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Hottubs and Flaming Skulls

Tay and I went into our room, and I changed into my new red bikini. In the bathroom. While I was changing, Tay put some hot water in the hottub. I came out of the bathroom.
"It's cute!" Tay touched my bellybutton softly.
"Are we going to get into the hottub?"
"Yep!" Tay led me over to the hottub and helped me in.
"TAY! This is REALLY hot!!"
"I tried to make it as hot as you! It didn't work though, the water doesn't get that hot."
"That was a REALLY corny line Tay!"
"So?" We sat in the hot water, and Tay scooted really close to me. He set his hand on my leg and rubbed it under the water.

Zac pushed Kait off of him gently. He layed her on the white sheets, and slid his hands down her body. He was exploring everything. He rested his hand on her left hip, and moved down under the covers more. He looked at the spot his hand was near and noticed something blue. He pushed some of the covers off so that some light from one of the lamps that was still on shone in.
"What the fuck?"
"You have a tattoo."
"Yep. You are SO unobservant!"
"Well, when did you get this??"
"After I got my bellybutton pierced."
"A flaming skull. Why did you pick that?"
"I don't remember. I think I was on something that night."
"Do you have any other marks like that? Any more weird piercings or tattoos?"
"No, I think you've now found them all."
"Good." Zac climbed back up and layed next to Kait. He hugged her close to him and kissed her cheek.
"You're sweet. Like sugar."
"You taste like sugar. You get me as hyper as sugar too. All excited. Hey, are you MADE of sugar."
"No Zac."
"Darn. That would be cool."
"You're weird." She put her arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

Tay put his head on my shoulder.
"Those fans think they know everything. They don't know anything about me. Nothing."
"I used to think I knew everything about you, but now I know that I didn't know very much. I've learned a lot."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Okay." I looked down at Tay and noticed his eyes were pointed down. I also noticed a bulge in his shorts.
"What are you looking at?"
"Nothing. I mean-your bellybutton ring!"
"Yeah right. I can see your eyes. And your shorts." Tay sat up and blushed, trying to cross his legs. It didn't work. "It's okay Tay." I stopped him from doing that and crawled into his lap, leaning my head against his chest.
"What did you find out different about me?"
"That you're sweeter...hotter...and nicer in person than I could ever imagine."
"You're sweet." He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up. He looked into my eyes and started to kiss me. As we kissed, I felt his hand slide up my back and untie my bikini strings. He unclipped the back. I could feel the top float away in the hot water. Tay's hand shook as it slipped to my chest. He touched my left breast and started to move his other hand to my other breast. He felt them until we had to pull away from our kiss, for lack of air. "Look at that, I found something else that I can do with my left hand!"**

**"I am totally right-handed. About the only things I can do with my left hand are play the keyboards, monkey bars, and eat."~~Taylor Hanson (Prolly a 'lil different from the actual quote)
