These can be used for other quirks. For the following 00 = OO agent hardness, SA = Secret agent Hardness, A = Agent hardness
Level Hardness Time Cheat
Dam SA 2:40 Painball Mode
Runway A 5:00 DK Mode
Surface SA 3:30 2 x Grenade L.
Bunker 00 4:00 2 x Rocket L.
Silo A 3:00 Turbo Mode
Frigate SA 4:30 No Radar
Surface 2 00 4:15 Tiny Bond
Bunker 2 A 1:30 2 x Throwing Knives
Statue SA 3:15 Fast Animation
Archives 00 1:20 Invisibility
Streets A 1:45 Enemy Rockets
Depot SA 1:40 Slow Animation
Train 00 5:25 Silver PP7
Jungle A 3:45 Hunting Knives
Control SA 10:00 Infinite Ammo
Caverns 00 9:30 2 x RC-P90
Cradle A 2:15 Gold PP7
Aztec SA 9:00 2 x Moonraker
Eygptian 00 6:00 All Guns
You may have noticed the pattern. If you do the last three you get Magnum, Then Moonraker, then Golden Gun.