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VCRs, Bathrooms, And Rollerblades

MEANWHILE... Tay and I were sitting on the lazy boy. I was on his lap and he had his arms around my stomach. We were watching My Girl 2. The movie had just gotten over, and so I stood up to turn off the VCR. As I stood, Tay reached out and put his hand on my ass. I turned around, and he had put his hand on the side of the chair, and was smiling mischievously. "TAY! What'd you do that for?" I asked smiling.
"Do what?!?!?!??"
"You touched my ass!"
"What ass?"
"Tay, if you don't shut up and admit what you did, I'm going to have to grab your ass!"
"Okay, Bring it on!" I sat on him with one leg on each side and slid my right hand under his ass and rubbed for a minute, then I got up off of his lap and went over to the VCR. I turned off the video and pushed rewind.
"What-" I had turned around, and Tay was gone. There was light coming from the bathroom, and so I walked over there. "What di-" I looked up and he was standing there peeing. He was spaced out and blankly staring at the wall. "TAYLOR HANSON!!" I turned my head the other way. "Didn't your mother ever tell you to close the door when you were using the bathroom???"
"Yeah, but I told you I had to pee, and I didn't figure you would come over here. I was too much in a hurry. I had to pee VERY badly."
"I didn't hear you say you had to pee." He had finished peeing and was now washing his hands. I looked at him. He was bright red. I went up behind him and put my arms around him. I rested my hands on his stomach, and put my cheek on his back. "Don't be embarrassed, I was bound to see it someday."
"But I was PEEING!"
"Next time shut the door."
"Well you've seen it now, so it doesn't matter any more. I was hoping you'd see it differently for the first time."
" I don't know, but not peeing!" He finished washing and we went into the other room. He sat on his bed and I sat next to him.
"So...What do you want to do now?"
"Go rollerblading, but it's raining. So, well, we could, but we'd get a little wet."
"That's true."
"Hey, why don't we go in the hall?" he jumped up and found one of his skates under a pile of clothes, and the other one behind the lazy boy in another stack of clothes.
"I'll just watch you."
"I'll give you a piggy back ride!" He smiled.
"Up and down the hallway?"
"Why not?"
"Tomorrow, outside you can, not inside."
"Yep." He finished putting on his skates and stood up. He grabbed my hand and we went into the hallway. I stood at the end next to Kait and I's room. Tay skated up and down the hallway. Each time he came by me he kissed me on the lips. After about a half hour, a chick walked out of her room at the other end of the hallway, and Tay accidentally slammed into her, knocking her down. The bundle of letters she was carrying flew everywhere.
"I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to run into you!! Here, I'll help you." I stood at the other end and laughed at him. He was beet red. Tay helped her collect her envelopes. "Not to sound rude but, who are you??"
"I'm Gia."
"Oh cool, I'm Tay, and that's my girlfriend Airi." He pointed to me.
"Cool." She shook his hand briefly and turned around. She walked out of the bunk. Tay skated over by me. he put one hand on each side of my head and leaned his forehead on mine.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked.
"You. And well Gia, she WAS on the ground..."
"Shut up!! I didn't mean to run into her."
"I know. I was just teasing you. you're easy to pick on. You're accident prone!"
"I KNOW that already...I get enough crap from Zac and Ike, do you have to tease me too??"
"Yep! But I won't tease you about that anymore."
"I'll just tease you about everything else!!!" I smiled at him and kissed his lips briefly. "Puny boy."
"Hey!!" I slipped under his arm and ran into the room, with Tay hot on my tail.
