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Parting is Such Sorrow...And I didn't say Sweet...

Zac woke up alone in his room. He looked around for a second, and then lugged his body out of bed. He went into the bathroom for a few minutes, and then went next door. Seeing as Kait wasn't in the room, maybe he would find her next door. Zac knocked gently on the door.
"Come in!" It was Tay. Zac opened the door and walked in. Tay and Airi were laying together on Airi's bed.
"Have you guys seen Katie?" He asked.
"Nope." Airi was the one to answer.
"Well, I'm going to get dressed and look for her."
"Okay. See ya." Zac walked out and went to his room to change.

After wandering around the camp for a half an hour, Zac went to The Cabin. It was his last hope in finding where his girlfriend had gotten off to. He hauled himself in the window and the first thing he noticed was Kait laying on the mattress. Her eyes were partially opened.
"Katie! I've been looking EVERYWHERE for you!!" Zac walked over to her side. Kait moved the tiniest bit toward him. "What's wrong?" Kait smiled weakly.
"I'll be there with her soon."
"Where with who?"
"With Mary."
"Aunt Mary. Killed on December 22, 1988 in her home." Zac became panicked.
"Kait? What did you do? What did you take?"
"This 'n that."
"C'mon, we have to get you to a hospital!!"
"Too late."
"No! NOT too late!!!!"
"I love you...."
"No! Stay here!! I love you too! So much!! You can't leave me!!!" Tears were pouring down his cheeks.
"Just hold me. Hold me until I'm gone. I love you..." Kait stretched her fingers toward him slowly. Zac took her hand in his and kissed it.
"I can't let you Katie!! I need to have you here! I won't do it!!" He started to slide his arms under her thin body.
"Too late. Good-bye...Remember me..." Zac collapsed onto her and layed his head on her chest. He heard her heart's beatings. Weak. And Laborous.
"I love you too much...I will NEVER forget you!!!!" Zac knew she was right. He knew it was too late. Her breathing level decreased. And Zac listened, straining his ear, as her heart beat one more time.

Tay and I knew something was wrong the moment Zac burst through the door. Kait's lifeless body was in his arms, and he was sobbing almost to the point of being sick.
"Zac! What's wrong????" Tay exclaimed.
"What happened to Kait??" Zac fell onto his knees, still softly cradeling her body.
"She killed herself. She didn't tell me what she took, but she kept telling me it was too late, and she would be gone soon. Gone with Mary. She didn't cry or anything. She said she loved me. Why did she do this if she LOVED ME?????????" Tay sprang to his feet and fell to his brother's side. He tried to take Kait's body from Zac. "No Tay!!! I need to hold her! I need to hold her forever!!"
"Airi, call Ike! Tell him!" Tay struggled with Zac, until his little brother finally gave up, dry heaving from his crying. Taylor set Kait on the floor and listened to her mouth. He set his fingers on her neck too. Tears were forming in his eyes, and already pouring down my cheeks. My best friend was gone...forever...

It's almost a year later now. We all left the camp. Hanson continued their music career, but Zac was never the same. Never happy anymore. I went on to launch a solo career. I've been trying really hard, but every time I sing, I remember Kait. I remember how much she loved to sing. I remember her passion for music. And the heartbreak everytime something went wrong. I'll never forget how she liked to live. No cares, but everything matters...
Tay and I still talk. Our relationship kind of died after a while. We really tried to make it work, but long distance never works. Everyone knows that. And everyone's right. I'll be releasing my first full-length album in a couple of weeks. It's dedicated to Kait. For all our good times in, and out of, Bunk 39, Room 4.


Yep...that's all folks. But, just so you know. Kait is not dead. She's alive. Maybe not alive and well, but definatly very alive. And hoping to stay that way for a while longer. Although times get tough, I think I'll get through. But just remember that however good your life may be, tragedies can happen. When you least expect it. Blessed Be.
