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We Get Mobbed

After I had put on my blue camouflage shirt (Just like Tay's, I got it before I knew he had one.) we went to the front gate to wait for our Taxi. Tay was holding my hand.
"I really hope that cab guy doesn't call the media or anything, since I had to give him my name."
"I TOLD you you could use MY name!"
"Oh yeah, that would be real cute, a guy's voice, and a chick's name!!" He laughs at my suggestion.
"I never thought about that one." Just then the cab pulls up and honks.
"Cab's here." I say, we climb into the back seat.
"'Lo," The driver says in awe.
"Hey," Tay says.
"My daughter's gonna have a COW when she finds out I had you sitting on the seat of my cab! She's gonna wanna buy this car!!" He's laughing at his own comment.
"Do you have something to sign? Or a camera for a picture?" Tay asks.
"Yes, I do, I was hoping you would ask, but I wasn't sure if you'd be a jerk." He hands Tay 'Middle Of Nowhere' and takes about a roll of pictures before we finally pull out of the parking lot.
"So who are you?" He asks me as we drive along.
"I'm.." I glance at Tay and he nods. "I'm Aairana Kalle Jordan, Taylor's girlfriend."
"That's cool. It's great that you can finally date without being murdered. I'm surprised Sara hasn't mentioned anything about you two being a couple."
"She probably hasn't said anything because you, my brothers, Airi, and Airi's friend Kaitlyn Genasys Smith know about it!"
"Your parents don't know?"
"No, not yet."
"I see."
"We just started going out last night." He smiles beamingly at me.

"Well, here we are at Camden Mall, I hope you two don't get killed. It's the summer, so everyone's out and about." The Cabbie takes our fare and counts it.
"Oh crap, I forgot all about that!! People are usually in school when we go! Oh well." Tay says.
"You take good care of her in there, don't let her get killed!" The driver jokes, and then he pulls away from the curb.
"Don't worry, I'd NEVER let you get hurt!!" Tay says, smiling and putting his arms around me.

"Hey, do you wanna pick out something to wear on Friday? I'll pay for it."
"Okay, but I can pay for it Tay."
"No, I will."
"I will."
"If you don't let me pay for it, then I'll leave you here!" Tay jokes.
"I guess I'll just have to WALK home then!"
"I won't let you do that, you might get eaten by a bear!"
"Oh, just what I wanted to do on my summer vacation, get eaten by a BEAR!" We both laugh.
"How about I pay for half and you pay for half?"
"Fine. But I'm paying for the bigger half!!"
"Okay, If that makes you happy!" People were starting to notice Taylor and they were pointing and staring. "If anyone points at you or stares, just wave." A little girl came up to us as Tay finished whispering his instructions into my ear.
"Can I have your autograph?" She asked.
"Sure, you got something for me to sign?"
"Yeah, here." She handed him a little notebook.
"Do you have a pen?"
"No." She looks very disappointed.
"Here, I have one," I say, digging into my purse. I handed it to Tay.
"Thanks!" The girl brightens. Tay signs the book and hands it back to her. He gives me my pen.
All of a sudden there are voices all around us going, "Tay! Tay! Tay!" I look behind us and see an advancing crowd of girls.
"Tay? look behind us." I tell him.
"Oh crap, we're gonna get mobbed!!" At that moment we turned a corner and were blinded by cameras.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" We both yelled.
"Tay, can I get your autograph?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!!!!" Someone yells, and before we know it, we're surrounded by girls and reporters shouting things at us.
All I hear is: "Tay, Can I, Tay, Have you, Tay, Tay, Don't kill me!, Tay, I love you Tay, Tay Tay TayTayTayTay..." Tay finally grabs my arm and we run. We run as fast as our legs can carry us. There are LOTS of people chasing after us. We run around a corner and Tay pulls me into a store. We stop and look around, and as Tay realizes what kind of store it is, he blushes deep crimson.
"I had NO IDEA this was a lingerie store!" He says.
"Let's go in the dressing room!" I tell him.
"I don't want to go in the dressing room!!" He protests, but I take his hand and pull him in.
"Can I help you?" A sales lady asks.
"We're getting mobbed!"
"Why are you getting mobbed?"
"Because I'm Taylor Hanson and a whole bunch of people recognized me!"
"Just don't tell them we're in here!"
"Okay." The lady walks into the main room and just about gets mobbed herself. "What's going on?" She asks the crowd.
"Taylor Hanson is here!" A girl shouts.
"From Hanson, the band that has sold over 35 MILLION copies of their debut CD Middle Of Nowhere, the band who has won over TEN awards and has been nominated for THREE Grammies!!" Another girl hollers.
"What song do they sing that I might know?" The clerk still has no CLUE who they are.
"MMMBop!!!!" Everyone yells.
"You mean they sing that song?" She asks.
"Yeah, where's Tay??"
"I don't know, I just heard all the commotion and was wondering what was going on."
"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH...They're not here." The crown shouts out. Then they run out of the store, and down the hall.
"Okay, It's safe. You can come out now." The clerk tells us. We walk out of the dressing room. "I'm sorry, I had no idea who you were."
"That's okay." Tay grabs my hand and we cautiously walk out the door. "So, where do you want to go now?" I shrug my shoulders. "How about here?" He points to a store with a really pretty dress in the window. It was sleeveless, black, and had swirls down the sides.
"Oooh, I like that!" I point to the dress. We go into the store.
"What size?"
"A Three." I start to look at the rack.
"You're small. I'm like, a size nine. Not in dresses though."
"That's cuz you're tall. You're really skinny. I HOPE not in dresses. I'd be scared." I touch his flat stomach.
"Aaaaahhhhh! I'm ticklish!" He starts to laugh.
"Oh, here's my size!" I grab the dress and go into the dressing room to change. I put the dress on and find Tay looking at the guy clothes. "How does this look?" I ask him. "It's a little short." He turns to look at me.
"Whoa. I like it. I think we should buy it."
"I take it it looks good?"
"Looks great." I go back into the dressing room and change back into my normal clothes. I handed Tay the dress and my half of the money. He went up to pay for it. I looked over at the shoes until he was done.
"So what do you want to do now?" I ask, taking the bag from him.
"Should we just go back, before we get recognized more?"
"Sure, why not?" We went to the parking lot and caught a cab back to camp.
