Joseph & Mary Ellen were only married a short time when she died. The record directly following this one is when Joseph remarried. The dates between the two are what lead me to believe Mary Ellen may have died in child birth as was so common back then. The Marriage Record & license for Marry Ellen & Joseph were in Albia, Monroe County, Iowa. They may be found in Book II, Page 150 at the Monroe County Court House located in Albia, Monroe County, Iowa. Joseph Morford was a brother to Francis Marion Morford who married Mary Ellen’s sister Cordelia DAY Gibson.
This is the Marriage License Joseph and Jane. Note the license was taken out on 14 December 1868. The date for Joseph’s marriage to Mary Ellen DAY was 4 Sept 1860. Their only child (Charles) was born in 1866. The two years between Joseph’s 2nd marriage and the date of his only child with Mary Ellen DAY lead me to think Mary Ellen possibly died in child birth. The Marriage License for Joseph & Jane Plumer may be found at the Monroe County Court House located in Albia, Monroe County, Iowa (Book II, Page 346).