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We Have a Slight Problem...

"Hey Air!!" Tay exclaims as he flies through the door of our room and hugs me.
"Air?" I ponder.
"Like it???"
"Sure, why not?"
"We have a bit of a problem, well not really a problem, but my parents are coming to meet you today!"
"They should be here in about two and a half hours."
"We cleaned our room in record time, three hours!!" Tay grinned.
"Didn't you have practice?"
"Yeah, but we skipped it!"
"You rebel!"
"We had to, our mom would have killed us if she saw our room before, seeing as we've only been here for less than a week."
"I should probably clean this dump up."
"You want help?"
"If you really want to." We look over at Zac and Kait. They are busy flirting. "Kait, we have to clean our room."
"Do we HAVE to?"
"No, WE can do it!" Tay exclaims. "Now get out and leave us to clean." Zac takes Kait's hand and pulls her out of the room before Tay changes his mind about them having to separate.

After Tay and I finished cleaning Me and Kait's room, (we even did the bathroom and dusted) Tay was helping me find something to wear.
"So, what do you WANT me to wear to meet your parents?" We had been looking through mine and Kait's wardrobe for a few minutes now. Tay picked out a yellow sleeveless dress with rainbows down the sides and told me to go barefoot. I changed, brushed my hair, curled the ends, took off my make-up, put on some lip gloss, my butterfly earrings, my rings necklace, and grabbed my black purse with the red dragon on it. I put my sunglasses on top of my head and was ready to go. Tay looked me up and down, surveying my outfit.
"You look really good, I know my parents will like you. They should be here in about ten minutes. Do you want to go down to the rec. room to wait for them?"
"Yeah, sure." I put my arm around him and he does the same to me. We walk to the rec. room and sit on the couch. He kept his arm around me and I leaned up against him. We were looking for something to watch.
"Do you want to watch Daria?" He asks.
"Not really. I think we've seen every episode just this week." I take the remote from him and turn the TV to Scoobie-Do.
"Yes! This show is the BEST!" Tay looked through the TV Guide which had been laying on the couch.
"Hey, basketball is on!" He grabs the remote from me, changing it to basketball.
"Hey, I was watching that!" I try to grab the remote back, but Tay holds it up over his head. When I put my hands up, he puts his down. I try to get it from him like this for a few seconds. When I finally DO get it from him, I fall backwards off the couch and he falls on top of me with one hand on each side of me. I had the remote above me, and he took both of my wrists and held them down with his left hand. Then he tickled me with his right. I was in the middle of laughing when all of a sudden his face was in mine and he leaned in and gave me a long kiss on the lips.
"GGHMMMHH," We hear and we break apart and both sit up to find his mom and dad standing there watching us. Diana was smiling and trying not to laugh. Walker had a stern look on his face.
"Hi, Mom, Dad." Tay blushed deeply.
"Hello." I put out my hand for them to shake. I'm blushing too, but not as much as Tay. Diana and Walker shake my hand.
"Hi," They say.
"How much of that did you see?" Tay asks, humiliated.
"ALL of it!" Diana confesses smiling. "You guys look really cute together." Tay blushes deeper.
"Son? Can I speak with you privately for minute?" Walker asks.
"Yeah Dad." They walk off down the hall. Once they are out of ear shot Diana sits on the couch and pats the spot next to her for me. I sit there.
"Don't worry about him. He's just very protective." She tells me.
"And PLEASE don't be nervous around us."
"You really like Taylor, don't you?"
"Yes. My best friend Kaitlyn and I are really big fans of their's too."
"That's great. Where're Ike and Zac? Do you know?"
"Well, I think Ike's with Abby, and Zac was with Kait, my friend, in his and Tay's room last time I saw him. That was a few hours ago."

As is the case again, Airi has the rest of the story. I'll be getting it probably tomorrow, so more will be up very soon.
