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X-MENIA offical website

Bios of a few Outstanding Citizens of X-MENIA

X-MENIA is a wonderful country with a little island to the side called Grumpy Bear Island. While X-MENIA consists of X-MEN characters, it is also occupied by many humans. The main crops and resources are grapes, olives, wheat, and coal. The government on Grumpy Bear Island is a republic and the actual land of X-MENIA is dictotalism,(it's a cross between a dictatorship and totalitarianism). We do, however, have a president.

President Charles Xavier

Our National Symbol

If you ever visit X-MENIA, we have wonderful facilities to camp, hike, kayak, fish, or just about anything you could imagine. X-MENIA is a beautiful land and has many tourist every year. Here are more images of X-MENIA.

For more information about X-MENIA, contact Mrs. Pafford, or Group 3-6. Here are just a few more pictures of some of the heroes of X-MENIA.