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Tay went next door, to his and his brothers room, the first thing he saw was Kait and Zac making out in Zac's bed. Tay sat on his own bed. "That's kinda gross, at least they aren't doing anything else."
"Tay, who are you talking to?" I asked through the wall.
"Dick who?"
"Dick Hanson."
"Ummm... Who is that?"
"You mean WHAT?"
"Oh. I get it. Bye Tay."
"Bye. I lo-nevermind." Tay stood up and looked at Zac and Kait."You guys are suppossed to be my friends. Stop kissing and HELP ME!!" The two pulled apart.
"What do you need help with?" Zac asked, hugging Kait."
"How do I tell Air that I love her?"
"Like this," Kait looked at Zac, "I love you."
"I love you too, Angel." "It's so EASY for you guys to do that, why can't I? Air must think I'm STUPID or something, because she KNOWS I want to fingure her, and she KNOWS that I love her, but I can't do it or say it."
"Maybe you don't really love her..." Kait suggested.
"But I DO! That's my problem! I can say it to you guys, I love Air, but every time I'm with her, I get DINOSAURS in my stomach, and I get so NERVOUS!!"
"But it's different with us. I feel the most calm around Kait, and if you're worried about her not saying it back, she probably will, but it doesn't matter if she doesn't. SHe still loves you, even if she can't say it." He looked at Kait and smiled. She smiled back.
"I guess."
"Did we help? Kait asked.
"Yeah, I have to think. He swung down and layed in his bed.
