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<CENTER><STRONG><FONT SIZE=+3>Walking With God<BR>How Christians Feel About...<P><FONT SIZE=7><IMG SRC="/on/1believer/images/pumpkin2.gif">Hallowe'en<IMG SRC="/on/1believer/images/pumpkin2.gif"></FONT><bgsound src="/on/1believer/images/mnstrmsh.mid" loop="infinate"><embed src="/on/1believer/images/mnstrmsh.mid" autostart=true hidden=true></HEAD>

Now obviously I can't speak for all Christians, I'm only presenting my personal opinion. I feel that people who celebrate Hallowe'en as a demon festival, or devil's night, clearly do not love the Lord. I feel that Hallowe'en is an excuse for people to go wild and do the bad things and even commit the sins that they would otherwise not do. I also feel that in many ways, Hallowe'en de-sensitizes people to the real demons that are out there, working to destroy our faith every day. However, I feel that if you have a child and are debating whether or not to let them go trick or treating because of your faith, you need to ask the Lord. Listen to what the Spirit is really telling you. If you feel guilty or that you are disobeying the Spirit, then don't have anything to do with Hallowe'en. Whatever you do with this night, shed a positive witness to those who may see Hallowe'en as a time for sin. If you are not celebrating Hallowe'en do something fun that is right with your soul. If you are celebrating and taking the kids out to trick-or-treat, remember to dress them warmly and in bright colours. Don't let them run ahead of you to cross the street, and try not to drive your car through town, unless of course you appreciate the art of egging, soaping, and spraypaint! Follow the Spirit, and this night will not be of a loss to you.

Midi playing is "Monster Mash"

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