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Open Mouths

Tay and I walked to Ike's bunk and went inside, when we got to Ikes room, we knocked. There was no reply."Oh yeah, god I'm a stupid Freak!! Ike is in Abby's room, prob'ly making out or something." I smiled at him, and slid my arm around his back.
"Is that such a bad THING?? Now we can be alone for a little while, at least until Zac and Kait come, which might be a while since there prob'ly making out too." He slid his hand around my back and down to my ass pinching it gently. He pulled me close to his side, and kissed my cheek.
"I like the sound of THAT!!" We smiled and made the short way to the lake. When we got there put down our towels and I took off my shorts and t-shirt. Tay was facing the Bunk with his sunglasses on scanning the area for Kait or his brothers. I knew he wasn't paying attention so I went up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulled him into the water with me. When we came to the surface we were laughing. Tay's sunglasses were crooked on his face. I fixed his glasses so they were straight. I kissed his lips gently, he opened his mouth and I followed his lead. As we kissed he picked me up by my ass. I slid my legs around him and rested them on his back. We kissed for about a minute and a half. When we stopped he smiled at me. "I've wanted to do that for a LONG time, and just now got the curage to do it!! Did I do it right?" I kissed his forehead.
"YES!!! Now lets swim!" After we had swam for about 3 or 4 minutes Kay and Zac walked up. Zac had his arm around her waist and she had her head on his shoulder and her arms around him. Their towels were draped over Zac's shoulder and they were both smiling. Their hair was all messed up, like they had just got done having sex.
"Hey guys!" Zac hollared. When Tay and I turned to look at them our jaws dropped. We stood and stared at their messed up apperance in shock. Big smiles sread across Kait and Zac's faces. "You guys are SO gullable!" He exclaimed.
"It's just HAIRSPRAY!" Kait added, removing her arms from around Zac and taking her head off of his shoulder.
"Y-you mean-" Tay stuttered. "GOTCHA!!" Hollared Zac. Then as we recovered he threw their towels on the ground. Kait dropped her shorts and threw them on the ground. She went over to Zac and taking his hand, led him to the water.
