The Revolution of 1984 Schedule
Rainbow Peace Movement

This is the retyped text of a double-sided legal sized flyer:

The Revolution of 1984 ------- Rainbow Peace Movement

A non-violent spiritual and scientific revolution of thought for the direct cause of true peace, harmony among all life and free natural abundance as paradise on earth. The rainbow peace movement (based on the declaration at Oraibi of July 4, 1974) empowers understanding of Tetron by fulfillment of religious prophecies.

The Summer of '84 --- this is the summer we have all been waiting for --- Main Event to Bring Human Thinking into Harmony with Nature

The Tetron Thesis

The new knowledge of the Tetron thesis empowers a new era in science -- ending the atomic age and beginning the Tetronic Age of thought and technology in harmony with natural law.

[Tetron Symbol} is the symbol for an idea called Tetron which can be described as the human mind's consciousness orientation function of light. Tetron is defined mathematically (in the second of the four equations of the Tetron thesis, ie, Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory) as the correction factor to remedy the existing compromise in science about the true nature of light.

The tetron thesis shows that tetron is also the functional relationship of consciousness between observer and observed. The conclusion of the tetron thesis is the absolute identity of observer and observed.

The tetron function is also applicable to a correction of understanding about the influence of rotation on physical properties which has led to the discovery of the "clear power" technologies to replace all presently known energy technologies with control of the gravity-inertia-electricity-magnetism/consciousness interconnection for the production of electricity and magnetic hovercraft.

The mind/body relationship understood tetronically means acceleration of self healing techniques and technologies for the maximization of human physical and mental capabilities.

The Peace Pole

The ceremonial object of The Revolution of '84 is the peace pole, a symbol of humanity's deep hope for true peace. This peace pole was made on the eve of the 1980 presidential elections from a downed tree in the forest of Greenbelt Park near Camp David in Maryland. This peace pole was introduced across from the White House at the ceremony ending The Long Walk for Survival and kept there in Lafayette Park for an 11 day prayer vigil during President Reagan's election. The original goal of this peace pole was to be installed in the lawn of the White House for a peace prayer circle ceremony with the president of the United States. Since 1980 this peace pole has been at many gatherings as the ceremonial symbol for the direct cause of true world peace.

The Rainbow Gatherings

This year the 13th annual Rainbow Family Gathering will be attended by tens of thousands of people in northern California as a wilderness peace party encampment with its traditional centering of one hour of silent prayer for world peace at noon on the fourth of July. This year the peace pole ceremony will be conducted on July 3.

These gatherings are an example of how so many people of different ways of thinking can live as representatives of the one human family empowered by the love of the truth. Many people feel that these gatherings are the fulfillment of religious prophecies about the gathering of the tribes of True Israel. Native American religious leaders have recognized in the rainbow gatherings a fulfillment of their religious prophecies about the coming of paradise on earth. The evolvement of the Rainbow Peace Movement, and the events surrounding the evolvement of the Tetron Thesis and its author have been recognized as the fulfillment of ancient Hopi prophecies.

The Author

A familiar and controversial figure in the grassroots American Peace Movement, David Crockett Williams, Jr. professes an understanding of the definitional, relative, and absolute character of physical reality, and the mind connection thereto, gained on a spiritual path of scientific research after completion of a bachelor's degree in chemistry and a brief career in business and finance as a Chartered Life Underwriter. This research path led to completion of the tetron thesis from 1974-77 and subsequent association with key figures in the impending "clear power conscience" worldwide scientific revolution. Understanding gained has led to the putting forth of several keystone ideas:

1) The Memorial Peace Commission -- dedicated to the memory of all those who have died before us -- for the cause of paradise on earth;

2) Blitzfrieden -- The "Lightning Peace" Drive -- a crash program for general public awareness of the direct cause of true peace: from Memorial Day 1983 to election day 1984;

3) The Peace March -- a worldwide network of long distance peace walks featuring staging encampments en route as the format for a popular television series;

4) Matter Electric Company -- to execute the development, manufacture, distribution, and worldwide standardization of the new tetronic age "clear power" technologies to replace nuclear and fossil fuel power as well as all presently known "alternative" energy sources;

5) General Agency Services -- general personal and financial agency services to maximize human capabilities;

6) Torak -- clairaudiently perceived sound of the name of the "future signal guide-beam" program for paradise on earth;

7) Toraki -- Those who have clairaudiently received sound of the name of Torak and have made the ceremonial permanent commitment of identity through Torak to the idea that all living things are related as "our family of life";

8) Torakum -- personally "channeled" word for the cause of paradise on earth, means "the law stands up" in Hebrew language;

9) Torakhome -- constructed word to represent the idea of the one home in the heart/mind;

10) The Kingdom of Jerusalem Israel -- through correct understanding, uniting the three faiths of Jerusalem with all other faiths in the one truth of true one natural law, thereby bringing all people into True Israel by teaching individual commitment to bringing the human mind into harmony with the one law. As this is accomplished, there will occur the physical and bodily return of the same genetically coded human being form of Jesus Christ to present time existence on planet Earth;

11) Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo -- "for paradise on earth, just venerate the natural law," a word of prayer to bring the mind of humankind into harmony with natural law. Combined with the hand drum, this practice has been recognized as fulfillment of the Hopi prophecy of the helper with the sign of the sun with whom all will "join and come as one" to bring purification necessary to cause paradise on earth.

Current 1984 Schedule as of June 12, 1984 The Revolution of '84

June 23-24 near Santa Barbara in Isla Vista's Anisqoyo Park, the "Peace Pole Vigil" and final preparations for the June 26 Peace Pole Caravan to the

July 1-7 Rainbow Family Gathering -- California near Mt. Shasta

July 3 -- Peace Pole Ceremony establishes council site* of Revolution '84

July 4 -- One hour of silence for world peace

* July 5 -- Council of Elders

* July 6 -- World Peace Ceremony and Council

July 7 -- Council for "where is the next gathering"

* July 8 -- Peace March Council

July 11-19 Peace March to the Olympics from Isla Vista to Los Angeles

July 11 -- Peace Pole Ceremony, Isla Vista

July 20 -- Peace Pole Ceremony, Los Angeles

September - The long awaited and prophesied gathering at the four corners area convened by the Hopi Elders. Peace Pole Ceremony.

September or October -- The prophesied fourth attempt by the Hopi Elders to deliver their message of peace to the United Nations in New York

October 24 - November 11 -- Washington, D.C. encampment at Greenbelt Park for the conclusion of two cross country peace marches from California and the offering of the Peace Pole Ceremony for The White House

November 23 -- Offering of the Peace Pole Ceremony in India on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of the avatar Sathya Sai Baba.

Christmas -- Offering of the Peace Pole Ceremony in Jerusalem

New Year's -- Offering the Peace Pole Ceremony in Moscow, Soviet Union

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