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Chick Tract Display
Chick Tract Graphic Display

These are Chick tracts graphically displayed. Just click on the ones that catch your interest, but first remember that Jack Chick's tracts contain a few false doctrines which the Christian world has unfortunately bought into. One of these is the "secret rapture" doctrine which teaches that Christ will one day, suddenly and secretly, return to earth to rapture away all Christians and take them to heaven so that they may escape the coming 7-year tribulation period which will be perpetrated by the Antichrist, but which will end when Christ returns again to take over the governments of the world and establish a thousand-year reign on earth. Another false doctrine is the unconditional immortality of the soul and the subsequent heresy of the eternally burning hell.

Exposes Catholicism as a pseudo-Christian, covertly pagan religion. Exposes Mary worship as nothing better than a Christianized form of pagan goddess worship. A humorous tract explaining the origin of the Mass. (My favourite!) Exposes how the Vatican birthed Communism and Naziism. Exposes how the Catholic 'church' engineered WWII and the Holocaust as a modern-day Catholic Inquisition. Explains how the pope, priests and Eucharist are false christs. Exposes Rome's attempts to sabotage the King James Bible.

Exposes Allah as nothing but a pagan moon-god idol. A Muslim learns that his religion is a deception. A Muslim learns that Christ saves, Allah does not. Returning home after his many travels, a Muslim reveals the deceitful origins of Islam to his shocked family. A young Muslim boy is trained by his family to detonate himself as a martyr for Islam.

Denounces the gay lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorrah. Denounces the gay lifestyle. An exposé on the gay lifestyle. Birds and the Bees.

Abortion. Abortion. Exposes Freemasonry as satanic. Exposes the fable of evolution. A soldier leads his seargent to Christ. Store up your treasures in heaven, not here. A tragic tale of child sexual abuse. Explains how God loved you enough to die for you. To keep your sanity, rely on Christ. Suicides do not go to heaven! A simple gospel message told in pictures. A girl learns of Satan's plans to destroy her. The blood of Christ will save you from destruction. A rabbi learns too late that Jesus was his Messiah. God's moral law, the Ten Commandments. A simple and touching story about an abused boy who got saved. Goliath. A woman learns too late about the dangers of promiscuity. Do not click. This tract is not ready yet. Life is a trip to either heaven or hell. (One of my favourite.) Gives Christians instructions on how to get their prayers answered. A Hindu priest learns that Hinduism is satanic and turns to Jesus for salvation. Based on a true story. A Buddhist learns too late that only Jesus could have saved him. A woman learns what the bizarre doctrines of Mormonism really are, just in the nick of time. A young boy learns to heed God's warning against sin. A thug at a dangerous high school learns that Jesus loves him. The classic tract that started it all. A man learns that he should have trusted Jesus for salvation. Soul Story. Advises how to spread the gospel using Chick tracts. He Never Told Us! Humbug! Reverend Wonderful. Communism in South America. A Demon's Nightmare.

Halloween and the Occult
Exposes the true satanic purpose behind Halloween. Happy Halloween. Boo! The Little Princess. While out for Halloween, a young girl explains the Gospel to her friends. Satan's Master is? A teenaged girl brings her life to near ruin through drug abuse and the occult. A teenaged girl learns that witchcraft is really satanism. A young woman is possessed by an unclean spirit. Cautions against playing occult-oriented role-playing games. Explains how Halloween began and the choice everyone has to make between Jesus and Satan.

Series of 25
Creation and the Fall of our first parents—Adam and Eve. Noah and the Flood. An exposé on the gay lifestyle. Moses, the Ten Commandments, and the plagues on Egypt. A battered prostitute learns that Jesus loves even harlots. A young witch is warned what the Bible says about witchcraft. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Exposes Masonry as Luciferian.

Newest Tracts
A young Muslim boy is trained by his family to detonate himself as a martyr for Islam. Li'l Susy. Ms. Henn. Birds and the Bees. Unloved. A policeman teaches gang members about Jesus. Explains how Halloween began and the choice everyone has to make between Jesus and Satan.

Read Chick's Battle Cry newsletter online.
