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Seven Minutes

After everyone was packed up, we loaded everything onto the gold carts provided by the hotel. Bell Hops pushed the carts downstairs and loaded our things into a green van which would bring us to the airport. We were all meeting in the hall to walk together to the van. Tay and I were standing with Jorge, Ike, and Abby. All we were waiting for were Kait and Zac. They were late. They eventually came out 5 minutes later.
"Okay guys, could we have been ANY more slower?" Tay questioned.
"Zac got sick again." Kait had her arm around Zac and he was leaning on her shoulder. He was wearing black sweatpants and a green sweatshirt^.
"Are you okay?" Ike asked.
"Yeah." Zac looked REALLY out of it. We all started to head for the elevator. As we were waiting for the elevator to climb 10 floors, a girl walked past us.
"Hi Tay, hey Ike, hi Zac," She said. Ike looked up first.
"KIM!!" He threw his arms around her in a big hug. "How have you BEEN??"
"I'm good." They broke out of their embrace and Tay hugged her. He lifted her off the ground.
"I haven't seen you in AGES!!"
"I know!" Ike turned to Zac. His eyes were closed.
"Zac, don't you remember Kim?" He opened his eyes.
"Kim who?"
"Kim Murphy. We went to camp with her a long time ago. I think you wanted her."
"Oh, that Kim. Yeah, I DID." He turned to her, she was blushing. "Hey." He gave her a weak wave.
"Zac's a little sick right now." Tay explained.
"Hi, I'm Airi." I held out my hand to her. she shook it. "Tay's 'Chicken'." Everyone looked at me funny.
"WHAT???" Kait exclaimed. Tay smiled and gave me a kiss.
"Very long story." Kait held out her hand to Kim.
"I'm Kait, Zac's girlfriend." They shook hands. Abby looked pissed.
"Nice to meet you. It's good to see the boys have finally gotten girlfriends, instead of just having many girl FRIENDS, and everyone thinking they're gay."
"Don't even get STARTED on that!!" Ike stated, remembering camp. The elevator came.
"Let's go Kiddies!" Jorge said, going into the elevator. Kait and Zac went in, and Zac leaned more on her.
"Bye Kim, maybe we'll see ya around." Tay closed, pulling me into the elevator. Ike and Abby followed, and we went down. Zac held his stomach as the elevator moved.
"Oh God..." We safely reached the first floor, with no vomiting in the elevator. We neared the door and heard the screaming and chants of 'Hanson'.
"Time to run the gauntlet!" We ran out past the people. Ike and Tay waved to and shook a few of the fan's hands. Zac just leaned on Kait and walked. Tay grabbed me and tickled my waist. I jumped, accidentally going into his arms, instead of away from him. The fans booed. "Hey!!! Be NICE to my girlfriend!!" They stopped their booing at Tay's command. "Thank you!" We climbed into the van, and drove off, with girls running after the vehicle.

After we had gotten back, and noticed that our computers were there, Tay and Zac went into their room to put their things away, and Kait and I went into our's. After we finished putting all of our luggage away, we sat down to watch Mighty Ducks. After about 7 minutes, Zac kind of dragged himself into our room. He didn't knock.
"Airi, Tay wants to talk to you alone, and he told me to get out." He sat by Kait on my bed and leaned on her. "I don't care though, cuz Kait needs to be my nurse." Kait smiled as if they had and inside joke. I went into Tay's room. He was sitting on the floor playing Playstation. As I walked in he paused it.
"You wanna play?"
"No, that's okay."
"Fine!" He turned back to Mortal Combat and unpaused it. I moved a little closer to him.
"Why are you mad at me?"
"I'm not."
"I can TELL that you are!"
"I don't have to tell you."
"I think I have the right to know."
"No you don't."
"You don't!"
"Fine then, don't tell me." I started for the door. I heard Tay jump up and I turned around.
"You REALLY wanna know? Well, it's because you were totally all over that guy on the plane!!!"
"Tay! I was NOT!"
"You flirted with him the WHOLE time!!!"
"I did not!"
"And don't think I didn't notice that you just 'happened' to get up at the same time as him to go to the bathroom!!"
"Tay, that was just a coincidence!"
"And you went and SAT by him!!"
"I was helping him with something on his computer! I was over there for TWO SECONDS!!!"
"Taylor!!" There was an almost animal look in his eyes.
"I don't like you cheating on me like that!!" He shoved me into the wall forcefully, and I fell to the ground. I stared at him. His eyes got wide, and his mouth opened a little bit. I slowly got up and went to the door, watching him the whole time.
