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The News

When we finished eating, we were all just sitting around talking. Suddenly Diana said, "Boys? Your father and I have something important to tell you. Your grandfather...." she paused and looked at Walker. She started to cry. Walker had tears in his eyes.
"Mom?" Ike asked. Everyone had worried looks on their faces.
"Umm...your Grandfather has been really sick lately, and yesterday, yesterday he passed away. That was why we wanted to come so soon." Ike started to cry. Abby tried to comfort him. Tay had tears in his eyes so I gave him a big hug, and just sat there with my arms around him. Zac was just staring off into space. A single tear ran down his face. Kait got up and went across the table. She put her arms around him and stood by the table. After seeing that single tear slide slowly down Zac's cheek, I started to cry. I looked around the table. Everyone was crying. "Gosh, why are you girls crying? You've never even met their Grandfather."
"They never will..." Tay voiced.
