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Shadow Puppets

After we had unpacked everything we were going to go and explore when Kay yelled.

"SHHHHHHHHHH, do you hear that?"

"Do I hear what? I say as I give Kait a look like she has gone insane.

"I hear someone singing MMMBOP and they sound really good."' Kait says as she trys to listen through the wall.

"So hold on to the ones who really care. In the end they'll be the only ones there. When you get old and start to losing your hair. Can you tell me who will still care?"

" ZAC, shut up I need your help. Stop moving the flashlight. You know it is really hard to see where that wire goes when you are making shadow puppets on the wall with the flash light." Yells someone who sounds a lot like Taylor Hanson.

"Oh wow is that who I think it is" I yell to Kaitlyn as I start jumping up and down and running all over the room, trying to fix my hair. (Just in case they come over to borrow a cup of sugar or something.)

"Well why don't we go and see." Kait says in a very calm voice right before she starts to do the same thing as I was doing.

"Okay lets calm down and go and see." I say as I head to the door and open it.

"Shhh, you don't want them to hear you." I say as me and Kay go out our door and put our ears up to the door next to us. We now hear silence.

"Ummm. Hi what are you doing?" Is what we hear someone say in a very questioning voice.

"Nothing.." We say as we turn around to be face to face with Taylor Hanson. "Well, we heard MMMBOP and then you we heard you telling Zac something about a shadow puppet and we were just wondering if it was you and we were going to come over kuz we are really big fans." Kait says in one breath.

"Okay, here lets see what Zac is doing, hold on." Tay says "Zac are you dressed? Tay yells into the door.

"Yeah why would I not be? I usually do not run around naked. That's you!" Zac says half joking.

"Oh, shut up. No,I don't. I think that is Zoe"

"Oh yeah, you two look a lot alike. Why are you talking to me through the door anyways. You know you can come in. Or did you forget the key again, like you did earlier and then made me go crawl through the window cuz you felt to stupid to go and ask for a new one." Zac says teasing his brother.

"ZAC, SHUT UP. What about the time when you where 10, and you got so nervous before a show and you peed your pants." Tay yells through the door to his younger brother.

"Shut up Tay what if someone heard you." Zac yells through the door sounding like he was crying.

"I think some people already heard you!!" he yells through the door.

"WHAT?" Zac yells as he runs to the door and whips it open wide eyed.

"Hi, Zac these are our nieghbors who are huge fans!!" Tay says smiling.

"Tay, that was not funny, at all, hmmmm how about the time were you saw this girl that you liked and you........."

"Zac shut up before I say something you probably don't want me to." Tay yells as he puts his hand over Zac's mouth.

"Is this a bad time? If so we could come back another time." I say to Tay and Zac

"No, it's not, come on in" Zac says as he takes Tay's hand off of his mouth and opens the door wider so we could come in.

"Sorry, about that I think we both did not get much sleep last night, the people in room 5 were having a big party kuz they left this morning.." Tay said in an apologizing way.

"We just moved into room 5 this morning." Kait says

"That's kewl, what are your names again?" Zac asks

"Sorry, I am Aairana Jordan, and this is Kaitlyn Smith." I say as Kait and I put out our hands for them to shake.

"Wow, your last name is the same as my first!" Tay says

"Yup!" I say smiling

"Were is Ike?" Kait asks, noticing that the oldest brother was not in the room.

"Oh he's in bunk 12 since it is for people that are older. We tried to get a room together but we could not. We barely got Zac in here since he is not yet 13, but we did. Obviously." Tay rambles. "Hey do you guys want to go to the mess hall? We were just about to down there to get some snacks and something to drink." Tay says looking over to Zac to make sure that, that was okay with him. But he was too busy staring at Kait.

"Sure, I just have to get my shoes, you guys can come over, while I do that." I say

"Okay" Tay says, "Why don't we go and get Ike on the way."

"Okay." Kay says
