----flyer text, retyped from original
Workshop @ U.C.S.B.:
Saturday February 21, 1987 @ 3:30 P.M.
Buchanan 1940 "Revolutionary Energy Technologies"
Presentation of new discoveries to eliminate
nuclear and fossil fuel power entirely and thereby
stop pollution, and end the problem at Big Mountain,
AZ, which is rooted in the pressure to mine more
coal and uranium.
Jeffrey Harris will present the work of Joseph Newman
from Lucedale, Mississippi, who is being supported by
a dozen Congresspeople to overcome the U.S. Patent
Office's present violation of the court order to give
him a patent on his fuel-less electric generator.
Also will be discussed the work of Santa Barbara
scientist Bruce DePalma whose "n-Machine" is being
covertly deployed as a power source for the anti-satellite
"rail gun" and the star wars laser, while both U.C.S.B.'s
Institute for Theoretical Physics and its Physics Department
continue to stonewall the public discussion of his discoveries
which invalidate most of modern physics and which make
absurd the 5.5 billion dollar superconducting supercollider
proposed by Mr. Reagan.
David Crockett Williams jr, C.L.U., B.S. February 19, 1987
D. C. Williams, Candidate for US President 1988