SERFS MEETING YATESBURY 1997This page is a report on the Yatesbury meeting of the Southern England Rocket Flyers (SERFS) during September 1997. Myself (Dave Thosmon), Shaun O'Niel and my Farther (Dave Thomson) attended the meeting by kind invitation from John Harvey of SERFS.
I also launched my camera rocket on 4xG40 Areotech motors. The Camera was loaded and the countdown given. Everbody watched as the rocket rose majestically into the sky. The altitude was not that high at around 1000 feet but still not bad considering it weighs 11lbs! The rocket did suffer some damage on landing due to one of the parachutes getting tangled and I have had to rebuild the main airfrme section.
The camera also did not work corrcetly. I got lots of pictures of my parachutes unfolding and some nice blue sky. But no rear view ground shots at take off. Try again I suppose. This time the inertia wsitch will be set a little more sensitively. Above image shows Sean and two other SERFS members talking rockets.
Above images show the launch of the rocket on the 4xG40W motors.
Above iamges show the results of the camera. Unfortunately no shots down the airframe of the rocket taking off.
Sean launched both his Estes Phoenix and Thunderhawk rockets. The Phoenix does not like the wind and instead of weather cocking into wind it will have a tendancy to go DOWN wind! Luckly no damage during this flight as this is a great flyer in calm weather. Sean is at present making a 2.5X upsclae version to fly on 38mm RMS I211 motor. Sean's Thunderhwak always flys great and also very high even on a C6 motor. The wind had little effect on the flight as it has such great speed off the pad. Sean had to walk quite a way though to retrieve it. Sean has now completed an upscale version on the Thunderhawk to initial be flown on 29mm single use F25 motors.