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You're Mean

Kait walked into Zac and Tay's room without knocking. Zac was laying in his bed shaking his hand. There were bodily fluids flying from his fingers.
"Zac! That's YUCKY!!" Zac jumped up.
"Kait! I'm-I..uh-um..."
"Why were you DOING that?? Did you get hard from Airi???"
"No! I was thinking about you...and just felt good! Haven't you ever thought about fingering yourself?"
"No. I haven't."
"I guess it's just a guy thing...All of my friends do it."
"What, do you guys DISCUSS this?"
"Yeah. Get up here with me." Kait climbed into his bed with him.
"That's a lot of cum!" Zac smiled.
"That's what happens when you become a man!"
"You're such a man that you can't even get a chick to tickle your cock for you!"
"You're mean! I thought of you while I did it, but I really wanted you to do it."
"Why didn't you come and get me?"
"I don't know..."
"Give me your hand." Zac held out his right hand. "The other one." He held out the other one. Kait took it and started to lick the rest of the cum from his fingers.
"Does it tast good?"
"You taste good too. VERY good."
"We should probably clean you and your bed up."
"I don't have any sheets. Besides these."
"I'll get some." Zac knocked her over.
"Lay in my cum with me!!"
"I thought you liked it!"
"Yeah, but I don't wanna get wet."
"You didn't seem to mind earlier!"
"That's a different kind of wetness!!"
"Can you lay BY me?"
"Yeah. Why?" She moved beside him.
"My stomach hurts again."
"Oooh...poor baby. I'm gonna take your temperature."
"I don't have a thermometer."
"I do in my room. I'll go get it."
"What kind of thermometer?"
"What do you mean, 'what kind'?"
"Rectal, underarm, oral...?"
"Oral.... do you WANT Rectal?"
"Not Really."
"Okay. I'll be back in a second." She kissed his lips and popped down. Kait passed in and out of our room with out me even noticing. "I brought some sheets too."
"Okay." Kait stepped on to Tay's bed.
"Open." Zac obeyed, and she put the thermometer in his mouth. "Hold it there."
"She touched his forehead gently. "You're warm." Kait pushed the blonde hair from his face." Get down a minute. I'll change the sheets. Zac got down and layed on Tay's bed, Kait quickly changed the flannel checkered sheets to white ones with pink rosebuds. She sat next to Zac on the bed and took the thermometer out of his mouth. "You have a fever."
"How much?"
"I'm gonna change you now, then you're gonna lay down."
"Okay." Kait pulled his jeans off of him and grabbed some blue silk boxers. She took his black boxers off and put the new ones on him. "These boxers feel good, but they're cold."
"Then we'll warm you up! C'mon, get into bed." Zac climbed up the ladder, and Kait hauled herself over the edge.
"You gave me girl sheets."
"They're mine. You better not have wet dreams and mess them up!" Kait smiled.
"If you're gonna sleep with me, I can't promise." Kait kissed Zac's chin lightly. They crawled under the covers and Zac pulled his girlfriend close to his side. "I'm really tired."
"It's like, 5:30."
"I know, you wore me out today."
"Actually, you're hand wore you out, but you know!"
"You're mean. Now shut up and go to sleep. But turn off the light first."
"Well aren't WE demanding!"
"I'm allowed to, I'm sick. And you're my mom, my mom does everything when I'm sick. I was her little boy, and I couldn't get sick. But not around my friends. You know."
"Okay little boy." Kait climbed down. She shut the blinds, and turned off the light, then returned to Zac. He lid his hand up her shirt. " Look who isn't sick anymore!"
"I am. I just wanted to touch you." He pulled his hand out and put it on her stomach.
"Go to sleep. Mama's here now."
"Okay. There was a brief silence. "You just gave me a NASTY mental picture!"
"Of WHAT??"
"Go to sleep."
"Okay. Goodnight. I mean Afternoon. Whatever."

After 20 minutes of spacing out, someone flew and jumped on me.
"OW!!!" I saw Tay on top of me.
"Sorry!" He didn't move. "SO whatcha doin'? You didn't even notice me come in, I like, watched you forever."
"Sorry, I was thinking." A sad look came over him.
"Are you gonna dump me?"
"HELL no! I was just daydreaming."
"About what?"
"No, about Zac!!" He looked horrified. "I'm KIDDING!!"
"Yeah right!! You're lying!"
"I'm not lying. I was teasing you."
"Oh look, my hair's in my face!!!" Tay ran his hand up my chest, and brushed away a non-existent piece of hair. He layed his head on my breasts. "Tell me what you were dreaming about."
"Me and Ike."
"What were you guys doing?"
"Not appropriate for Puny Boy's ears."
"AIR!!! Tell me what you were REALLY dreaming about!"
"Okay, it was me and Erik, and we were getting it on. Hard Core."
"Air, you're mean! He doesn't even like you, he wants Kait!! Just PLEASE tell me! I'll give you something!!"
"What'll you give me?"
"A poem."
"Let me read it."
"You have to PROMISE you'll tell me!"
"Okay." He took some paper out of his front pocket, rubbing his hand against my kooch on the way. He gave me the paper. I looked it over. "I read this before."
"It's a secret."
"That's what Kait told me!"
"You want her!"
"I guess that's my little secret! Do you like the poem?"
"No." He sat up and looked at me. He looked like he was going to cry.
"You're really MEAN!!!" I put my arms around him.
"I'm just kidding! I LOVED it!!"I kissed his lips. "It was the sweetest thing I've ever read."
"Really? That's because I lo- like you a lot."
"What'd you say?"
"I said I like- I like you a lot." I smiled.
"Me too. 'Maybe even that lo word you almost said."
"Oh god....."
"Nothing. You've gotta tell me now."
"Tell you what?"
"You broke your promise!"
"About what?"
"Whacking off."
"Oh yeah. SO? That was different."
"SO??? Just TELL me!"
"It's embarrassing."
"I don't care."
"I do!"
"I told you something embarrassing before...."
"FINE! You are SOOO impossible! I was dreaming about you and me cuddling all day together."
"That's sweet, not embarrassing! That's what we're doing now."
"Isn't it wonderful when your dreams come true?"
"If they're good dreams, and not WET ones!!"
"I don't think it'd be that bad if it was us!"
"Yeah, you and Kait!"
"Shut up!! I don't want her, she's my friend!"
"SO? We're freinds."
"It's different."
"I guess."
"What are we WATCHING her???" We sat up and looked at the TV. It was a singing old man in mute.
"I don't know." I reached for the remote and started to flip channels. I noticed a little red light flit on my hand and casually glanced down. "Jordan Taylor Hanson!!"
"Give me the laser."
"What laser?"
"The pen laser you have."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"If you don't give it to me, I'll tell EVERYONE what you did earlier today."
"I'll give it to you after I inspect every part of your body."
"Tay, now."
"No! My laser."
"I thought you didn't Have a laser!"
"Hey, you TRICKED me!!!" I smiled at him and turned back to the TV. "Does this mean I get to shine you?"
"SHINE me?"
"Yeah, you know," He shined his little red laser all over me quickly.
"I don't care." I sighed. The little light began roaming my body. Tay scooted closer and put his thin beam of light down my shirt, following it with his eyes."
"Hmmm...... What's down HERE?"
"You're a guy, I think you know."
"I think I do too, but I have to inspect to make sure they're doing okay with out me. "After about 5 minutes I nudged my boyfriend.
"Tay, are yo ALIVE??"
"Hmhm..." He didn't move.
"What are you doing?"
"Slowly getting a boner."
"Then stop so you don't do that."
"I can't. It's fun."
"You aren't doing anything Tay, just sitting there." He tapped his forehead.
"My mind is on a marathon!"
"I LIKE marathons!!"
"Wonder Year marathons are fun."
"That's a WHOLE different kink of marathon!"
"Time to give my your laser!"
"No!! it's MINE!" He put it in his mouth.
"That' looks weird, and I'll get it out of there."
"He pulled it out and shoved it down his pants. "Like I won't get it THERE!!"
"Why do you think I put it there?"
"Perverted weirdo." I put my hand in his pants and grabbed the laser. It was slimy. "Yuck!" I wiped it on Tay's shirt.
"My siliva."
"Are you sure?"
"Aairana!!" I grabbed his cock. "OWW!!!"
"Did you have to GRAB me? You could have touched, caressed, rubbed, rubbed yourself against it..."
"Could have, but didn't."
"I'm gong to the bathroom. Be back in 10 minutes!! By they way, can I borrow a picture of you? It won't get TOO cummy!!" "Tay, get back here! you're staying RIGHT next to me!" "Well, if you RALLY wnat me to do it here......" "NO!! Not at ALL! I'll do it!"
"No you won't. I won't LET you!"
"Why not?"
"Because of earlier."
"Didn't I let you touch me?"
"Yeah...but that's different."
"It just is."
"That's not a good excuse. What if I WANT to?"
"Too bad, I won't let you. It would be mean of me."
"How is it mean if I want to?"
"It is."
"Shut up and kiss me, Puny Boy!" He leaned in and started to kiss me. As we kissed, I started to touch Tay through his clothes. He pulled away.
"No Air. Can't."
"Whatever. Let's watch TV." We turned back to the TV. After about 30 seconds I could tell he was staring at me. "What Tay?"
"Can I have my laser back now?"
"Why not?"
"Okay." We started watching TV again. "Air! You're a HYPOCRIT!!"
"I don't know WHAT you're talking about!"
"You were shining the laser on my DICK!"
"Why were you looking at your own dick?"
"Nevermind that...Give me the light!"
"What light?"
"Zac has one I can steal...We got them from 'Santa' last year..."
"You got dirt bikes too."
"How did you..... nevermind."
"Just let's watch TV, you'll get it back later." I turned mute off. We started to watch Freakazoid.
"Yes! We can finally watch this together."
"Oh yay. You know, Kait really likes this show more than I do."
"And you like her...."
"Shut up!! I thought you LIKED this show!"
"I do!" We watched the show for about a half an hour in silence. "Tay, can you leave?"
"WHY?? I'm all comfy to go to sleep. I have all I need, a comfy bed and my girl in my arms. We were both laying under the covers and he had his arms tightly around me. "You're a suck up!!! And your still leaving. We need some time apart."
"I need some time to myself."
"You had time to yourself today."
"I need more than five minutes."
"It only takes ME a couple minutes!"
"Tay, I didn't MEAN like that! I don't DO that!"
"Why not, it feels good!"
"Tay, get out." I pulled him up and pushed him towards the door. "But DON'T jack-off. Promise?"
"My hand won't go near my dick, I promise!"
"So who's will?"
"I'm just KIDDING! That's disgusting."
"Bye!" I kissed his lips and pushed him out the door.
"I lo-like you!" I smiled, tossing him his laser.
