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Chickens, Beef And A Weirdo

Tay started to nibble on my neck again. "I wonder what else might taste like chicken....."
"I don't know. Wanna find out?"
" don-" I smiled
"I was just kidding. Do you taste like beef?" I leaned closer to him and licked his neck. "Mmmmmm, actually you taste like a hottub."
"You seriously tasted like chicken."
"Your a weirdo!"
"Well you do!"
"HOW do I taste like CHICKEN???"
"I don't know! You just DO!" He looked down at my chest and smiled. My chest was under the water. I was sitting up against the wall and had my legs out straight and crossed. Tay sat on my upper thighs and his body was tight up against mine. "Do you know what?"
"You look like one to?"
"Like what?"
"A chicken."
"Your both hot."
"You think a CHICKEN is hot."
"Well, it is when it gets out of the oven."
"So your saying that I am warm?" Tay was starting to scare me.
"NO! Your HOT!"
"But you just said......"
"Well you are hot, as in sexy and a chicken is hot as in warm."
"But you just said that.......Never mind." I shook my head. "Can I put my swimsuit back on? This is a little uncomfortable."
"What is?"
"Im sitting in a hottub, with no shirt on and my boyfriend is sitting on top of me and you have a rock in your pants."
"That's not a rock, it's a chicken!"
"There is not a rock or a chicken in your pants. It's a Dick, might I add a VERY large dick!"
"I like chicken!"
"Why are you so stuck on chicken suddenly?"
"Cuz you taste like one!"
"Well that is true. You are soft and smooth and I like the way you smell, right now."
"What do I smell like?"
"CHICKEN!! I already told you that."
"Can I put my swimsuit back on?"
"Then you have to take of your trunks."
"No I don't."
"Well I have something off, so you have to take something off."
"That's different."
"It just is."
"No. It isn't I am letting you see me so you have to let me see you."
"But then I won't have ANY clothes on at ALL!"
"Well I don't have much on!"
"You have this on." He ran his hand across my swimsuit bottom sideways. Only making the 'rock' in his pants get bigger(*Strange how them things can grow like that!*) "And plus, it's just different."
"Well you look REALLY good!!"
"With no shirt on?"
"Yeah! You look REALLY good with no shirt on. I would rather see you with no shirt on then anyone. Well MAYBE I would like to see like Pamela Anderson, or Jennifer Aniston, wow know that would be NICE!"
"TAY!" I smacked him on the stomach.
"You just said you would like to see Jennifer Aniston with no shirt on, over me."
"NOT over you, I just wouldn't mind. Im just being truthful, I'm sure you wouldn't mind seeing someone else with no pants on."
"Well, there is David Gallagher."
"He was on Jay Leno with us!"
"Yeah I KNOW!" I leaned in and kissed his lips.
"What was that for?"
"Because I would rather see you then ANYONE!"
"Well I would rather see you too. Lets just put it this way, I'd look if one of them flashed me!" I just smiled and ran my hands down his chest which was covered in blond body hair. I pulled down Taylor's shorts and let them pop up to the surface. I leaned in and pressed my lips on to his, and opened my mouth feeling Taylor's tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my hand around his cock which had growen to 8 inches long, And began stroking it. After We had kissed for a minute Tay moaned into my mouth, and we continued to make-out. We did until Tay's moaned were so laud and so close together it made it almost impossible to kiss. We pulled away and Tay just layed his head on my shoulder, until I felt the liquid flow out of his penis, making it limp.
"That was A LOT better then the first time!"
"Well, that's cuz I was really nervous and it was the first time that I had ever done that."
"That makes since, do you want to get out? So we don't have to sit in my cum all night."
"Sure." He reached behind him and grabbed my swimsuit top and handed it to me. I put it on. I stepped over the edge and grabbed my towel. Tay got out now wearing his shorts. He came over to me and grabbed my towel and snapped me with it. I screamed and ran into the bathroom. Tay ran after me and grabbed me by the hips and swung me around and then put me down right in front of him. He took his eyes up and down my slim body and then blurted out.
"You have a VERY nice body and a nice ass, which I enjoyed running after!" I just smiled at him.
"Can I get dressed?"
"Yeah! I don't have any control over that!" I went into the main room with Tay following me, closely. I went over to my suit case and pulled out a pair of shorts and a longish shirt and underwear and went back into the bathroom. I locked the door after I went into it.

After the girl had been taken away Zac asked, "Are you tired?"
"Do you wanna go to bed?"
"Sure." Zac went to the bed and took his clothes off, all exempt his boxers and Kait went to her suitcase and put on a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. She went over to the bed and layed down next to Zac who was already sleeping. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When I came out of the bathroom. Tay was laying on the bed under the covers, watching Love Line. When he saw me come out he turned the channel real quick. "I like that show!"
"You too?"
"Yeah!" He turned it back and I crawled under the covers too and Tay put his arm around me and we started to watch Dr. Drew.
