Dr. Karen Summers had been on tough assignments before, so this one seemed like a cinch. As a documentary filmmaker she had been through some of the wildest parts of the world searching for her story. This time she found herself on a small pacific island, home to a secluded tribe of natives. The documentary was to be about the ancient and primitive customs they followed, but today's particular goal was to uncover the practice of bride fattening. Karen, a sleek, muscular and athletic young woman, was looking forward to exposing this abusive, backwards practice to the world through her documentary. The previous day she had heard from some old women of the village all about the practice: the bride-to-be was taken a few weeks before her wedding to a secret fattening chamber hidden somewhere on the island. The day before her wedding, she would be returned up to one hundred pounds fatter than when she left. The methods used to achieve such rapid weight gain were unknown to all except those who maintained the fattening chambers. Karen was determined to find out the secrets of this tribe, but she would soon regret her determination.
Karen and her camera crew went searching for the fattening site in the dense jungle. The island was small and they were sure that they could find it within a few days. They had been searching for a few hours when there was a sudden downpour. In the chaos, Karen was separated from the rest of her crew. She stumbled about in the blinding rain, getting lashed by jungle foliage. She suddenly caught her foot on a root, but rather than falling to the ground, she plunged down a deep hole in the ground completely hidden by the surrounding undergrowth. The fall knocked the wind out of her, but she wasn't seriously hurt. Before she could get up, she was quickly surrounded by several swift, dark figures. Unaccustomed to the sudden darkness, Karen was caught off guard when they seized her and forced her deeper into the cavern she had plunged into. A hand was clapped over her mouth before she could scream and the dark figures hurried her deeper and deeper down the underground tunnel.
Soon they emerged into a large lit chamber where a thick wooden gate was slammed shut behind them. Karen saw that her captors were native men. They spoke quickly in a version of the native tongue that Karen could not understand. She tried to ask them who they were and what they were doing using the form of the language that she knew, but she was ignored. There seemed to be a discussion concerning her going on between the men who had captured her and an older looking native who had been waiting for them in the chamber. At length, the older native motioned for her to be released. He stepped forward and addressed her in the common tongue so she could understand him: "So, you wish to learn all about the bride fattening procedure, nosy outsider? The women of the village think that we should show you first hand." The native motioned towards her and the other natives seized her again. They gagged her mouth and stripped her quickly down to her underwear before dragging her off into another room of the chamber. Her wrists were bound together and tied to the ceiling while her feet were tethered to the floor. The thick ropes showed no sign off stretching or breaking, and the natives waited while Karen tired herself out by thrashing against her restraints. When she had exhausted her energy, and large bowl of light yellowish cream was brought into the room. The thick cream soaked into her skin as they rubbed it all over her. She was amazed at how her skin seemed to be drinking up the substance as the bowl became emptier and emptier. Her skin was turning a deep dark bronze, darker than any tan she had ever had before. She also noticed that her skin seemed to be growing thicker, and rubbery. Her toned muscles dissolved under a layer of soft pudge. She felt as though her whole body was soaking up the cream, and she felt weak and soft like a sponge. The massive bowl was now empty, it's entire contents absorbed into her body. They removed all of her bonds and her hands flopped to her sides. She felt heavy and helpless, as though her muscles had been softened beyond use. She was lead into another chamber, completely unable to resist her captors. As she shuffled forward, her rubbery flesh seemed to jiggle as she watched her bronze breasts and her slightly bulged tummy quiver and vibrate with each step.
The next chamber they entered held a vase-like container at least 5 feet tall and 3 and a half feet in diameter on the inside. The natives lifted her limp rubbery body into the vase and after clamping her wrists into shackles on the inner wall began to pour bucket after bucket of some bluish liquid into the container with her. The vase was filled up to her chin and then a large wooden collar that covered the entire opening of the jar was placed around her neck, leaving only her head sticking out. She was then left alone.
She became very nervous. She couldn't see what was happening to her body, but she felt very strange. She had the same strange sponge like feeling as in the previous room, only quite different.
She remained alone in the room for a long time, wondering what was happening to her. She then moved slightly in the container and felt her butt bump against the inside of the vessel. She thought nothing of it at first, but then realized how large around the container had been. There was no way she could have touched the wall! She rotated her hips in a circle. By scarcely moving in any direction, she could bump against the inside of the vase. "I must be HUGE!!" she thought in dismay. After a while, both of her hips began to press against the insides of the jar. "Oh my God, I must be three feet wide!!" Soon her belly and butt began to press against the confines of the vase as well. It was getting tighter and tighter, and slightly difficult to breathe. Then the collar around her neck began to grow tighter around her swelling neck. "Oh no, I'm going to suffocate!" She thought. She realized then that her body within the jar was dry. The liquid had been completely absorbed. She was relieved that she wouldn't be swelling up any bigger, but dismayed when she thought back to the vast amount of liquid that had been poured in with her.
The natives came in and removed the collar. They seemed shocked when they saw that the liquid was entirely gone. The older native addressed her and said, "We did not expect you to absorb all of it. It seems your foreign body is better at gaining weight than our own women. You're almost as large as most of the women who leave this place, and you've only just begun!" They gently laid the vase on its side, and with significant effort pulled Karen's swollen body out of it. Struggling to sit up, she looked down at her body. The bronze tan had disappeared, leaving her skin pasty white. She was massive, her fair skin stretched tight as a drum over her bloated, swollen flesh. The cream treatment she had received had not made her skin quite rubbery enough to stretch over her increased girth comfortably. Her belly had ballooned into a huge white globe, resembling both in shape and size a giant, slightly oblong beach ball. Her thighs lay in front of her like huge fat sausages, chalk white and as round and puffy looking as marshmallows. Her breasts hung like massive white water balloons over her vast stomach. Her bra had snapped off during the swelling, just like her panties, but the tautness of her skin held her breasts up as if she were fully clothed. Her arms resembled her thighs, only smaller, and her hands were now chubby and soft.
They helped Karen stagger to her feet and clothed her in stretchy, tight-fitting, swimsuit-like garments that would fit her as she grew. As they escorted her down the next corridor, Karen's bloated body jiggled incessantly, due to the tightness of her skin. She could no longer see anything further down than her belly button when she stood upright. She felt incredibly heavy and unnaturally swollen. She could feel her ass, which she had not yet seen, jiggling as much as her belly, thighs and tummy. She could tell by the weight she felt back there that her ass must be huge.
She was brought to a small, cell-like room. "You will rest here," said the native, "and tomorrow you will begin the real fattening..." He chuckled and walked away with the others. Karen's cell contained a crude full-length mirror. Her hips were too wide to be seen in the mirror unless she backed all the way against the far wall of her cell. She saw her face for the first time. It was so fat she barely recognized herself. Puffy, round cheeks had erased her previously sharp cheekbones and a pudgy double chin had covered her jaw. To her surprise she saw herself smiling. Dimples appeared in her huge chubby cheeks. She giggled. She couldn't really understand at first what was making her laugh, but she came to realize that it didn't matter. Being sad and feeling sorry for herself wouldn't do her much good right now, so she gave in to the bubbly, giddy feeling that was swelling inside her huge body and grinned at the plump, pasty Karen that she saw in the mirror. She whirled around to see her butt. It was larger than she had expected, two huge, wide globes of snow-white blubber that seemed to be even softer and jigglier than her tummy. She stomped one of her feet. Her entire body quivered and shook, but nothing jiggled more than her ass. The entire cheek undulated up and down from the shock. She did it again harder and this time she counted...13 seconds until her ass had completely stopped moving. The tightness of her skin was acting like rubber to keep the bouncing flesh in motion. She erupted into a fit of laughter and fell on the bed of her cell. Suddenly she began to feel very sleepy and she realized that the fattening process must have taken a toll on her body. She quickly fell asleep with a euphoric grin on her face, not giving a thought to what was in store for her tomorrow.