The Glenwood Opinion
Glenwood, Iowa
Thursday, May 5, 1898
The death of Mrs. B.F. Jones occured rather suddenly Thursday afternoon at her
home in the northwest part of town. While her health had not been very good
during the winter, her ailment was not thought to be dangerous. Thursday
afternoon how-ever (sic), she was taken violently ill and rapidly grew worse,
passing away at 4 o'clock Thursday, afternoon; surrounded by her husband,
children and other relatives. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. A.A.
Walburn at the M.E. church Friday afternoon. Relatives present from other
places were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. N.F. Jones, Villisca, Mr. and Mrs. A.B.
Cadwallader, Council Bluffs, ***Mesdames Dixon and Sherofe, Omaha, Mrs. Nora Fazzel, St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. A. Vanderpool and
daughter, Lyons township.
Florence Ellenor (sic) Gibson was born near Albia, Monroe county Iowa, June 11,
18_4*. Came with her mother to Malvern about 26 years ago. Was united in
marriage with B.F. Jones at Emerson, June 26, 1886. Has resided with hur (sic)
husband in Malvern most of the time since. Three children were born to them,
one of which died in infancy. Of the remaining children one is a boy 13 years
old, the other a girl, two years old this month. The deceased united with the
M.E. church when a little girl, and passed away firmly trusting in her Heavenly
CARD OF THANKS. -- We desire to express our gratitude to the many friends for
their kind services and sympathies during our recent affliction.
***If anyone knows who Mesdames Dixon & Sherofe,
Omaha, and Mrs. Nora Fazzel are – PLEASE email me. Vlww
The Glenwood Opinion
Glenwood, Iowa
Thursday, May 5, 1898
Page #: Unknown - located under OUR COUNTY NEWS.
Mrs. B.F. Jones died Thursday morning of acute peritonetis (sic). She was sick
but three days, and while her suffering was intense, she was conscious until
the last moment and died happy in the thought that she was going home. She
leaves a husband, two children and other relatives to mourn her untimely death.
The funeral was held Friday at the M.E. church, conducted by her pastor, Rev.
Walburn. Miss Florence Elinor Gibson was born at Albia, June 11, 1864, was
married to B.F. Jones, June 26, 1884, at Emerson, Iowa. She had been a member
of the M.E. church for a number of years.
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