Fujii Guruji's Longest Walk Messages 1978

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

MESSAGES from the

Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii

North American Visit

Guruji's Speech at the end of The Longest Walk, from the steps of the US Capitol on the July 16, 1978, 33rd birthday of the atomic bomb.

Previous messages from July 15, 1978


Message to the Chiefs of the Six Nations

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

To the Chiefs of the Six Nations

The Longest Walk crossed the Pacific Ocean and echoed throughout Japan. All the ears of the youth of Japan are attentively listening to the footsteps of the walkers. When the feelings of the people of The Longest Walk reach Japan, I believe we can all take action hand in hand for the sake of world peace. The Longest Walk is a beginning to this.

Nichidatsu Fujii
Nipponzan Myohoji Sanshu


A Letter to The Hopi Kikmongwis

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo to the Hopi Kikmongwis

I have respectfully read the Hopi Declaration of Peace.

I have also heard of the Hopi People's honorable long history and tradition of peace. It is the most respectable history and tradition seen in the history of humankind.

In the Saddharma-Pendarika Sutra (The Lotus Sutra), it is preached:

The three worlds
are not tranquil
Just as if they were
a burning house
Filled with all kinds
of sufferings
It is greatly
to be feared

It is mentioned in the report of Dr. Waldheim, Secretary General of the United Nations, that the threat of self-destruction by nuclear war is the greatest danger confronting the world. The basis, stockpiling, and accuracy of nuclear weapons are further enhancing the danger of final annihilation of mankind. It has become more evident that effective security cannot be obtained by the expansion of arms. The very basis which can eliminate the cause of tension and conflicts and to establish reciprocal international cooperation can be sought in disarmament.

Thus, the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament is being held for approximately one month starting from May 23 to June 18. A 500 member Japanese delegation requested complete abolition of nuclear weapons to the United Nations with 20 million signatures. I came to the United States as a member of this delegation.

The tribes of the Indian People united, thus overcoming small discrepancies and undertook a great peace walk, "The Longest Walk" on February 11 starting from San Francisco Bay. This great march is a genuine spiritual activity adopting a non-violent means, a just protest for the survival of the Indian people. The Longest Walk must be ended successfully without fail.

As a Buddhist monk with a foreign citizenship, I do not have complete ability. However, unable to bear remaining an idle onlooker, some 20-30 Japanese youth are participating for the success of this great walk, resolved to share the long path of affliction and fate with the walkers.

If The Longest Walk succeeds, many Indian People will survive assured. If the Longest Walk ends unsuccessfully, there is an immeasurable danger of disasters occurring to the Indian People.

The Hopi People are Indians. Moreover, they are Indians who have consistently devoted themselves to peace. Without doubt I have thought that the Hopi People were taking part in The Longest Walk. However, I have heard a very unexpected report that the Hopi People are not taking part. I was not only surprised but also grieved for The Longest Walk, the whole of the Indian Peoples, as well as for the Hopi People. As a foreigner, I do not know the detailed situation. However, from my sincere desire wishing only to bring The Longest Walk to a success, I hope that the Hopi People will join this great walk. The participation of the Hopi People will be a very significant force for the success of The Longest Walk.

Nichidatsu Fujii
Japanese Buddhist Monk


June 15, 1978

Letter Addressed to Mr. Dennis Banks

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

To the Most Respectable
Mr. Dennis Banks

I would like to extend to you my gratitude for projecting and leading The Longest Walk. Moreover, I was presented a precious peace pipe and a leather pouch to contain it. I am very honored. At the same time I would like to extend my appreciation for your presentation, in addition to your presence at the reception held by the San Francisco Temple on June 11, 1978.

I am fervently praying that this great walk will achieve great success. The Japanese youth both male and female alike are taking part in this great walk forsaking their flesh and life in order to bring success to this great walk.

I believe that this great walk is a very good opportunity to unite all tribes of the Indian People, overcoming small discrepancies. Even we Japanese, with foreign nationality, are intending to unite as one with the Indian people through this great walk. However, I was surprised to hear that the Hopi People who created a peaceful history and tradition through the most peaceful belief even within the Indian People, are not participating in The Longest Walk. I immediately wrote a letter of recommendation that the Hopi People should join The Longest Walk and dispatched a youth to the Hopi Kikmongwis. I have attached a copy of this letter of recommendation. The lack of participation of the Hopi People has a danger of mistaking the meaning of this great non-violent walk. I believe that the participation of the Hopi People will provide a significant influence to the success of the great walk.

Even if The Longest Walk does not attain the success that is expected; we should consistently adhere only to the path of peace by devising genuine, spiritual, non-violent means. The government of the United States is threatening the whole world by developing the most atrocious and merciless weapons which would reduce the whole of humanity to ashes. The holding of the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament is aimed at eliminating such new weapons.

If the Indian People resort to violence in vain, they will merely become prey to such cruel new weapons. Nothing can be gained by it. Unless the power which surpasses violence, the power which abolishes violence is exerted, humankind will be annihilated. It is not only the Indian People that will be annihilated. This is a spiritual cultivation, a non-violent discipline.

The phenomenon of the survival of humanity to this day is not because humanity adopted violence, but because the power of non-violence controlled violence. Even among birds, beasts, insects and fish, the numbers of those which are violent are gradually declining and those which are non-violent are living everywhere and starting to prosper.

Violence may succeed temporarily, but cannot decisively occupy the throne forever. Even if adherence to non-violence results in bringing an extermination, it is an honorable monumental achievement which will eternally be remembered and revered in the history of humankind.

The age of conflicts and wars has already ended. The dawn of the age of compassion and relief is now about to shed its light. The Indian People must take the lead.

Nichidatsu Fujii
Nipponzan Myohoji Sanshu


(retyped from a separate document:)

Below is transcribed from a recording of the last portion of an address By Dennis Banks on the occasion of the June 11, 1978, Opening Ceremony for Nipponzan Myohoji Temple in San Francisco

-----begin transcription of Dennis Banks' talk:

There is a long walk almost every hundred years or so for Native Americans. Indirectly, they have been forced upon us by non-Indian people. We have felt the abuse in many different ways. They have tried to isolate us. They have tried to isolate the American Indians as a very small group of people in this country -- in the world. And yes, we are a small group of people -- very small in numbers. But we are the landlords of this hemisphere.

We are still the landlords of this country. When the Great Spirit put us upon this earth, he put us here to take care of the western hemisphere and this southern hemisphere of our people. Now, we've tried to take care of this land. We've tried many years, many, many centuries, and we thought we were doing a good job. We've always thought that; we never abused mother earth. We never abused what was before us and even in the stories of our people, the eastern people -- they are the landlords of their country.

They've called us many names during these times but we have survived. We've endured the punishment; we have endured the hard times because basically, you understand, we are the landlords and we have a responsibility to fulfill. We have a very sacred honor to fulfill and that is going to take care of this continent and we will do it; we will do it. We will take care of this. We will take care of our responsibilities because there is a lot of people -- a lot of people -- are beginning to hear us now. A lot more from outside of the United States -- they understand what is going on.

When the Guruji Fujii came to us, I knew then that our mission would not be in vain because people were beginning to listen to us. People outside the United States were hearing us and they have decided to join us. Not that they are joining us in the sense that they are going to get behind Indian causes. They are joining us because it is an effort to save human beings. It is an effort to save the lives of a race of people.

There is a white American saying that the East is east and the West is west and never the 'twain shall meet. And we're here, I suppose, to show evidence that there was no vision in the making of that saying because the East and West have met and we will stay united in our walk. And just as they are walking here for Indian people, we will go to Japan and we will walk for them. Thank you.

I would like to say that from Japan to Washington, D.C., is surely the longest walk and I would like to present Guruji Fujii with our patch that only the walkers, only those people on the walk, will receive. It is a patch called "The Longest Walk".

-----end transcript of Dennis Banks remarks


Hopi Misunderstanding Fruitfully Resolved

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
To The Longest Walk:

Achieving world peace has always been the prime objective of Nipponzan Myohoji (Japan Buddha Sangha). Thus, in many ways we have supported peace efforts around the globe. Many times we have visited and traveled to foreign countries striving for international peace for humankind. We have ourselves conducted various peace walks praying for humankind.

When The Longest Walk was conceived by the Native Americans of the United State striving for survival and peace for their people, I rejoiced considering that this would ultimately lead to an nonviolent peace revolution of the United States, and immediately dispatched disciples and youth to participate in this most important event.

The Longest Walk was considered to promote a golden opportunity to unite all the Indian tribes under one cause, overcoming small discrepancies. Thus, it came as a surprise to learn that the Hopi people were absent from this walk, and rumors even began to circulate that the Hopi's were refusing to support. This caused some grave concern to our people. We believed that to be physically present and walk together was the most important way to express our support.

As a result, I dispatched a letter of recommendation to the Hopi leaders to join the walk, and at the same time a letter to Mr. Dennis Banks, coordinator for The Longest Walk, in order to seek a solution to this question. Mr. Thomas Banyacya, the Hopi elder, and Mr. Dennis Banks kindly spared their precious time and visited me at Harbin Hotsprings, California, and this question was discussed from June 20 to 21, 1978.

The results of this meeting and an explanation by Mr. Thomas Banyacya have relieved my grief and instead I have been informed that the Hopi people are in full support of The Longest Walk. I understood that Mr. Banyacya himself has participated on the walk and that the Hopi council has by resolution offered prayers and support to The Longest Walk. Mr. Banyacya has explained further that many times the Hopi's agreed to support a project by offering prayers and asking the Great Spirit to guide the people. This has been their ancestral way of helping others -- through prayer.

I have asked that this misinformation of the non-support be cleared up immediately by the dissemination of this follow-up notice to both Mr. Banks and Mr. Banyacya. However, I gratefully note here that this misinformation has provided us an opportunity to meet again and to have a very fruitful discussion bringing us more closely together.

Nichidatsu Fujii
Nipponzan Myohoji


Longest Walk General Meeting

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

After a long long walk, the walkers have finally arrived here. You will again start walking heading towards Washington D.C. During the past 200 years, your ancestors have walked from east to west. However, it was a trail of tears. It was a trail of death. This time a great walk from the west has at last been initiated. This is a walk of peace. This is a walk of justice. This walk will step out a just and peaceful path for the world, for humankind, and to a smaller extent for the United States of America.

The Longest Walk did not receive much publicity or coverage here in the United States. However, it has crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached Japan. The Japanese youth decided that they must support this action, this walk, and are holding a great gathering. An Indian youth with the message of Mr. Dennis Banks has visited Japan to attend this meeting. Most major newspapers and mass media surrounded the Indian representative to cover the story of The Longest Walk and to convey it to Japan.

A moral act, a spiritual activity, and an action of non-violence seems as if it is an isolated effort. However, it can be understood and shared throughout the world. The Longest Walk is not a walk only for Indian peoples, but will be the beginnings of a walk for the sake of constructing world peace by the awakened people of the globe. Please continue walking believing that this is not a walk only for the Indian peoples but a great walk for constructing world peace for all of humankind.

I have heard rumors that from here to Washington D.C., some of the people will run, and some will remain. But in order that every single walker may reach Washington D.C., I would like to extend my cooperation to the best of my ability. I would like to make this offering to the leaders of The Longest Walk.

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

21st Century Nuclear Peace Prophecy:
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo, explained by Fujii Guruji;
On One Evening with Hopi Grandfather David Monongye

"The movement against nuclear weapons that arose in the United States will not be contained. It is the government which will be forced to convert the policies. Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo is a sutra that prophesizes this."

Complete text of the address comparing religious prophecies by the Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii, on the Occasion of an Evening with Grandfather David Monongye, Elder of the Hopi Nation, "Nichidatsu Fujii on 21st Century Nuclear Peace Prophecy - Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo - to Hopi Grandfather David Monongye".

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