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The Poem

Saturday morning Kait was putting in some extra hours at the studio. She had had a song idea, and was talking with our manager Ted Mantin about it. She had made me stay, because I had been sick the night before. I was better now, but she made me stay anyway. Not having anything else to do, I started cleaning our once again piggish room. When I was picking some clothes up off of our new desk, I found a piece of paper lying next to the word processor. I threw the clothes onto the floor and picked it up.
"Whoa," I thought, "I KNOW Kait wrote this. I bet she wrote it about Zac. They'll be here in about 15 minutes. I should type this up and give it to Zac." Forgetting about cleaning, I sit down and start to type up the poem. Then I put it in an envelope and write 'Zac' on it. Expecting the guys to be home any minute, I go and sit by their door and wait for them. After waiting for almost five minutes, Tay and Zac came down the hall looking tired. I jumped up and handed Zac the envelope.
"Here Zac."
"Hey, how come he gets something?" Tay asked.
"Well, it isn't FROM me. Well it's from me, but I didn't write it. Hey, give me a hug!" He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. Zac opened their door, and we all went in.
"Where's Kait?" Zac asked as he threw his bag on the floor and started to open his letter.
"At the studio talking to Ted. WHY Zac??" I teased.
"Just wondering."
"Yeah right, you want her bad," Tay says.
"So?" He got the letter opened and pulled out the paper. I motioned for Tay to be quiet and watch Zac's face. This is what Zac read:

I miss you and I don't know why.
When I see you my heart beats faster.
Your smile, or even your voice,
Could make me melt on the spot.
I don't understand these feelings...
I thought we were just friends...
But maybe I was wrong again...
Maybe deep down,
I've always loved you.


As Zac read, we saw redness creep up into his cheeks.
"Zac, you're blushing," Tay commented. I smacked him and Zac quickly put the paper back into the envelope.
"She wrote that?? For ME???"
"Yeah. She doesn't know I gave it to you though." Zac nodded and went over to his dresser. He opened his top drawer and put the envelope under something.
"Oooh...the underwear drawer. Must be special!" Tay said.
"Shut up Tay." Zac hauled himself up into his bed. I pulled Tay down on his bed and sat by him. He flipped on the TV. Beavis and Butthead was on.
"We can watch this!" He said. As we watched Beavis and Butthead acting stupid, Kait walked through the partially opened door. She shut it behind her. Tay just started cracking up. Kait gave him a funny look.
"Hi guys. You're back."
"Yep! Sit up here by me!" Zac exclaims. Kait climbs the ladder and sits by him. Their feet are hanging off the edge. She's still wearing his jacket. "Hi Kait!"
"Hi Zac. Here's your coat."
"You can keep it still. I don't need it. I'm not cold. If I am, that's MY problem." Tay and I listened as they talked.
"Okay, I guess."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did, but sure."
"Oh yeah. what'd you do when we were gone?"
"THAT'S your question? Okay. We went shopping and just kind of hung out."
"What'd ya buy?"
"A desk, a word processor, a shirt, some jeans, a camera, shoes, nail polish, a swimming suit, and a dress for the dance."
"Cool. What's the dress like?"
"It's pink with red dots and red lace around the bottom, and in an X on the chest."
"Cool. I'll have to see it."
"Just DO it Zac!" Tay yelled.
"Stop listening Tay, it's RUDE!" Zac blushed. Kait was confused. Her and Zac just watched the show for a minute. When Kait looked absorbed in the show, Zac quietly scooted closer to her. She didn't notice until he got so close that his orange pants touched her cloud print and Khaki ones. She turned her head to him and their faces almost touched.
"I gotta ask you another question."
"Will you go out with me?" Kait licked her lips and leaned in, filling the gap between them. Their mouths touched, and their lips moved together. The kiss lasted about two minutes. Tay and I had noticed that it had gotten really quiet, and that their feet were closer than they had originally been.
Tay got up and looked at them. Then he sat down and whispered to me with wide eyes, "They're making OUT!!" I just smiled and told him to watch the show. After their kiss ended, Zac hugged Kait very closely and just held her. (*Finally*)
"I take it that's a yes?"
Kait smiled. "Of course."
"Okay guys. You're FINALLY going out. Now watch TV." I tell them. They break off from their embrace, and link their fingers together to watch the show.
"Yuck. I HATE this one. Beavis cuts his finger off and bleeds everywhere. It's gross. I don't want to watch it." Kait said.
"So don't." Zac stated.
"What am I gonna DO then?"
"Kiss me!"
"Ew you guys. Get a frickin' room!" Tay said.
"We aren't DOING anything!" Kait responded.
"Now we are!" Zac announced, putting his hands on her shoulders. He pushed her down onto the bed backwards. He sat on her stomach and started to softly kiss her face all over.
"Zac!" She protested.
"What? You don't like my kisses?" He sounded hurt.
"I LOVE your kisses Zac. I just don't want to get them here."
"Okay, we'll leave then!" He rolled off of her.
"Zac. No. I have to go though. I have to clean." She quickly jumped off of the bed and onto the floor in front of me and Tay. She made a small noise as her slim body landed on the carpet. "Come on Air. Our room's a pigsty." I briefly kissed Tay good-bye and followed her out of the room.
