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Hey there!! My name is Niki. I am a 20 year old skater chick from the boring state of OHIO. I've been skating off and on for almost a year now. I LOVE it!! My younger brother, Travis, got me started. I used to watch him skate with his friends, and one day I thought, dammitt I'm going to do that. I'm not saying I'm good at...cuz OH BOY I'm not!! I just LOVE skating. I'm going to be good one day, if I can ever get enough time to skate.
Okay, well I'll start off by telling you about me and my interests. I'm 20, but you all already know that. I'm 5'8, blonde hair, and green eyes. I have three tattoos, and yes I do regret two of them. I had my tongue pierced, but it got on my nerves so I took it out. Now I only have my belly-button pierced. I'm not some death metal satan worshipping white trash bitch. I'm pretty lame actually. I like music like, Eve6, Third Eye Blind, Everclear, Lenny Kravitz, Bad Religion, SuBlImE, ummmmm, I can't think of the rest but there are LOTS more. I like pretty much ANYTHING BUT COUNTRY!!!!
My favorite skaters are GEE let me think, Dave Kollasch, Wally, Jeremy "BEAK" Mitchell, Aaron Feinberg, and ummmm Dave Kollasch. I'm not just saying that, because Dave is one of my personal friends. I'm saying it, because it's TRUE. He is sooooooo RAD to watch skate in person.
My skates are the Razor Flats. I Love those damn things!! They are the BEST skates EVER!! I used to ride (don't laugh) Roces Streets, but then Dave opened my eyes to the greatest skate on earth!! Thanks DOOD!!
Lemme see, what else. Oh yeah, I'm going to college to be (please don't laugh again) an Archaeologist. I think it would be the coolest thing to be able to travel, just to dig up some stuff. I love history too. Okay, yes I'm a nerd...oh well!!
Okay, well I think by now you should all be bored and wondering why you even took time out of your busy day to read about me. You can check out the rest of my page now...that is if you aren't asleep. Thanks for stopping by my lame excuse for a skate webpage. Make sure to sign the guestbook and tell me how nerdy I am!!! Later skaters!!!

ME and Travis, my brother!!

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