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To Pierce, Or Not To Pierce...

"So, what do you girlies want to do?" Jorge asked as we walked through the mall.
"I wanna get another piercing on my ear," Kait suggested.
"What?" I asked, "What gave you that idea?"
"Zac asked me if I was going to poke anymore holes in my body, and it sounded like fun!!"
"It's fine with me. You guys find a decent piercing place," Jorge confirmed. Kait found one almost immediatly.
"Hey Airi, wanna get pierced too?" Kait wondered.
"Umm...actually yes. I'll pierce my bellybutton!"
"Okay," Jorge led us into the 'Piercings Plus'.

When we returned from our mall trip, Kait and I were each pierced. Her, one more on her left ear, me, my bellybutton. We had also bought some clothes. Jorge headed to his room, me to mine, and Kait to her's. Zac was asleep. Kait silently went in and put her stuff on the bed. She crawled under the covers with Zac. He stirred, and then opened his eyes, facing her.
"Hey baby."
"Hi Kait. Did you have fun?"
"Yep. I poked another hole in my body!"
"Where?" Kait pointed to her ear, with the silver stud. "Cute. I like."
"I was hoping you would. Did you sleep the whole time?"
"Mostly. I thought of you too..."
"Any nocturnal emissions?" Zac checked the front of his boxers.
"I thought so, but I guess not." He smiled. "I have a game we can play!"
"And what's that?"
"But if you're really sick, then why PLAY?"
"I don't feel very icky anymore. I think I'm better. But PLAYING doctor, I could have FUN!!" He reached over and slid his hand up her shirt.
"Oh you think so, huh?"
"Well you know what?"
"I got some new clothes. I could try them on for you before we do that if you want..."
"Will you change in front of me?"
"Why not?"
"OKAY!" Kait got out of the bed and opened the bag.
"What first?"
"Got any underwear?"
"That of course!!"

I stepped into my room and saw Tay laying on the bed. He was watching TV with all the lights off, so the screen made weird shadows on his face.
"Jordan..." I said quietly. Tay looked up and smiled at me.
"Hi!" He sat up and crawled across the bed to me. He gave me a hug. "What'd you buy?"
"Clothes...and something for you..."
"What'd ya get me??"
"You have to wait until later to see it!"
"Why not now??"
"Cuz I wanna go swimming."
"You'll get it eventually."
"What clothes did you buy?" He started to poke around in my bags. I let him. "Oooohh.. underwear!" He pulled out some silky red underwear with a matching bra. "I REALLY like this! Is it my present?"
"Nope, your present isn't in there."
"Aww man, why not?"
"Cuz. Come swimming with me. Please?"
"Okay, okay, I'll go." He got off the bed and went to his suitcase, pulling out some dry Board Shorts. "I'll change in the bathroom..." He went into the bathroom, and we both changed.
