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<FONT SIZE=+3><CENTER><STRONG>Walking With God <BR>State Of The World</STRONG><P><IMG SRC=""></CENTER> </FONT>

Today I was out shopping in my home town and I bought a couple of greeting cards and as an anniversary gift for a friend of mine, I was planning on buying a New King James Version Bible. I looked in every store in town that I thought might have one. There wasn't a place in the whole town, not even the bookstores, that sold Bibles. I went home almost in tears for the state of the world. What Jesus says in John 16:33 gives me comfort.

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

They have keepsakes, handcrafted treasures, precious stuffed toys, beautiful artwork, but the greatest gift of all, God's Word, was nowhere to be found.

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