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Ow, My Shin Hurts!

When we got back to the Bunk, we went our separate ways, and Kait was already changing in our room. I went to my closet and picked out a blue spaghetti strap dress that came up three inches from my knee cap and black high-heeled shoes. Then I washed my hair and blow- dried it straight. I got dressed, did my make-up and put my hair in a twist. I put my shoes on and looked at Kait to see if she was ready. She was leaning against the bedpost watching the TV in mute. She had on a light blue tank top with butterflies and some flowers on it. She also had on a dark blue stretch denim skirt that came up about two inches from her knees, with a two inch slit up the left side. The skirt was resting low and part of her stomach was showing. You could see her bellybutton ring. She had on blue shower shoes. She had her brown-red hair down around her face. It fell in waves. She didn't have very noticeable makeup on. Probably not much at all.
"Ready?" I ask her.
"Yep. You look good."
"You do too. Tay and Zac are going to come and get us." Just as I said that there was a knock at the door.
"Come in," Kait called, grabbing her little light blue fuzzy bag. I grabbed my small black purse and followed Kait to the door. Tay opened it. He looked REALLY hot. He was wearing teal leather pants and a black shirt. He had his hair down. Zac had his hair down and kind of falling forward. He was wearing light Khakis and a white long-sleeved shirt with a green Planet Earth one over it.
"Hi," Tay stared at me.
"Hi, let's go!" I grab his hand and pull him out of the doorway. We start down the hall. Zac just stood there looking at Kait until she reached up (Exposing more of her stomach) and covered his eyes with her hand. She grabbed his arm with her other hand and pulled him up so that they were standing behind us. We walk to the lobby like that. Diana and Walker are waiting for us.
"Kaitlyn, why are you covering Zac's eyes?" Diana asks.
"Cuz he kept giving me funny looks," she answers, removing her hand. "Can you please call me Kait, not Kaitlyn? Everyone else does."
"Okay." We start walking to the parking lot. Someone had called two cabs for us. Ike and Abby were waiting for us and the taxis. When we got to the parking lot we still had a few minutes to wait, so Kait sat down right on the pavement and hugged her knees to her chest. (~She does it all the time in reality. Just sits wherever.~) Tay is holding my hand, and Ike and Abby have their arms around each other. Diana and Walker are standing near each other.
"Hi Kait," Zac says, sitting by her on the ground.
"Hi again Zac. Why were you staring at me?"
"Cuz you look really good."
"Cabs are here," Abby announces.
Zac stands up quickly and helps Kait to her feet. Abby and Ike automatically climb into the first cab. Diana pushes Walker into the front seat of that one. Then she climbs into the cab's back seat with Abby and Ike, winking at the rest of us. Zac helps Kait into the cab and starts to get in after her. Tay grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him back, giving him a look. Zac looks back at him pleadingly and whispers something in Tay's ear. Tay lets go of Zac and lets him climb in by Kait. Then he turns to me and says, "Here, you sit with Zac and Kait and I'll sit in the front with the driver." I can tell he doesn't want to sit alone, but he's helping Zac out with something. He helps me in and climbs into the front. He tells the cabby to follow the other taxi because he has no idea where we're going.

We got to the restaurant in about five minutes. The Velvet Ribbon. One of the fanciest restaurants in Camden. We went in and surprisingly enough we had reservations. Diana and Walker had thought ahead. We went to our long table. Here was the seating arrangement:

Zac Ike Abby Diana
Kait Aairana Tay Walker

We ordered our food, and halfway through the meal I hear Kait say, "Ouch!" She gave Zac a stern look across the table. He just looked at her innocently.
"What?" He asked with the most angelic look on his face.
"Tay," I whispered. He turned to me. "I think these two are going a bit psycho over here."
"O-KAY." He told me, and scooted a bit closer to his dad.
"TAY!" I said, and rolled my eyes at him for thinking that I was the one going insane. He scooted back towards me, a little bit closer than he had been before. A few minutes later I heard a muffled noise from under the table.
"OW!!" Kait said, and I heard the noise again. I realized that Zac was kicking Kait and she had just kicked him back.
"AH! That HURTS!!" Zac uttered. Then he kicked her again and they started kicking each other back and forth. It was pretty funny until I got kicked in the shin.
"Retard, don't kick ME!!" I kicked Zac back.
"Well I WAS going to say SORRY, but now that you kicked me...." Zac kicked me again. Tay looked at us all like we were crazy until I kicked him on accident (of course) and he joined in. We kept kicking each other, and pretty soon Ike and Abby were in on it too. We would have probably been kicking all night, but the waitress came back and saw us all kicking each other under the table, so we stopped before we further embarrassed ourselves.
