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Red Brushes and Mad Cows

"What do you want to do now?" Taylor asked me after we had finished cleaning up.
"Well, I need to brush my hair, I'm NOT going to go out of this room while my hair looks like THIS!" I picked up a chunk of my hair and flung it.
"Can I brush it?"
"Sure." He went into the bathroom, a few seconds later he yelled out. "Air, what one's your's?" I went into the bathroom and found a red one sitting on the sink. I handed it to him. He followed me back into the other room. We sat on the bed and he sat facing my side he started to brush my hair, after that half was done he moved to the other side and started there. He touched one of the 5 hickeys delicately.
"Do they hurt?"
"Good, I wouldn't want you to be hurt, I would feel bad. But now people know that your mine."
"How are they going to know that I'm yours, and not some other guys?!?!?"
"Well.... They will know when we are together!" I turned my head and smiled at him and turned my head back and he continued to brush my hair. After a few minutes I asked.
"Are you done yet?"
"But you have been brushing my hair for like 5 minutes, it only takes me one or two!"
"I know, but I enjoy brushing your hair."
"Cuz my hands get to play with your hair and I can be close to you." I turned to him and almost flew at him and put my arms around his back and he held me tightly up against his warm body. He gently rubbed my back, under my dampened hair.
"Now you can be even closer to me!"
"Yep, but why are you shaking??"
"I don't know I think I'm still a little shaken up about what I did to you."
"I told you, if you weren't ready, you didn't have to do it."
"No, I wanted to, I just had never done that before, and it felt weird, I don't know its too hard to explain, will you just hold me?"
"Yeah." We sat in silence for about three or four minutes, when I felt like I was ready to go back.
"Lets go back to you're room."
"Okay. But first, can I kiss you?"
"Yeah!!" I pulled away a little and felt his lips glide onto mine I felt his open lips almost as quickly as his first kiss. I opened my mouth to his lead. After we had kissed for about 30 seconds I felt his tongue on my lip, but then he pulled it back in, and he pulled away.
"Yep. Here just let me put my hair up," I took a hair tie off the floor and pulled my hair back, sloppy. He got up and pulled me up then. He put his arms around me, and I did the same to him. I grabbed my blanket.
"What do you need that for?"
"Well how about when we get into my room I will keep you warm?"
"Sounds good to me." I put the blanket down and replaced my arm to were it had rested before. I put my head on his shoulder and we walked back to the other room as close to each other as we could get. I had this feeling that me and Tay had just gotten a lot closer to each other. I think Tay felt the same way. We were both smiling when we got back to the other room. When we got in there Kait and Zac where sitting in the same place that they were when we had both left. Except for this time, they were kissing like mad cows. When they heard us come in they pulled away slowly, and looked up. Kait noticed my neck immediately.
"AIRI! TAY!! What were you guys doing in there?"
"NOTHING. Nothing AT all!!" I said
"Is that the truth Tay?" He looked at me and then answered Kait's question. "We weren't doing anything, I just gave her five hickies!" We all smiled.
"BRRRRR it's cold in here." Tay pulled me to his bed. We got under the sheet.
"Zac, lets go to bed," Kait suggested.
"I don't want to!"
"We have to get up at like 5:00 in the morning and it is already midnight, I think we should go to bed."
"FINE! Let's just kiss one last time." They leaned in and started to make out again.
"Tay....your not keeping me very warm."
"Sorry!!" He moved so he was laying on me. With the sheet still over us. I grunted with pain.
"TAYLOR???? What are you doing?"
"I'm keeping you warm!"
"Why don't you just turn down the air??"
"Oh....yeah." He got up and went over to the box under the window and started to play around with all the buttons. After a few minutes I got up and went over to help him. I started to play around with the buttons. I broke one off.
"OOPS!" I could hear Kait start to laugh, her and Zac pulled away from each other.
"Here she starts!!!" Tay and Zac gave her a confused look. "See you NEVER want to hear Airi say that word and every time you do, you know she either broke something, hit something, or did something wrong!" They all smiled. Kait and Zac made there way to the top bunk while Tay and I went to the bottom one, Tay got on top of me and layed there.
"Tay are you going to lay on me all night?"
"Can I?"
"Why not?"
"Cuz your heavy, well your not really heavy your just not very comfy to have laying on me."
"Well can I stay on for a little while?"
"Yeah I guess until I want to go to sleep." He smiled in contentment.
