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 Problem or opportunity?

Eastern Red Cedar (AKA red cedar, Juniper, red juniper and aromatic red cedar) is called Natural Enemy #1 in certain areas of Oklahoma since it is invasive and takes over 782 acres day. It chokes the land, leaving less for important cattle grazing. Also the main source of Tulsa pollen is Eastern Red Cedar. Ever notice how many seem to have colds or allergies at Christmas?

We can all talk abut how awful Eastern Red Cedar is or we can look for the blessing. "When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. "

  • Many species of birds eat eastern red cedar fruit, and the tree provides cover for many other wildlife species.

  • The evergreen works well in shelterbelts and visual screens. 

  • Oil from the leaves and wood is a component in medicine and perfumes.

The Eastern Red Cedar is known for its distinct aroma and its natural resistance to decay and insect infestation. 

Red cedar has a fine grain, but a soft texture which works easily with hand or power tools. High in stability, red cedar is a very versatile wood which resists decay and which works well for:

  • carving

  • decorative fencing

  • furniture for bedroom, dining room, family room, kitchen, bath & outdoors. (Beds, tables, dressers, chairs, cabinets, posts and chairs.)

  • trim in boats

  • cedar chests

  • cabinets and other cabinetry

  • flooring

  • closet linings (cedar closets) wafer/stran board

  • exterior trim  (house siding)

  • deck Railings

  • log homes.

  • jewelry boxes

  • carvings

  • turnings

  • flutes

  • aromatic wood shavings

  • Fresh Step Cedar Scooping Cat Litter Fresh Step's premium clumping formula, has  real Eastern Red Cedar chips

  • Adirondack furniture 

  • cedar shoe trees 

  • aromatic cedar storage accessories such as cedar blocks, balls, wardrobe hangers, and sachets 

These are only a few of the numerous uses of this versatile wood. 


If Eastern Red Cedar is plentiful, landowners would love to be rid of it and there are many uses for it there is opportunity there. Here is a site we found that shows how  they changed a problem into an opportunity. Businesses and landowners are brought together to help the economy  

We'd like to hear from you on other challenges that could be turned in to a great opportunity. (We aren't in business, in any way with Eastern Red Cedar....This was just something that we read about in the paper that was a problem and knew there must be a great opportunity with it so I researched what all could be made with red cedar as a way to turn it around. In 2003 there are only 4 sawmills in Oklahoma.)

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All of the following is an UPDATE in 2005 from:

Oak Redcedar Forests

Currently, a new forest is quickly emerging over the last 70 years. It was not present during the time Irving was here. Scattered across Oklahoma in a three to four million-acre range are redcedar forests, which have popped up in ever increasing numbers after wildfires were largely contained or eliminated. Many ranchers have had their rangelands overwhelmed by what many call an "invasion" of redcedar. This incursion is causing a long-term change in our forestland and rangeland ecosystems that will have serious consequences on wildlife, risk of wild land fire, land productivity and recreation unless dealt with aggressively.

Hardy prairie grasses and periodic wildfires once relegated cedars to the more remote limestone outcrops and protected canyons. Passive land management, over-grazing livestock and suppressing wildfires have transformed much of Oklahoma into the ideal nursery for cedar seedlings.

Redcedar has many commercial uses. Seventeen sawmills have opened across the state to utilize the products these trees provide, which include: cedar oil, litter box chips, lumber for hope chests, and insect repellent. To learn more about red cedar, contact the Oklahoma Red Cedar Association (ORA) at


Update: Dec 2008 I just googled and found there are 33 sawmills now it Oklahoma.