The Beginning...
One hot as hell summer day in late June, a few guys decided to go outside onto my house and some matresses, beats being bored. In doing so, as most guys do, they began to wrestle. Realizing how much fun they were having beating the crap out of each other, they decided to get a video camera and film the action...
June 29th, 1996...the XHW was born. The matches that started off the XHW, were as painful to do, as they were painful to watch. But out of love of the game the XHW persued its dream to wipe every other Backyard wrestling federation off of the map. In there doing so the XHW became more widespread as we started having people from all over the town come and try to join. We ended up with over 50 people, and more than 100 spectators! We then put off of the crew and superstars, the ones who couldn't cut it. We then started a try-out known as "RoughKut", it became fairly successful and those who didn't make it were put to work as our crew. Although we had little money and almost no support by parents, we still had the whole fans of wrestling group donating money to our fund, to get us a ring. I myself have loved to wrestle since I was four but nothing compares to what I have now. I own the XHW and wrestle in it also as "The Punisher". The XHW is hardcore as hell after loosing it's ring to unbelivable match about a month ago. The match was a "Death 'til the End" match which thankfully took no lives, but unfortuanely ended our ring. A few memorable matches of the XHW were, X-File vs. Danny Xtreme for the Heavyweight Championship. It all started by Danny Xtreme hitting X-File with a few rights to the face, but X-File soon gained the upper hand by a gore,"spear", and then started pounding away. Then X-File hit his pattented finisher, the X-File Plunger about 20 minutes into the match, ending it and becoming the heavyweight champion. Another highlight is Richard Marx vs. Mack, the match was the match of all matches, the main event to decide what was what and the match was "Death 'til the End", The early XHW consisted of Richard Marx, Mack, The Punisher, and Bloodshed. Wrestling outside in 102 degree weather...the XHW would go outside and just beat the crap out of eachother just to keep it alive. Although they filmed just about everything, much of the footage was lost after a unwanted accident that had to do with a former star of the XHW, Bloodshed who had gone to the KWF, throwing the footage away to start off the whole KWF, XHW invasion. I thank him for starting the invasion but soon I will meet with him again! A man that was with us by the name of J.P., a.k.a. The Good 'Ol J.P., was the commentator of the XHW, he led some of the finest shows, but was eventually fired in a "Commentator take all" match last november against the infamous, Paul Lablowski, neither of these two is with us anymore, because they've moved. But replacing them is the man, THE ICE MAN, who also wrestles! Never in our life, here at the XHW, have we seen a match like we saw at October of 1996's PPV, King Of HardKore, as the match of Bloodshed vs. Danny Xtreme for the first ever decided PPV championship match, that title is no longer with us, but Danny Xtreme faught to the death only to be defeated by, The Kurrupt, which is a spinning, tucked, DDT. Bloodshed's finisher graced our mat as it busted heads and shead blood all over the place. Finally one terrifying day a devistating injury accured. Danny Xtreme had been on the roof about to hit the big leg drop when someone came up and pushed him, he fell off of the roof and landed on his shoulder on the solid ground causing him to severly injur his right shoulder, the man was later to be discovered as THE ICE MAN!
March 14th, 1999...a day that will live in infamy, as the XHW is changed forever. The day that brought four colossal giants into eachother's path in a Table, ladders, chairs, and High Risked Manuever match. I along with Danny Xtreme, The Ice Man, and X-File gathered in the ring to tear eachother apart, in a four-way non-elimination match. Danny Xtreme quickly executed with the Final Punishment, courtesy of myself, and then The Ice Man put up a fight to take out X-File, but when The Ice Man turned around, I took him out with "The Big Bang Theory" and then took Danny Xtreme and lay him atop of The Ice Man, Danny Xtreme got the win but after that match, only seconds later, me and X-File joined together to form, The Army Of Darkness, which held the tag-titles 5 times and one all matches in the PPV's, later that group broke up though. Later on in the day, a major feud is born as Danny Xtreme attacks X-File from behind with a chair. This was known widespread by all of the XHW superstars, just no one was around to catch it. While in my backyard the match of X-File vs. Danny Xtreme was born, that match would go on each month or two for 3 years or more! Finally X-File made a match that would end all of the matches they have fought. X-File and Danny Xtreme would battle to the blood and bone in a "Brawl-For-All" match that would take place at the , Vengance, PPV just a month later. X-File made the match and insisted that he put his heavyweight title on the line. Strong fence was lined around the mattresses as much as 20 ft high. They would later be held up by posts and that created the, Dark-Cell, the cell that still no XHW superstar wishes to cross. Lined with strong 50 pound fence on all 4 corners. Fitted with a strong fence top, lined all the way around with barbed-wire, surrounded with sharp tacks. The only way to escape the tacks was to avoid falling to the ground, this made a real mess but it was the cage of all cages that would last to be used only for PPV main events! It also had 4 posts that were lit aflame on the top standing on the corners of the cage. It then had all sorts of weapons strung out on the matresses. Around the matresses was 5 foot of area on each side, kind of like a hell-in-a-cell. The only two men that have stepped into that match were Danny Xtreme and X-File, for some reason no one else will! A match will take place that pins 4 men against eachother, and that will take place in 2002's PPV, "Xtreme Sacrifice".
After this match was set up, it was to take place only one month later. It was a battle to the death for these two and only one man would walk out champion. X-File came to the cell first followed quickly by Danny Xtreme who waited to enter the door on the outside of the cage. These men walked a platform to keep them from catching the tacks with their feet before the match started. X-File was severly pissed as he started to take advantage of Danny Xtreme's stupidity. He hit Danny Xtreme almost knocking him off of the matresses. Danny Xtreme retaliated though with a spear. The referee, on the outside, had never officially gotten in the ring but with these two men's past of rivalry it was going to start pretty quick.This match was filmed and put to tape as one of the most brutal acts of Backyard wrestling ever to be assembled. The cage is spoken of widely and we owe it all to X-File who's creative thoughts pieced together this demonic structure. Pain is all this can produce, and torture it gives. We even got on channel 7 news with the selling of our tape which featured the whole PPV and shows before it. The tape became known as, "Xtreme is a 6 letter word!", The man said it all with,we have nothing to fear but fear itselfThe XHW appeared many times on the local news because it was said that we were practically the only people able to deal with as much pain as we have, we had no problem was chosen to be in the story, so they called me and X-File up and asked us to come on channel 7 and do an actual match at their studios. We both agreed and ended up having one hellacious fight. It all ended when the show went off air. Are tape we sold at many stores county wide. We have one many awards for backyard wrestling. Although no one has broken any bones besides Bloodshed, we don't regret anything!
It was fall again before we knew it. The XHW had been going strong practically all year. Too much weather on hand but it was mainly sun. We had not any problems doing what we do in 110 degree weather. We continued and gained more spectators. We actually had to tear down my fence, because my family highly supported my backyard wrestling career, and set up bleachers.A Huge crowd was mearly our problem, our problem was supplies, we enjoy busting things over others heads or bodies, and without money we could do none of this. We instead found a way to make money by actually putting a fee on bleacher seats available. The crowd highly understood our trouble with no money and no equitment. The understood that if there wasy no money and no equitment that there was boring shows. So right after we put the fee, we still got spectators! We even have a weekly special show that invites a man to come from the crowd and take on a wrestler. If he won, then he successfully gained a contract here at the XHW, however, if he lost, then he still got rewarded, only as a member of our crew. We had so many of these special shows that we had to stop with the hiring and start with the firing. We laid of at least 10 employees, who either,
In the older XHW days we had a trampoline and maybe, occasionally, a matress match. But mainly trampoline, since then the technology here at the XHW has increasingly gone up! No one knew why we did backyard wrestling, they thought it was stupid, painful and downright dumb, but hell, it's what we do for fun. We then moved our wrestling place to a huge area ran by our city our ring became a 15 foot high dirt hill, with all of the litterings of chairs, concrete blocks, street signs, and metal poles, we had it made, a deathbed, is what we picture it as, but hell these guys still gave it 100% every match, even with the high risk of falling off of this 15 ft. high dirt mound. We have recently moved back to my backyard on request of my parents after X-File took a nasty fall off of the dirt-mound fracturing his ribs after hitting a big rock! HE STILL WRESTLES!
X-File later lost the XHW Heavyweight Championship to Danny Xtreme only to gain it back no more than 3 weeks later. He has been the champion since May 14th 2001. Since that I have developed a new title, The best title since X-File can't seem to lose his. It's known as the Backyard Title, if you have this, it means your better than the whole fed mixed! I mean it literaly means you could take on the XHW in a huge battle royal and come out on top. No one has it yet, but soon that will change as someone will step up to be supreme!
One time, the XHW had stopped wrestling due to the weather. Talk of an XHW was spreading and more people had developed, we then decided to star the RoughKut back up due to large request. Our second tape is soon to come out.
Most recently, the XHW has began to wrestle again like crazy and have become more and more violent as the months pass. It's like Evil has created a sequel to the "Dark-Cell"! The new piece, titled the XHW: Four Years Of Hell, has been submitted to a institute in northern okalahoma, that has been credited on doing great jobs with tapes. I'd do it myself but I haven't the time nor patients. Another title will soon be introduced to the XHW, and until then it'll be pain until the end.
The future months point towards the completion of the first XHW compilation, Domestic Violence and perhaps the XHW's public access show. Who knows what else the future may hold for Xtreme Hardcore Wrestling.... perhaps world domination....