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We Find Ike in a Chick's Room

"Who is it?" We heard a girl yell after Tay knocked on Room 2 in Bunk 39.
"Taylor and Zac Hanson, Kaitlyn Smith and Aairana Jordan," He called back. The girl opens the door. She is short, but taller than Kait. (Most people are)
"Okay, come in," she says. We can see Ike sitting on the bed, pulling his shirt over his head.
"Umm...sorry, we can come back later Ike and...Abby?" Tay says.
"That's right...Abby," She confirms.
"Sorry guys, just kind of lost track of time," Ike apologizes.
"Yeah, we can see that," Tay comments, "Are you coming or not?" He is starting to get annoyed.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." We all walk out of the room and stand in the hall to wait for Ike.
"Well, I'll see you later, I love you," Ike opens the door and closes it behind him.
"You just met that girl why the h-ll are you doing THAT with her already??" Tay explodes.
"Do you remember my old girlfriend that moved away four years ago?" Ike asks.
"Yeah," Zac says.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Tay inquires.
"Well, that's her!"
"But her name was Megan, and she had brown hair, not blonde," Tay states.
"She dyed her hair and changed her name like a lot of people do," Ike says, "Isn't it so fantastic?? I haven't seen her in ages and then I ran into her yesterday."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Zac questions.
"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to make sure it was here before letting you guys know. I'm sorry if I kept you guys from anything, I was just having fun."
"Yeah, I bet you were having LOTS of fun!!" Tay exclaims, smiling.
"Oh shut up Tay!!" Ike yells, taking off after his little brother.
"Kait, how was your day?" Zac asks suddenly.
"Pretty good, how was your's?"
"Pretty decent, do you want to go get something to eat with me?"
"Sure, is that okay with you Aairi?"
"Yeah, have fun," I say, they turn off and leave. I can hear them joking around and flirting as they walk off. I just sit down on the grass where we had stopped walking and watched Tay get chased by his faster big brother. Ike finally caught Tay and tackled him to the ground. He then picked him and raised him over his head, carrying his 115 pounds to the water and dumping him in. He took off running and laughing as soon as Tay went under the surface.
"Oh you @$$HOLE!!" Tay yelled when he came back to the surface. I just watched him, giggling and picking grass. Tay climbed out of the water and walked over by me. He stood hovering about me, dripping. "Where are Zac and Kait?" He wrung out his hair.
"Zac invited Kait to go get something to eat with him."
"Like a DATE???? That's so CUTE!!"
"I don't know, but I guess they like each other! Kait told me she likes him after our meeting today."
"Do you want to walk around or something since Ike probably went off with Abby, and Zac didn't invite you, so he probably wants to be alone with Kait?"
"Sure, we're kind of stuck with each other, huh?"
"Yup, we are," Tay is smiling, I could tell he wasn't sorry we got stuck together again. "What do you want to do?"
"I don't know."
"How about we start by heading back to the bunk so I can be dry while we do some I don't know?" He teases.
"Sure, why not." He helps me up. His hand is cold and still a little damp.
"How 'bout we then get something to eat?"
"I'll go with you, but I'm not hungry."
"I'm not hungry either, but I want to spy on Zac and the love of his life!" Tay confesses, grinning.
"Okay, I'll do that, I'm curious to see what they're doing."
"Me too, but he's only 12, what is he gonna do?" We walk into Tay's room and I shrug my shoulders smiling. He heads toward his dresser. I watch him closely as he digs through his drawer looking for clothing. He chooses jean shorts that go down slightly past his knees and a dark blue T-shirt and heads for the bathroom.
"I'll be out in a minute." When he is gone, I do what anyone would do, look around at all the junk. It's amazing how fast guys can destroy a room. Their room was designed like our's except the opposite. The beds and dressers and things were just the mirror image of our's. As I glanced around I noticed a large white bag in the middle of the room. It was very bulky. Like any curious person, I go and look to see what's in it. It was filled to the brim with fan mail. That's when I notice there's a box laying behind it filled with pens, pencils, paper, envelopes, and a huge roll of stamps. When I finished my snooping, Tay came out of the bathroom with his new dry clothes on and his still damp hair pulled back into a ponytail. As he walked over near me I could smell CKBe cologne on him. He must have just put it on.
"You have a lot of mail in there." I commented, gesturing toward the bag.
"Yeah, we should probably start replying to some of them, do you wanna help me do it now?"
"Sure, why not. I would love to get that much mail!" I sit down and pull out some of the letters, grabbing a pen and some paper. Tay sat close to me and did the same.
"Just try to have the letters be more than a couple sentences and if you have a question, ask."

Here are bits of some of the letters I replied to:

Dear Hanson-
I luv U guys SOOOOOOOO much! And you guys are SOOOOOOO talented!! I wish I was that talented! I hope I get to meet U guys someday soon!! I would be in Heaven!

Hey, how's it going? I heard somewhere that you guys were going to a camp, is that true?

Hi, most guys don't like you, but I love your music. (I wish I could get as many chicks as you!) I just wanted to say keep up the good work, and I can't wait for your next CD!

"Do you want to stop now? It's already 8:45." Tay says, looking at his watch.
"God, where are Kait and Zac??? We haven't seen them in over six hours! What have they been doing?" I start to laugh, and before I know it, we're making joke after joke about our friends, and everything under the sun.
"Hey, how's it goin'?" Zac suddenly expresses from the doorway. We look up at him with red faces from laughing so hard. We try to get sober quickly.
"Good, where's Kait?" I say.
"Back in your room."
"God Zac, what have you guys been doing for six hours??" Tay interrogates.
"Lots of stuff!" Zac climbs up into his bed and stares off into space with a dreamy look on his face.
Tay and I couldn't take it anymore and burst into fits of laughter. Zac didn't even notice the kinky way we were acting.
"Well I better go see how Kait's doing," I say, still laughing.
"Okay, bye, talk to you later tonight?" Tay says.
"Bye!" I call, leaving.

"Kait where were you all day??" I question as I walk into the room.
"All over!" She says, laying on her back in her bed with the same look on her face as Zac had had. "It was the best day EVER!!"
"Kewl, I had lots of fun too." I sit on my bed and absently flip through a magazine sitting there. I suddenly stand up on the bed and whisper to Kait, "Me and Tay think Zac likes you, and you told me this morning you like him."
"Really? Me and Zac think you and Tay should go out. Zaccy told me Tay likes you and you told me that you like him. I think you should go ask him out right now."
"Really??" I inquire excitedly, "Did Tay really TELL Zac that?"
"Yep, and he told me!"
"Maybe I WILL go ask him out now!" I start frantically digging through my drawers for something to wear.


"So what did you guys do all day?" Tay asks Zac.
"Do you like Kait? I mean REALLY like her?"
"Yeah, do you like Aairi?"
"If you mean Aairana, yes. She's so great!"
"Kait calls her Aairi. I bet she's better than Aairana! She's so pretty!!"
"Aairana's really pretty too, they're both pretty. Kait likes you. I know that for a FACT."
"Would I lie? And besides that, Aairana told me."
"Well, Aairi likes you, she told Kait, Kait told me, and now I'm telling you! Go ask her out!"
"What if she says no?"
"She won't, just go do it!"
"Okay." He heads for his dresser.
