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Pop Chugging

"Sorry," Kaitlyn says laughing as they walk into our room and as she looks around at all of the Hanson pictures on the walls.

"Wow, I see myself!" Zac says, jumping around, "Like 50 TIMES!!"

"Yeah, hey, you can sit down or something while I get my shoes," I say walking into the closet.

"Okay," Tay says, but still standing. He looks around at all of the pictures of him on the walls. "Where did you get this?" He looks at the signed CD hanging on the wall.

"Erin's third cousin got that from a concert of your's she went to, and Erin's parents gave it to her as a going away present." Kait explains.

"Oh, I was just gonna say, I would've remembered her, she's pretty." Tay says, blushing.

"Okay, I'm ready," I say, walking out of the closet. "Where's Zac?" He pops out from under our bed.

"Sorry, had to tie my shoes and I saw pictures of us under there. They were on the wall and I wanted to see them. May I ask why there are pics under the bed??"

"Well we wanted to have them everywhere in case we moved the furniture around, so we wouldn't have to put any more up." I illustrate.

"Hey," Tay says, just walking into his older brother's room without knocking.

"Hi," Ike says.

"Ike, this is Erin and Kaitlyn," Tay introduces as Ike sits up from laying on his bed and turns off Star Wars.

"Hi Erin. Hi Kaitlyn. Geez, you two pick up chicks everywhere you go!" Tay and Zac both blush.

"Hey," we proclaim in unison.

"Do you want to come and get something to eat with us? I'm STARVING!!" Zac exaggerates.

"No thanks, Star Wars is only half over, I'll come to your bunk when it's over and we can all go see a movie or something." Ike says, sensing that Tay liked either Erin or Kaitlyn. Either was a FINE choice. After Ike says this, Tay rolls his eyes towards Erin. Ike nods. Kait sees him nod, and gives him a funny look. I see her give him a funny look and I give HER a funny look. But nobody sees me.

"What movie?" Zac asks, not noticing ANY of what has just taken place.

"Titanic," Ike answers.

"We already saw that movie!!" Tay announces.

"'Member we only saw half of it, that chick behind us noticed us and she told the whole theater and we got mobbed. How could you forget that one Tay??" Ike reminds him.

"I don't remember! Probably cuz I wasn't there!! Now that I think about it, I had the flu, and mom made you go somewhere cuz she didn't want anyone else to get it." Zac says.

"Star Wars should get done about six, I'll get something to eat, come get you, and the movie starts about seven."

After we had grabbed something to drink and some food, (Zac-Three Twinkies and two Dr. Peppers Tay-Red Jellybeans and some bottled water Kaitlyn-An orange and some bottled water Me-Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Mountain Dew) we headed back to the Bunk.

"What room are we gonna go to?" I ask.

"Our's. I feel kinda awkward in your room. It brings back lots of memories. I'll tell you them later if you want," Tay says to me more than anyone else.

"Okay," we say, all agreeing. When we got to their room, Tay had forgotten the key (AGAIN) but Zac had been prepared and left a hidden key under the Do Not Disturb sign before we left. When we got in the room, Zac went and sat in front of the TV, and turned it on. Kait sat on the only chair in the room, so I sat on the bottom bunk, which came out further than the top one. Tay shyly sat beside me about half a foot away and wrapped his arms around his knees, which were curled up to his chest.

"Does anyone wanna have a pop chugging contest??" Zac invited.

"I will!" I say, "Since I'm the only other one with POP!" Tay and Kait just sit back to watch.


"ONE, TWO, THREE, GOOOOOOO!!" Tay yells. We start chugging. Tay and Kait start laughing almost as soon as we start, so I start too. I spit what pop I had in my mouth out on my pants so that it looks like I wet myself. Zac tries to keep a straight face, but we were laughing so hard, because it looked like I had peed my pants, that he finally spit it all over Tay's back, because Tay was standing in front of the TV trying to figure out how to turn it up because Aerosmith's video 'Pink' was on. Kait was rolling on the floor and holding her stomach she was laughing so hard.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" was Tay's reaction.

"I'm gonna go get changed," I say.

"You'll be right back, won't you?" Tay asks, worriedly.

"Yep," I say.

"I'm coming too. I'm gonna change into my swimming suit. I think we should go swimming," Kait says.

"We'll meet you in the rec. room in 5," Zac says. We leave.
