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We Go Swimming

"Oh wow, that was so sweet! Kait, pinch me to make sure that I am not dreaming! Was it just me or was Tay staring at me a little more that you and Zac were?" I ramble as we walk into our room.
"I think he was staring at you. He wants you!^" Kait says smiling.
"Yeah right, in my dreams, He's famous! Out of all of all the millions of girls, why would he chose me?"
"Oh shut up, let's just get ready." Kait reprimands.

"BBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! This water is COLD!!!!" Tay hollered as he put his hand in the water.
Being the dumb, stupid person that I am, I go, "Oh it's not THAT cold!" and jump in. That was VERY stupid of me! The temperature was at about 61 degrees.
"I told you that it was cold, but did you listen? No," Tay says jokingly.
"Well I didn't think it was THAT cold! One time me and my other best friend, besides Kait, went swimming in our pool that my dad had just opened the day before, so it was just above freezing. We swam for about 5 minutes. But this is cold and I'm getting out, " I say as I start to get out. As I am almost all the way out, Zac pushes me right back in.
"ZAAAAAAAAAAAAC!!!!! I am going to kill you!!" I yell, getting out again. I don't get too far from the lake when Tay picks me up and throws me back in. This time I was smart and pulled him in with me.
"Now you're the one that I am going to kill!" Tay yells, dunking me in the water.
"Ha-ha, I'm the only one who isn't wet!" Kait boasts. Just then Zac comes up behind her and gets ready to push her in.
"You're not anymore!" He whispers warmly into her ear as he pushes her in. Knowing her, she was expecting this, and she pulled him in with her. We all immediately started splashing and pushing each other, and just having fun. Before we knew it, the water in the lake felt like it was 90 degrees.
After what only seemed like half an hour, Ike comes. "I take it you guys don't want to go the movie anymore," He says.
"We still wanna go, why wouldn't we?" Tay asks, looking up.
"Cuz the movie starts in 20 minutes, and you're all wet."
"Oh $#!*!!!!" Tay yells as he jumps out of the pool, pulling me with him. "Come on guys!" Tay and I yell as we run towards the bunk.

^This symbol always means inside joke.
