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Recommended Reading

The books mentionned on this page are ones that I have found personally helpful as well as others that have been recommended. If you have a book that you feel should be on this page, please email me at and I will check it out. In your letter, be sure to include the title of the book, the author's full name as well as a short description.

Depression and Suicide

Eating Disorders and Body Image

Miscellaneous Mental Health Issues

  • "I Hate You - don't leave me" - written by Jerold Kreisman, M.D. and Hal Straus (a book about Borderline Personality Disorder)
  • "Cutting" - written by Steven Levenkron (a book about self-injury)
  • "The Luckiest Girl in the World" - written by Steven Levenkron (a book about self-injury)
  • "Reviving Ophelia" - written by Mary Pipher, Ph. D. (a book that deals with numerous mental health issues... eating disorders, self-injury, substance abuse, depression, ect.)