The Perfect Girlfriend

written by Kastemel

I rode with my good friend Steve Marshall in his luxurious SUV. Steve was a very successful businessman, brash, confident, and conspicuously rich. He had called me up to ask me to come with him to pick up one of his new "toys". Steve invested a large amount of his surplus money in high tech, often useless, and ridiculously expensive gadgets and inventions. He had told me that this one would top them all.
As we approached our destination, I tried to drag out of him just what this newest toy of his was. He finally began to cave in. "I found this company," he started, "that's been working with biotechnology. They've actually been able to make human androids. They aren't like robots, they're completely organic, flesh and bone, all that stuff, only they're made by hand. The thing is, no one would support their research, so they had to resort to selling to private investors. Like me."
"So you bought an android?"
"Not just any android," Steve answered, "I've had them build me the perfect girlfriend. I told them, make her a beautiful redhead with massive boobs and make her totally subservient to me, cause they can control that when they're making their brains and stuff, you know?"
"You're a monster, Steve," I said jokingly, but at the same time wondering just what kind of monster he had created. I barely believed that they had made an actually living human, and that Steve was going to be outraged to find some sort of motorized mannequin programmed to say the same naughty phrases over and over again. As it turned out Steve was going to be outraged, but not in the way I was thinking. We reached the building in which the exchange was to be held, and entered, both feeling a bit of anticipation. Inside the dark chamber there was only a little balding man in a lab coat, a couple closed doors, and large steel pod-like chamber with tons of pipes and wires running into it.
"Mr. Marshall," said the balding man, "I hope you will be pleased with our creation." And with that, he pressed a button on the chamber, causing the heavy doors to unlock and open with a hydraulic sound. A cloud of white smoke billowed from the opening, blocking any vision of the being inside. Then a smooth, bare tan leg stepped out and onto the concrete floor. What followed that leg was to me the most beautiful creature ever to walk upon the earth. To Steve, it was something else:
"It's fat!" Steve yelled in disbelief. "It's a fucking cow! What the hell is this?"
Indeed, Steve's perfect girlfriend appeared to be at least a hefty 190 pounds. She was, as Steve had requested, red-haired and with massive breasts, but below the breasts sat a full, round stomach, wide curvy backside, and thick chubby thighs. She was clad in only black panties and a bra that seemed to have been tailored exactly to fit her body, neither tight nor loose, like an extra layer of skin. Her fat upper arms were held out slightly from her sides, as though she didn't know what to do with them, and set in her chubby face, mysterious gray eyes moved about the room. They came to rest on Steve, still yelling at the little man.
"But sir," said the terrified man, "We had to make her that large. We don't have the technology to build any smaller than that."
"You could have mentioned that before, you moron!!"
"But sir, if you exercise her and reduce her food intake, she may lose some body mass..."
"Forget it!! I don't want her at all!!"
"But sir you already paid for her.."
"I don't care just get rid of her, she's disgusting."
The girl looked back and forth between the two men, an expression of startled confusion, and hurt, on her face. Then she looked at me. She did not smile, but the look of hurt and confusion vanished, replaced by a look of innocent curiosity. The two men continued bickering.
"But sir, we can't keep her here.."
"Then turn it off, make it into something else, burn it for all I care, nobody could want that thing.."
"I'll take her," I said. Steve stopped his verbal assault.
"Hey buddy, you don't have to do that, this guy can do something with it, dispose of it. It's not like it has feelings."
"No, I want her." I replied. "Just to keep in my apartment. She can clean for me. It doesn't matter to me if she's fat." Of course, it did matter that she was fat. But not in the way Steve was thinking.
"Well, fine then buddy she's yours. Don't come to me if she eats you out of house and home though." Steve then left, since he knew that the building was not far from my house. The girl continued to watch me. "Well then," said the little man, "Lets get her ready to take home shall we?" He gently took her hand and led her through one of the doors and I followed. I was there given some instructions on how to care for her. She was a completely intelligent human being but had only a basic vocabulary, the rest she would have to learn. She knew how to take care of herself as far as knowing to feed and wash herself, but things like cooking, buying things, driving etc, were not included in her memory. He also told me that as Steve had requested, she had been programmed to be subservient. He did not know exactly how she would behave because of this alteration, but he warned me that she may also be very dependent. He supplied her a pair of sweats, a somewhat snug t-shirt and some walking shoes, plus a cash card with $500 on it, part of the price Steve had paid for her. However, before she could use the card, she had to have an account, and to have an account, she had to have a name.
"What would you like to call her?"
I thought for a moment. At first I thought about her first name. I wanted something simple, simple always works when in doubt. Then I tried to think of a last name. I thought of the pear-like shape of her body: "Amy Pearson," I said.
"Amy Pearson? Very well." The man entered the names into his computer, hit enter a few times, squinted at the screen and said, "That's it. You two have fun." We were now walking down the street, vaguely heading towards downtown, but with no real destination in my mind. She gazed, fascinated at all of the buildings and people around her, sights she had never seen before. As we walked I began to examine her more closely. She was somewhat short, the top of her head reached about to the bottom of my nose. Her face was smooth and free of any blemishes. It seemed so perfect as to almost seem common, with no certain distinguishable marks or imperfections, except for one: her face was dominated by her chubby cheeks. She slightly waddled, rather than smoothly walk, and continued to keep her arms out slightly from her sides. I suddenly realized that she had not spoken a single word. I stopped abruptly, and so did she.
"Hello," I said. It sounds stupid, but for some reason it seemed appropriate.
She gazed at me for a moment, then said "Hello." Her voice was soft, melodious, and innocent.
"How do you feel?" I asked. She did not answer at first. She looked down, then back into my eyes.
"I am not sure," she said, her voice sounding full of doubt. "I do not know... why I am here...or what is happening.."
I was silent, and I felt great sympathy for this poor trembling creature. "I can tell you a little bit," I said at length. Her deep eyes now glinted with hope. "You were made for that man who was in the room and left, but he didn't want you." The hurt look I had seen earlier returned to her eyes.
"Why did he not want me?" Her voice had no anger, only confusion and pain. "What's wrong with me? He said I was fat? Is that why? I do not know what fat means.."
"Yes, he didn't want you because you were fat. You see that girl over there?" I pointed to a very slim girl standing at a news stand. "Do you see how her body is small and thin? She's skinny. You're body is much larger, so you're fat. Men like skinny women, that's why he didn't want you."
Her face was full of woe. "So I have been made to be unattractive..." A single tear rolled down her smooth round cheek.
"Don't worry," I said, taking her hand. "It' not so bad. Can you keep a secret for me?"
She nodded. "I think so."
"Okay, listen. Most men like thin girls, but I don't. I like girls that are as fat as you, or fatter."
"You want me this way?" She asked. I nodded. For the first time, I saw a smile appear on her face. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. "So if fat girls are more beautiful to you, then will I be more beautiful if I become more fat?"
"But how do I get fatter?"
"By eating more food than you need, and by not exercising it all away."
"I will make sure that I become very fat for you," she said, beaming. I knew then that Amy and I would get along very well.