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He went to his dresser "What kind of fabric?"
"I don't care." Zac came back with black flannel boxers. He put them on Kait.
"Anything of your's is better."
"Anything of your's would be cool too, but I'd feel weird wearing your bra, wearing your ubderwear would be weird too, and it wouldn't fit."
"That's because you have a nice cock there." Zac smiled and held Kait close to his body. "Take your shirt off."
"Take your's off."
"No, I wanna see your musculs."
"I wanna see your tits."
"C'mon Zac....."She pulled his shirt off.
"I don't have any muscles."
"Yeah FUCKING right! Flex." Zac Flexed his left arm. "Look at that! And your chest is like WOWIE!"
"It's because of the drums."
"Who cares where it comes from! GO to sleep." She pushed his head onto the the pillow and layed next to him on it."You're the tired and 'sick' one. I KNEW you where faking."
"Belive what you want. You're the one who took my temp."
"I guess. Sleep." "I can't."
"Why not?"
"Our lips are WAY too close, and I need to kiss you..." He moved closer and started to kiss Kait. He put his tongue in her mouth.

I was laying facing the wall whien I felt comeones hand grab my ass. I screamed and turned around. Tay was standing there. "What the hell was that? You scared the SHIT out of me!!"
"Sorry, Zac and Kait told me to leave."
"I don't wanna know."
"How long have you been in here for?"
"5 minutes"
"What were you doing?"
"Staring at you playing with my laser, I was tracing your body. You look REALLY slutty!"

**** I am VERY sorry that this is not that long, but I don't have any time. Another update soon!!
