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How Do You Finger? What the HELL??? You're SICK!!

After we rollerbladed around the whole lake, we all went back to our rooms to shower and get ready for the dance. After I showered, I put on my black dress with the swirls up the sides, and black clog sandals. I then put on light makeup, and dried my hair so that it curled under at the ends. Kait took a shower, and then put on her new pink dress with the red dots on it, and her pink and red sandals. She pulled her thick red-brown hair back into two partial pigtails, and curled the ends a little bit, so that she had spirals going down her back. Then we both painted our fingernails. Mine got painted black, and Kait's got painted pale pink. After we had done each other's nails, I found my purse and we sat down to wait for the guys.
"You know what I just realized?" I asked Kait.
"This is you and Zac's first real date."
"So, aren't you excited, nervous, anxious?"
"No, not really. I just wish they would get here already." As if by magic, there was a knock at the door after Kait finished saying this. We straightened our appearances and glanced in the mirror, then opened the door to a couple of hot-looking guys. Tay was wearing black jeans, a blue shirt with black and white stripes on the sleeves, and black docs, and Zac was wearing brown pants, a red partial zip shirt, and black docs. Tay's hair was parted down the middle and perfectly combed, while Zac's was parted on the side and brushed so that it couldn't be any softer. Tay took my hand, and Zac put his arm around Kait's waist. Tay looked me up and down, and Zac just stared at Kait. "Zac, quit staring at me already." Kait said. "I can't help it."
"Yeah you can, just don't look at me."
"But I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because you look WAY too beautiful, and I can't stand to take my eyes off you." Kait blushed a little bit and layed her head on Zac's shoulder.
"Then how 'bout you look at my face, instead of at the rest of me?"
"Okay, it's just as beautiful." Kait had on red tinted lipgloss, rust colored eyeshadow, painted on both top and bottom lids, forest green mascara to match her eyes, and she had white sparkles all over her face. She also had the sparkles on her shoulders and every centimeter of exposed skin that she had. I had on sparkly white eyeshadow, clear lipgloss, and black mascara. Zac looked at her for a while longer, then he managed to peel his eyes away as we walked out of the Bunk. We walked over to the main lodge, where the dance was being held, and went in. Ike and Abby were out on the dance floor already. We had planned to meet them here. Ike waved to us and then continued dancing to I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith. Zac pulled Kait out onto the dance floor against her will and wrapped his arms around her. He slid his hands under the back of her dress and grabbed her ass.
"Umm, Zac, your hands don't go there."
"Sorry." He removed his hands, and placed them on her ass on the outside of her dress. He pulled her closer and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She layed her head on his shoulder.
"Tay, let's go dance," I tell him, pulling on his arm.
"No Air, I don't want to!" I pull him out and put my arms around his neck. I put my head on his chest and he puts his arms around my back. He starts to put his hands on my ass, but then hesitates, and finally places them gently on it. I pull close to him and we dance slowly until the song is over. When it's over, Song 2 by Blur came on. "Do you want to go get something to eat or drink?" Tay asks as Everyone else starts dancing.
"Sure." Tay wraps his arm around my waist and we go over to the refreshment table.
"What do you want?"
"I don't know, I guess Dr. Pepper." He grabs me a Dr. Pepper and grabs him self one too. We take our drinks and go to sit down in some chairs against one of the walls. We watch Zac trying to make Kait dance.
"I'm glad we don't DANCE anymore at our shows!" Tay points to Zac who is TRYING to dance. He's making Kait dance with him. As we watched them, that song ended and I Will Come to You came on. Tay grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor. He put our empty glasses on the chairs we had been sitting in. He wrapped his arms around me and we started to dance. As we danced he sang the lyrics into my ear. Kait and Zac were wrapped up as close as they could be, as were Ike and Abby.

After the dance ended, we all decided to go out to McDonald's to get something to eat. We walked across the entire camp, using the winding boardwalk that ran through the little kid's Bunks. When we finally got to the restaurant, we all went in and ordered. After we got our food, Me, Tay, Kait and Zac sat down in a booth, with me and Kait on the insides, and Ike and Abby went to sit down at a table near us.
"Ikey, let's go sit over here," Abby whined. Ike looked at us and Tay just motioned for him to go, so he followed his girlfriend across the fast food joint to another table. They sat down and we all sat in silence eating our food. Zac finished first, and started to dump his ketchup onto his burger wrapper. He smoothed it into a messy circle, and drew a heart in the middle. Then he 'painted' a K into the center of it. He pushed it over a little bit towards Kait.
"Here, look what I made you!"
"That's....great Zac..."
"Now you have to keep it forever and ever."
"Where am I supposed to put it? If I put it on the wall, It will drip on your face and get all messy, and If I put it anywhere else, it'll attract ants."
"How would it get on my face?"
"On the posters."
"Oh. Well then just keep it until we leave here."
"Okay." We all finished eating, and went to leave. Ike and Abby were still eating, so they told us to leave without them. We made the LLLLOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG trip back to our Bunk, and change into our pajamas. I put on a light blue cotton camisole with a butterfly on it, and matching boy-leg briefs with a butterfly on them. Kait put on her red firefighter camisole with matching red bottoms that said 'Keep Back 200 Feet' on the ass. After we changed, we went over to the guy's room. Tay was wearing blue and red checkered boxers, and a white tank top, and Zac was wearing just purple silk boxers. When we walked in, Tay grabbed my hand, and we sat on the bed. Zac gave Kait a big hug, almost knocking her over, and yanked her over to the chair. Only after he sat her on his lap, did he notice her outfit.
"What are you WEARING??" He asked her.
"Uh, my pajamas..."
"It looks like underwear!!"
"It isn't. I have underwear on underneath."
"Can I see 'em?"
"Umm, why?"
"You might be lying to me."
"I don't think I am, but okay." She rolls part of the pajama bottoms down to show him her black underwear.
"Okay, now I believe you."
"Well what you're wearing looks like underwear too."
"It IS!"
"That would explain it." She layed her head down on his chest, and looked at the TV. CSPAN was on. "What the Hell are you watching THIS for?"
"I don't know, Ike was the last one to watch TV in here. Unless it was Tay."
"Well I'm going to change it. Where's the remote?"
"Next to the TV." She gets up and goes over to find it. She bends over next to the TV to look on the little table. Zac is staring at her ass.
"Zac, what are you staring at Kait's ass for?" Tay asks.
"Cuz I'm reading it."
"You're reading her ass? How the hell do you read someone's ass?"
"You can when there's writing on it!"
"There's writing on her ass?"
"Yeah, it says Keep Back 200 Feet."
"Oh, well I wouldn't know, I don't stare at her ass."
"Yeah, you just look up Air's SKIRT!!" Tay blushes deep crimson. Kait finds the remote and goes back to sit on Zac's lap again. She doesn't realize that they were talking about her. "I like your ass."
"I like your ass, except I don't want to keep back 200 feet." He grabs her ass.
"Do you guys want to spend the night here?" Tay asks, with a pleading look on his face.
"Sure why not. Kait?" I say.
"PLEASE??" Zac begs her.
"Sure." Kait agrees.
"I'll go get our pillows." I volunteer.
"I'll go with you!" Tay exclaims. We get up and leave to go get the pillows. When we get to the room, we start to talk. "All day Zac has been staring at Kait's ass, grabbing it, kissing her and hugging her and picking her up and stuff, can't he do that stuff in PRIVATE??"
"You should TALK Tay!!" He blushes again. "You shouldn't be embarrassed by it."


"Zac, your hand is still on my ass."
"I know. That's a good place for it!" He slides his hand down more so it goes to her clit.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Just this..." He slides his fingers under her pajama bottoms and under her underwear and fingers her for a couple seconds.
"Zac, I think you've had enough 'excitement' for one day." He reluctantly takes his fingers out, and hugs her. Tay and I come back. Tay looks at the pleased expression on Zac's face.
"God, I am NEVER leaving you two alone again! Zac always has this LOOK on his face when we come back!" Tay says.
"Tay, that's SICK!" Zac protests.
"What's so sick about it?" I ask.
"I don't want my brother to WATCH me do stuff!!"
"So you ADMIT you do stuff when we leave!" Tay exclaims.
"It's none of your damn business what we do." The conversation ends at that because Zac picks Kait up and puts her in his bed.
"Zac, I CAN walk you know!"
"I know, it's just better this way!"
"How do you figure?"
"Did you just say 'How do you finger'^?" Tay asks with a worried look on his face. I have to laugh at this one.
"No! I said how do you FIGURE!!"
"I figure that because I like to pick you up!" Zac answers after that delay. Kait rolls her eyes, and Zac climbs into the bed with her.
"Umm, are you two sleeping together on the FIRST night you're going out?" I ask.
"Yeah, why not? Well, I guess we're not actually SLEEPING together you know like, having sex and stuff, but we're sleeping in the same bed." Zac explains to me.
"Okay then." I lay down on Tay's bed with him and he turns off the TV, then he gets up and shuts off the light, because everyone else forgot to. He comes back and lays by me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Zac lays almost on top of Kait, because the bed's smaller you know (*Yeah Right*), and he wraps his arms around her. We all fall asleep like that.
