White, Female, 11 years, Daughter, Attended School, Born IA, Father Born Ind, Mother Born Ind; CHRISTINA, White, Female, 9 years, Attended School, Born IA, Father Born Ind, Mother Born Ind; JOSIE, White, Female, 5 years, Daughter, Born IA, Father Born Ind, Mother Born Ind; JAMES, White, Male, 3 years, Son, Born IA, Father Born Ind, Mother Born Ind; ALLEN, White, Male, 7/12 years, Son, Born IA, Father Born Ind, Mother Born Ind. MY NOTE: **This must be Eliza Ann - have no idea what her nick name might have been - correct age and place of birth for Eliza. vlww
1885 Iowa State Census - Anderson Township, Mills County, Iowa, Page 13, Household # 67, Family # 72:
LEMONDS, Hiram; 40; m; married; farmer; IN: Eliza; 40; f; married; IN; Elmer; 18; m; IA, Monroe: Ida; 16; f; IA, Monroe: Tinnie; 14; m; IA, Monroe: Josie; 10; f; IA, Monroe: James; 8; m; IA, Monore: Allen; 5; m; IA, Mills; Lenna; 2; m; IA, Mills.
1895 Iowa State Census, Lyons Township, Mills County, Iowa, Pages 406 & 407, Household # 132, Lines 28-31 & 1-3:
Hiram LEMONDS, Male, Age 50, Married, Born IN. Farmer, Methodist; Eliza, Female, Age 50, Married, Born IN., House Keeper, Friends; James M., Male, Age 17, Born IA., Mills, Friends; Allen P., Male, Age 15, Born IA., Mills; Leemie, Female, Age 12, Born IA., Mills, Friends; Florence, Female, Age 8, Born IA., Mills; Clarence, Male, Age 5, Born IA., Mills.
1900 US Census: NEED Eliza Jane died 6 June 1915.
1850 US Census of Jennings County, Indiana, 1860 & 1870 US Census of Marion Township, Jennings County, Indiana refer above to Cyrus Day as Silas was still at home with his parents.
1880 US Census Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa - Supervisor's Dist. # 3, Enumerator's Dist. # 135, Enumerator - Solomon Williams, 14 June 1880, Page #41, Household #367, Family #382, Lines 27-32:
SILAS DAY, W, M, 27, Married, Farmer, Indiana, N.J., N.J.; Martha, W, F, 25, Wife, Married, HouseKeeper, Indiana, Tenn., Tenn.; John F., W, M, 8, son, Single, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; Mary A., W, F, 6, daughter, Single, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; George W., W, M, 4, son, Single, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana; Lillie I., W, F, 1, Jan., daughter, Single, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana.
1900 US Census; Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa; District # 82; Sheet # 7A; 16 June 1900, Dwelling # 117; Family #120; Lines 17-23. Line 17;
SILAS W. DAY, Head, W, M, Aug 1852, 47, married 29 years, Indiana, New Jersey, New Jersey, Farmer, 0, can read, write & speak English, O, M, F, 125, ; Line 18 - Martha E., Wife, W, F, Dec., 1854, 45, married 29 years, 10 children, 9 living, Indiana, Kentucky, CAN'T READ Mother's birth state, can read write & speak English, ; Line 19 - Harvey, son, W, M, Feb, 1877, 23, Single, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana, can read, write & speak English,; Line 20 - Grace F., Daughter, W, F., Feb., 1883, 17, S, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana, 0 attend school, can read, write & speak English,; Line 21 - Charles C., Son, W, M, Feb., 1887, 13, S, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana, 7 attend school, can read, write & speak English,; Line 22 - Elma P., daughter, W, F., Mar., 1890, 10, S, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana, 7 attend school, can read, write & speak English,; Line 23 - Sussie M., daughter, W, F., Nov., 1894, 5, S, Iowa, Indiana, Indiana,2 attend school, can read, write & speak English,.
1910 US Census: NEED
1920 US Census of Cedar Township, Monroe County, Iowa; Enumeration District 100, Enumeration District 100, Sheet Number 5B, Lines 72-73, FM, Dwelling 111, Family 113;
SILAS DAY, Head, Owned, Mortgaged, Male, White, 67 years, Married, Reads & Writes, Born Indiana, Father Born Unknown, Mother Born Unknown, Speaks English, Farmer, General Farm, Em, Farm Schedule 107; MARTHA, Wife, Female, White, 65 years, Married, Reads & Writes, Born Indiana, Father Born Kentucky, Mother Born Tennessee, Speaks English, None.
1930 US Census: NEED - Silas died 4 May 1932.