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Please correct me if you know any of these are wrong...And feel free to send in any more little interesting things!

Listen Closely:

•"1979": there is someone muttering at 3.17.

•"1979 (Cement Mix)": There is talking in the background at 1.22-1.24.

•"The Aeroplane Flies High(turns left, looks right)": Billy is saying: "I don't really wanna look stupid when I'm sleeping. I never really liked sunny days. black wings just reach out to me over a distance, and I can feel the wind beneath my wings, i see the clouds, and i fell the ocean with my feet, and i'm home again, it requires an ability to judge distance, the aeroplane flies high, turns left, looks right." The other dialogue is: "If i knew where I was going i would already be there, (laughs) i wish i had more time," ... "judicious, beautiful, augmented, whatever, i've always been afraid to die, but I think i'm more afraid to live."

•"Annie-Dog": From the very beginning to 00:28, there are very quiet shakers that go during the piano. There are shuffling noises just before Billy sings "Amphetamine".

•"Beauty" (James): If you listen closely at 2.45 to 3.15, you can hear James singing "World is changing but my love will remain" over and over in the background.

•"Believe": at 2:18, you can hear beeping noises (not to loud). You can hear these noises a couple other times throughout the song.

•"The Bells": Someone is whispering along with what James is singing throughout the song.

•"Blank": at the beginning of the song you can hear a sound like someone moving something, then taking a drink. There is a popping sound at 1.01, and 2.32.

•"Blank Page": Billy's voice cracks and he can't finish the word "never". (in the first few lines.)

•"Blew Away": 3:28 til end, theres a high pitched nosie that sounds like a firecracker or something.

•"Blue": There are wind chimes at the beginning of the song.

•"The Boy": You can hear a voice in the background(in the left speaker) at 2.57 to the end of the song.

•"Bodies": The words muttered in the middle of the song are possibly: "destroy, despise, distrust, disarm, distrust, destroy, despise, denial, destroy, despise, distrust."

•"Bury Me": "Boys, let's get in tune" at the beginning of the song...There's some dispute about what it really says.

•"By Starlight": There is a sound of running water (?) at 0.26 and a few other places in the song.

•"Cherry": At the beginning Billy says " Listen, you wanna just start it?" Then someone says "Ready Flood?" Flood says "Yeah", then Billy says "1, 2, 3, 4."

•"Country Girl" (James): In some parts of the song you can almost hear James' voice being echoed in the background.

•"Daphne Descends": small high pitched noise starts in the middle, and goes steadily til the end of the song.

•"Destination Unknown": Billy (apparently) whispers "I love my sister" at 3.16.

•"Disarm": There is a loud wooshing sound at 3.04-3.06. If you turn it up very loud at the end you can hear people singing opera.

•"French Movie Theme": There is a cough at 3.04.

•"Fuck You (an ode to no one)": If you play the part of the song that he says "coil my tongue 'round a bumblebee mouth" backwards it sounds like Billy is saying "I am evil".

•"Galapogos": At 3.16 Billy mutters "Sorry I had to put you through all this sh*t. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" (?)

•"Geek U.S.A.": during the first drum part, you can hear a man's voice not too clearly.

•“Glynis": Someone says "Hello" at the very beginning.

•"God": There is a strange whooshing noise at the end. If you play the chorus part backwards, you can hear a phrase "I am helpless, I want to die." Might be imagination...

•"Hello Kitty Kat": At the end of the song Billy says "Song's over."

•"Honey Spider 1": Billy laughs at the end & says "Aha! That's everything..."

•"Hummer": At 6:53 til the very end if you listen with earphones you can hear classical music.

•"In the Arms of Sleep": At the beginning you can hear loud breathing, scratching sounds, and then you can hear what sounds like someone blowing over the top of a bottle.

•"La Dolly Vita": strange, cartoonish "Ooh!" noise at 3:33; cuckoo at 3:44

•"Marquis in Spades": Mole (?) says at the beginning "Rolling", the Jimmy says "I was just on another planet for a second." Billy says "Run it make Mole." Then Billy says "Fucker".

•"Mayonaise": At the very end, if you listen with earphones, you can hear more notes than you can regularly hear. They're really pretty.

•"Meladori Magpie": at the beggining while the drum is playing, at (0:02) you can hear the slide object touch the strings of the guitar.

•"Obscured": Billy says "yeah" at 0.11.

•"Perfect": After "memories unwind" there's the weirdest little noise...

•"Pissant": Billy yells "Woooo!" at the end...either that, or its a peacock.

•"Plume": At the very beginning, before music starts, you can hear someone say "three!". As the music comes to a stop at the end of the song, you can hear people talking.

•"Pug": There are quiet shakers at the end.

•"Quiet": At 3:38 til the very end you can hear fast little noises. It sounds like bubbly talking. At 2.37 to 2.49 you can hear soft beeping sounds. If you listen "underneath" the beeping sounds, you can hear Billy talking.

•"Rotten Apples": There are noises like someone moving things around at the end.

•"Set the Ray to Jerry": There is whispering in the background at 1.01. At 2:37 you can hear a moan that sounds something like a manitee or a whale.

•"Silverfuck": At the end Billy says "Alright this take don't give a f*ck", he laughs, then he plays a few guitar notes. As Billy chuckles, a male voice says "OK".

•"Siva" (from Peel Sessions): D'arcy says "Wait I just stepped on my ____ (?)" Then Billy counts to four.

•"Slunk": Billy says "Boom" (?) at 1.45.

•"Soma": There are cricket sounds at the beginning, and that voice at the end saying "And you need to resist the devil, so that he will flee."

•"Spaceboy": There is a voice at the end. If you turn it up loud enough, you can make out what she's saying: "now it's kind of strange, and, uh, kinda awkward to talk about, but i thought maybe you could help, uhm, when we start getting physical, rather than having intercourse, he ends up just masturbating with himself and I end up feeling very alienated and unsatisfied and it's really come between us."

•"Spaced": at 1:43, you can hear a very loud cough.

•"Starla": You can hear a police siren at 5.27.

•"Stumbleine": At the end there are shifting noises and a voice.

•"Take Care" (James): There are birds chirping? at 2:21 to the end. There is a clicking sound at 2:29.

•"Thru the Eyes of Ruby": 7:36 til end - there's a weird noise like a cat purring.

•"To Forgive": Weird animal noises at 4:09 til the end.

•"To Sheila": At the beginning during the "cricket" noises, it sounds like someone is breathing, or waves crashing against the shore. At 4:32 - 4:44, There's this weird high pitched noise. Then at the VERY end, theres a loud "Thump".

•"We Only Come Out At Night": cool notes at the end only heard by earphones or a REALLY loud stereo.

•"Where Boys Fear to Tread": There is a rustling sound at 0.04. DOOM explosion mentioned in liner notes: 1:20, 1:55, 2:29, 3:01, 3:44

•"X.Y.U.": at the end you can hear a police siren squeeling.

•"Zero": Apparently, if you play the "Emptiness is lonliness", to "God is empty like me" part back wards, you can hear a message that goes something like: "she is god"...I forget the rest

Significances of the number Thirty-Three:
•Mama Cass died at the age of 33.
•33 was the number of a few great athletes.
•Jesus supposedly died at 33.
•Billy will be 33 in the year 2000.
•There are 33 revolutions on a longplay record.
•There are 33 songs on "The Aeroplane Flies High" box set.
•Chris Farley died at 33.
•John Belushi died at 33.
•Anne Bolyne was killed when she was 33.
•Jacky Kennedy was 33 when JFK died.
•The time on The End Is The Beginning Is The End remix cd is 33:33.
•33 is the atomic nomber for arsenic, a poison.
•There are 33 houses in a monopoly game.
•There are 33 letters in the title "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness".

It's pronounced "Sheeva", and it's a Hindu God of destruction. (I nicknamed my kitten Siva. She's awfully destructive.)

Recipes for Pumpkin Stuff

Relations to Other Bands/Songs
•In the song 'Jennifer's Body' (on the album 'Live Thru This'), by Hole: The lyric "He keeps you in a box by the bed.." is similar to that of 'Silverfuck': "What i recovered of me i put into a box underneath my bed..", OR "I put her in a box underneath my bed.." (sung at live Pumpkin shows)...
...Then Courtney Love sings: "He said, 'i'm your lover, im your friend, im pure'..", which is similar to Billy singing "She was my lover, so sweet.."...
...Courtney then sings "and he hit me again with a bullet..", which reminds me of Billy singing "Bang bang your dead, HOLE in your head.."...
...INTERESTING! (Don't worry, SP fans. 'Siamese Dream' came out before 'Live Thru This'!)...Not that im suggesting one of them copied the other. Maybe this could just have to do with their relationship. Or it could show how similar their minds are.

•In the song 'Cherry', Billy sings "All the boys have been left for dead, 'cause we go where they fear to tread..", and, of course, the song on 'Mellon Collie...' is called 'Where Boys Fear to Tread'.

•In 'Mouths of Babes', Billy wrote "And now you're with us now.." towards the beginning of the song...This is a lot like the line "And now I'm with you now.." which is towards the beginning of the song, 'The End is the Beginning is the End'.

•The song 'Transformer' relates to other songs by a couple of the words used in it, such as "cherry", "blue", and "turtle". (a terrapin is a turtle, and 'Terrapin' is a Pumpkins song.)...Also, the word "livewire" is in both Transformer and '1979'.

•The Pumpkins' second album is called 'Siamese Dream'. On that album, there is a song called Geek U.S.A., in which Billy sings about a dream he had where he was "siamese twins at the wrist" with someone. There is also a SONG called 'Siamese Dream'. Here's a reccurring theme...

•tonight, tonight lyric: "in the resolute urgency of now"
1979 lyric: "the street heats the urgency of sound/now"

•The picking at the beginning of To Sheila is the same as, or VERY close to, that of Suffer. (beginning at 4:10 - "will you wait?...")

•Maybe this doesnt matter, but i thought it was cool: The songs, Suffer and Snail, are both 5 minutes and 11 seconds long. They're consecutive on the album, and they both start with S.

•The word "june" appears a lot throughout Billy's lyrics. (see '1979', 'Bye June', 'Mayonaise', 'Rhinoceros', 'Tales of a Scorched Earth', and 'Where Boys Fear to Tread'...)

•Also, the line "my one and only" appears frequently. (see 'By Starlight', 'Lily...', 'XYU', 'Zero', and various 'Silverfuck' rants...)

•"Ruby" is a commonly used word as well! Obviously there's the song 'Thru the Eyes of Ruby'. A line in 'Stumbleine' says "come around Ruby, i could never sleep alone." The 1989 demo, 'Love' (NOT a demo for the MCIS song 'Love') has the lyrics "Ruby's eyes". A Hole song also mentions "Ruby's eyes". (Hmm, another supposed Courtney Love connection!)

•The amazing poem in the first pages of the TAFH booklet has many lines that relate to the songs over the years. Click here to see most of them!

Album Artwork
•If you hold up the back of the Pisces Iscariot CD to the light, you can see Billy through the white angel on the back. Apparently it was an accident.

•The same trick works for the liner with the fish pan & the necklace - looking at both sides through the light looks like an eyeball.

(For more 'interesting' ideas, go to Day Dreaming!)

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