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Zac and Kait were laying in their bed together, and Zac had been trying to tickle Kait for the last five minutes.
"Zac! Stop it!"
"Cuz it's annoying."
"Well, what do you wanna do?"
"Get dressed."
"Cuz I'm cold."
"I can keep you warm!"
"Okay." Kait got out of the bed, and went to her suitcase. She pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Zac got up to get dressed too. When Kait was half dressed, she felt Zac's arms close around her waist. "You never got me any ice cream...."
"You wanna go get some now?"
"From where?"
"The bar."
"Okay." They finished dressing, and headed for the elevator.

As Tay and I sat in the whirlpool, I reached for my bikini top.
"Hey! Don't put that on!"
"Why not?"
" CAN'T!"
"Cuz then I can't look at your body." He was deeply blushing.
"Don't blush." I reached for the top.
"This sucks, more than anything has ever sucked.^" Tay told me in a Beavis and Butthead voice. I looked at him and started to laugh, dropping the top back into the water. I put my arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss on the lips. "Mmm..I should say stuff like that more often."
"Maybe you should." Tay started to move towards me. I backed up until I couldn't back up anymore. He had me cornered. He put his lips on my neck and started to 'bite' me with them. "Tay!!"
"Tastes like chicken!!" I laughed at him.

Kait and Zac were walking to the bar. Zac grabbed Kait's swinging hand in his. They stepped into the small room and sat at the counter. Zac ordered a dish of choclate ice cream with two spoons. As they sat there, someone tapped Zac on the shoulder. It was a girl who was a little taller than Kait. She was beautiful. She had long wavy brown hair, and big chocolate brown eyes. She had the figure of a twenty-year-old, but was probably only about 12 or 13. Zac looked up.
"Hi!" He greeted. "What can I do for you?"
"You're Zac Hanson right?"
"Can I have your autograph?" She held out a piece of paper and a pen.
"Sure." Zac took the paper from her.
"To Kelly please."
"Okay." Zac didn't look up, but signed the paper. He wrote: To Kelly, Zac Hanson. Then he handed the paper back. "There ya go!" Kelly leaned over him and whispered seductively in his ear.
"Thank you."
"Uh, yeah." Zac lightly pushed her away. She leaned over again. She tryed to kiss him. Zac pushed her away again. "Bye now!" She leaned in and whispered in his ear.
"I've got a hottub back at my room. And a friend who would be willing to give you oral sex with me. We could have a threesome."
"Umm, excuse me, but I HAVE a girl! AND a hottub!"
"You don't want a threesome?" She grabbed his cock.
"NO!" Zac pushed her away. "And I already TOLD you, I HAVE a girl!!" The man at the counter handed Zac the ice cream. He took it and grabed Kait's hand. He pulled her out of the bar and they headed for the elevator. Kelly followed them.
"Just wait Angel." They got in the elevator and Zac tried to shut the door. The chick followed them in. Zac held Kait as close to him as possible. He set the ice cream down on the floor. His arms were around Kait tighter than was comfertable.
"Yeah Hunny?"
"Sorry!" He let go a little. Kelly came over and pulled Kait away from Zac. She pushed her up against a wall. Zac came over and pushed Kelly away. He faced Kait and held her, so that Kelly couldn't touch her. When the elevator stopped on their floor, Zac and Kait quickly went out. Kelly was hot on their heels. They ran to their door. At first Zac wasn't able to open it, but he finally got it. Kelly tried to follow them, but Kait pushed her away, really hard. She flew across the hall, and Kait and Zac went into the room. "Yeah Kait! NICE shove!!"
"Thanks!" Kait ran up to Zac and hugged him. "I was hoping you would do something like that."
"Like what?"
"Like ignoring her and pushing her away."
"Of COURSE! I ONLY want you!! Never anyone else!" Kait held him. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. It continued. "Aw man!"
"Call security Hunny." Zac immediatly went over to the phone and dialed the number. Within minutes, someone was there. The knocking stopped. Zac sighed with relief and hugged Kait again. They sat on the bed together.
